BIEN 2021 Congress: Call for papers

The local organising committee for the 2021 Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress in Glasgow are very excited to announce our call for papers for this virtual, online event.

We are inviting you to submit papers and pitches for talks, workshops and other activities that should be represented online at the 22nd BIEN Congress. To submit yours please follow this link.

The theme for the Congress is ‘Idea to Reality’. We want to consider how we take basic income from a big idea for big change to a reality.

The Congress will be hosted digitally only from Thursday 18th – Saturday 21st August 2021. Exact details are to be confirmed but this will be a programme packed with perspectives on basic income in Scotland, the wider UK and around the world.

We will present insights into the status of basic income in Scotland, including: the feasibility study into a Scottish BI experiment, political attitudes and work on basic income, civil society perspectives, creative and cultural demonstrations that represent the Scottish debate.

We welcome your contribution to the Congress. To submit your proposal for consideration please complete this proposal form before the deadline Friday 12 March 2021.

We will be encouraging presenters to submit their papers before the Congress so that they are available for all participants, as attendance will be online only. The changed circumstances of this Congress mean that access to papers and presentations in advance will be more important and inclusive for all. Having these available online will also facilitate feedback and review by a wider range of participants and so improve the potential submission to Basic Income Studies and other outlets. We would welcome the presentations by 6th August 2021.

Publication opportunities:
Papers presented at the BIEN congress will go into the pool of papers to be submitted for the Basic Income Studies prize winning essay of 2021, if submitted by October 1st – the annual deadline for the BIS Prize entry.

To be considered for the BIS prize, papers would have to be of the standard scholarly format and length of academic paper journal submissions. The editors of Basic Income Studies also encourage submissions of congress papers of a suitable format to the regular review process. Papers entered this way will also be considered for the prize’.

The prize is normally judged by a committee of the editors and two additional appointed judges. For the detail of the prize, please see:

(From Mike Danson, Chair BIEN 2021 Congress Organising Committee)

BIEN Congress 2021

BIEN Congress 2021

The 20th Basic Income Earth Network Congress will be hosted online from Wednesday 18 – Saturday 21 August 2021. The theme for the Congress is Idea to Reality. We want to consider how we take Basic Income from a big idea for big change to a reality. All are welcome to join us in discussion at this exciting time for the Basic Income Movement.

The conference will be hosted on Whova, a specialist online conference platform. You’ll be able to view the programme and pick which sessions to attend,  securely view all the presentations on the platform, as well as take part in discussions and message boards and re-watch anything you might have missed for up to 6 months afterwards.

Basic Income Network Scotland, in partnership with the University of Strathclyde, are excited to be putting together a programme packed with perspectives on Basic Income in Scotland, the wider UK and around the world. We will present insights into the status of Basic Income in Scotland, including: the feasibility study into a Scottish Basic Income experiment, political attitudes and work on Basic Income, civil society perspectives, and creative and cultural demonstrations that represent the Scottish debate.

More about the Programme

The programme will be a dynamic mix of academic paper presentations, workshops, and special events showcasing the work of artists and Basic Income activists across the world. There will be strands focussing on Scotland; Canada; funding Basic Income; Basic Income and Health; Basic Income and the environment; the Philosophy of UBI, and more. Across four days we’re looking forward to welcoming nearly 200 speakers to share their work.

Our highlights include:

  • Annie Miller, co-founder of Basic Income Network Scotland, will be presenting at the Congress. Economist, academic, lecturer, Basic Income advocate and author, Annie has written several important books on Basic Income: A Basic Income Handbook (2017), A Basic Income Pocketbook (2020) and Essentials of Basic Income (2020).
  • You’ll also get the chance to hear from Guy Standing, another exciting author who’s made important contributions to literature on Basic Income, including his book Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public Wealth – which Brian Eno called ‘one of the most important books I’ve read in years’!
  • Representatives from Scotland’s Basic Income feasibility study;
  • Hearing from Scottish Universities Insight Institute project about Basic Income and Mental Health, Peace of Mind;
  • Representation from the United Nations Development Programme

Follow Citizen’s Basic Income Network Scotland on twitter and facebook and on its blog for more information about the programme.

Support the Congress

Basic Income Network Scotland welcome donations to support their volunteer-led work on the Congress.

This will be the first time the Congress has taken place online and we’re happy that this means more people than ever will be able to attend. However there are still costs we need to cover – running an online conference has unique demands and requires just as much in terms of resources as an in-person conference! We’ll be providing moderation, technical support and any other required assistance to speakers and attendees throughout. The costs we need to cover include volunteers’ expenses and fees for software and web hosting.

Online conferences of a similar scale usually cost between £50 and £200 to attend. With the programme we’ve got lined up – four days of paper sessions, workshops and special events, hearing from leading thinkers on UBI, we think our suggested contributions are great value for money!

We’re asking all attendees to donate some of what you would have spent on attendance, travel and accommodation to support Basic Income Network Scotland, a volunteer-led organisation educating and advocating for Basic Income in Scotland and your local hosts for this edition of the BIEN Congress.

We’re asking for the following contributions, depending on your situation: 

  • Individual/self-funded – £5-£10
  • Professional, attending one day only – £30
  • Professional, attending whole Congress – £50
  • Attending on behalf of an organisation who are supporting you to attend – £100

But of course, if you want to donate more, you’re welcome to!

Volunteer at the Congress

We’re looking for volunteers to support and shape the delivery of this year’s BIEN Congress. This opportunity provides you with an instrumental role in hosting Basic Income experts and a conference of people from around the world determined to take Basic Income from idea to reality.

For obvious reasons the Congress this year will be online, but we’re determined to use this as an opportunity to increase the accessibility and diversity of attendees, infusing a traditional international academic conference with fresh ideas. The virtual platform will be used to create a dynamic and interactive community reflective of the Basic Income movement in Scotland.

A history of Basic Income

Just before the congress begins a new comprehensive history of Basic Income will be published. Further details can be found here. In connection the congress, the publisher is giving a 50% discount on the hardback price until the end of August. Details can be found here.

Congress papers

BIEN 2022, Brisbane

Maria Ozanira da Silva e SilvaTHE “BOLSA FAMÍLIA” PROGRAM AND THE “AUXÍLIO BRASIL” PROGRAM: advances and setbacks in the construction of a Basic Income in Brazil
Fernando FreitasCash transfer with social currency in Brazilian Cities: poverty relief or guaranteed income?
Michael W. HowardBasic income, climate change, and the future of work
Peter T. KnightWhy We are Moving Toward a Federal Universal Basic Income in the United States
Milena KowalskaImpact of unconditional basic income on the individual socio-economic situation of women in Poland
Steven McAteeFunding Basic Income
Iain B MiddletonRealising a Basic Income
Anne MillerThe Definition of Basic Income and Uniformity
Mark O’LearyA Politically Achievable pathway to a Basic Income in Australia
Alina PlitmanCreate vs. Toil: A New Concept of Work
Enno SchmidtGötz Werner Tribute Panel
Jane ScottUBI presentation
Alejandro SewrjuginPhiEconomy’s response to the health, ecological & social crises
leveraging together exponential technologies & the minimum expected income as a balancer for global equality
Dr Jan StroekenBasic income: from redistribution ideology to work as life fulfilment and socio-cultural revolution, and what this means for the implementation strategy
Malcolm TorryA research agenda for Basic Income
Sam Whiting
Creative People, Products and Places (CP3) Research Centre, UniSA Creative, University of South Australia

BIEN 2021, Glasgow

Videos of all plenary sessions are available on youtube. Abstracts of all the concurrent sessions will be published as soon as available. 

BIEN 2019, Hyderabad

Videos of all the plenary sessions are available on youtube. Abstracts of all the concurrent sessions are available here. Full papers and slides of some presentations are available below. 

Joffre BalceFrom Austerity to Prosperity: How Dealing with a Meltdown Can Lead to a Universal Basic Outcome
Diana BashurThe Applicability of Universal Basic Income in Post-Conflict Scenarios: The Syria Case
Sanishtha Bhatia and Tanya RanaImpact of human behaviour on the perception of the government’s Universal Basic Income (UBI) scheme
Peter BrakeImplementation of a Universal Basic Income
Chloe HalpennyA “State” of Possibility? Reconfiguring basic income’s feminist potential through the lens of the state
Michael W. HowardThe Atmospheric Commons and Carbon Dividends: Implications for global and national basic income policies
Aleeza HowittRoadmap to a Government-Independent Basic Income (UBI) Digital Currency
Kristiina HyryläinenFrom Negative Human Concept to Newtural Human Concept
Valerija KorošecUnconditional Basic Individual Universal Child Grant for Belgium following the Slovenian approach
Julio Linares and Gabriela CabañaTowards an ecology of care: Basic Income after the nation-state
Shobana NelascoGrowth versus Development in the light of Universal Basic Income – A focus on India Case
Michael PughCommunity Organising & Basic Income: Reflections from North America
Malcolm TorryResearch and education in the Basic Income debate
Wu GaohuiFrom Technology to Anti-technology: How does Technical Governance Transform the Local Cadre Behaviors in China’s Rural Anti-poverty?

BIEN 2018, Tampere

Papers and presentations from the 2018 BIEN Congress in Tampere, Finland are available below.

Videos of the plenary sessions are viewable on YouTube.

Jan Otto AnderssonFrom Citizen Wage to Basic Income: The Nordic Experience
Jan Otto AnderssonThe global ethical trilemma and basic income
Marc de BasquiatA Universal Basic Income for Social Inclusion
André CoelhoUniversal Basic Income Funded by the People
Odra Delgado and Gerardo VelasquezUniversal Basic Income in the Mexican labour market: Financial sustainability in the context of flexibility, high informality and low-income tax
Anna DentFrom Utopia to Implementation: How Basic Income has progressed from radical idea to legitimate policy solution (presentation)
Bettina DuerrBasic Income Experiments: A Political Feasibility Analysis
Guido Erreygers and John CunliffeWas Basic Income Invented in Belgium in 1848? Exploring the Origins and Continuing Relevance of a Simple Idea 
Fernando FreitasBasic Income in Brazil: Analysis of arguments advocated by Brazilian publications (1975-2017)
Yannick FischerBasic Income, Labour Automation and Migration – An Approach from a Republican Perspective
Susanna Groves and John MacNeilEconomic and Policy Impact Statement – Approaches and Strategies for Providing a Minimum Income in the District of Columbia (presentation)
Dirk von HeinrichshorstHorizon – United Basic Income (white paper) (presentation)
Pertti HonkanenSimulations for Basic Income Experiment in Finland
Michael HowardCosmopolitanism and an ecological basic income
Karen JoostePower, Poverty and Socio-Economic Policy in South Africa
Shari LaliberteYoung people’s perspectives on the meaning and determinants of mental health: Implications for developing & evaluating guaranteed income and inter-sectoral policies
Elina LepomäkiThe Life Account
Mark Lindley and Karan KumarUniversal Basic Income and Ecological Economics
José A. NogueraWhat is the ‘Net Cost’ of a Basic Income? Some Conceptual Problems
Michael OpielkaBasic Income and Guarantism: Why a Basic Income favors the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Social Sustainability
Andrew PercySocial prosperity for the future: A proposal for Universal Basic Services
Carmen García PérezDoes the Right to Basic Income Already Exist? An Overview of the European and Spanish Legal Framework
Bill RaleyThe Citizen’s Dividend (presentation)
Thiago RochaThe Citizen’s Basic Income as a Fundamental Right in the Brazilian Legal System
Charles SampfordPaying for Basic Income: a ‘virtuous’ problem
Scott SantensSocial Media Workshop for Basic Income Advocates
Sabine StadlerThe means tested basic income in Austria, a new right in power
Eugen TornquistBasic Income and the Welfare State
Malcolm TorryBasic Income and Basic Income schemes: definitions and details
Jens WamslerModels for introducing basic income in Denmark (presentation)
Andrew WhiteThe rise of the superstar (digital) economy and the case for a universal basic income (paper)
Karl WiderquistThe Devil’s in the Caveats: A Brief Discussion of the Difficulties of Basic Income Experiments
Gunmin YiHow can basic income activate and encourage labor-managed firms? A two-track strategy for economic democracy

BIEN 2017, Lisbon

Elena Ambuhl, Nicole Teke and Aurélie Hampel (France)Considering basic income through the lens of agriculture: an innovative food policy measure to support fairer and more sustainable food systems
Julio Andrade (South Africa)Implementing a basic income: An income stream through a reconceptualization of data
Helen BlakemanUtopia of the Zero Hour Contract
Eugenio R.Borrallo (Spain)Basic income as a tool to dignify the work of landless peasants
Peter Brake (New Zealand)Implementation of Basic Income
Geoff Crocker (UK)Overcoming the Objection of Affordability of Basic Income – A Radical View
Alexander de Roo (Netherlands)Campaign to get basic income in the Dutch government program
Pablo Fernández del CastilloBasic Income in complementary currency: Thinking outside the box
Andrea Fumagalli (Italy)The correct definition of basic income as primary income: remuneration of life in bio-cognitive capitalism
Katarzyna Gajewska (France)The Future of Work in a Basic Income and Post-Employment System: The Scenario of Peer Production
Karen Glass (Canada)Finding a Better Way: A Basic Income Pilot Project for Ontario
Troy Henderson (Australia)Options for a Basic Income in Australia
Neil Howard (Belgium)Basic Income and the Contemporary Anti-Slavery Movement
Michael W. Howard (USA)Basic Income and Degrowth
Lynn Johnson and Peter Lanius (Australia)Can a Basic Income Stop The Illegal Wildlife Trade?
Jaeseop Kim (South Korea)Basic income pilot project by Korean youth : imagine another world
Marcelo LessaUm passo à frente: Ferramenta econômica acelerando a transformação social
Lowell Manning (New Zealand)Strategies of Communication in the Implementation of Basic Income in New Zealand and its Relationship with the Existing Income Support Structure
Jean-Philippe MartinMitigating technological unemployment through shared work
Bastiaan MeindersBasic Income and the Epistemic Problem of Happiness
Sandra MillerSolving Basic Income’s Most Intractable Problem of Secure Distribution
Annie Miller (UK)A New Poverty Benchmark For Basic Income Schemes
Tadashi Okanouchi (Tokyo)Global Basic Income or Human Heritage Dividend
Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva (Brazil) and Valéria Ferreira Santos de Almada Lima (Brazil)The Political and Economic Conjuncture in Brazil Post Lula’s and Dilma’s Governments: a step back in the direction of implantation of a Basic Income in Brazil
Bonno Pel (Belgium) and Julia Backhaus (Maastricht University)Realizing Basic Income: shifting claims to expertise in Basic Income advocacy
Lisa Perrone (Australia), Margaret H. Vickers (Australia) and Debra Jackson (UK)Introducing Financial Freedom: What It Can Teach Us about Basic Income
Ville-Veikko Pulkka (Finland)A Free Lunch with Robots – Can a Basic Income Stabilise the Digital Economy?
Marcela Ribeiro de Albuquerque (Brazil), Rogério Mendonça Martins (Brazil)PolíticaLeen_Scholiers_SMart_a_cooperative_for_freelancerss Governamentais de Inclusão Produtiva para a Redução da Pobreza no Brasil
Sonja ScherndlArticle 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Universal Basic Income
Leen ScholiersThe Future of Work and Technological Unemployment
Charles SheredaThe Modern Talent: An Earth-Backed Democratic Digital Currency System
Thaís Amanda Silvestre (Brazil), Carla Maria Freres Stipp (Brazil), e Marcela Ribeiro de Albuquerque (Brazil)Aspectos do Processo de Terceirização no Direito Trabalhista Brasileiro: Precarização de Direitos Fundamentais
Eduardo Suplicy (Brazil)Lectures to the XVII International Conference of the Basic Income Earth Network in Lisbon
Cristian Tod (Austria)Free Lunch Society
John Tomlinson (Australia)When will the BIG wheel turn? Basic Income in Australia
Malcolm Torry (UK)What’s a Definition? And how should we define ‘Basic Income’?
Anikó Vida (Hungary)With or Without Work? The dilemmas surrounding basic income from the perspective of full citizenship
Gunmin Yi (South Korea)The Effects of Basic Income on Labour Supply

This table contains the papers uploaded to the congress website prior to the congress. If other authors submit their papers then they will be added to this list.

Videos are available of many of the congress sessions. Click here to see them.

BIEN 2016, Seoul

The Proceedings of the 2016 congress are contained in a single document, in which can be found plenary session addresses and parallel session papers. Click here to download the document.

BIEN 2014, Montréal

Timothy Roscoe CarterThe One Minute Case for a Basic Income
Malcolm TorryA Basic Income is feasible: but what do we mean by ‘feasible’?
Sarah M. Mah, Yuly ChanGuaranteed Livable Income as the way forward to Abolishing Prostitution
Doctress NeutopiaUniversal Income, Women’s Liberation, and Neutopian Thoughts
Edward James MillerDemand Side Economics And Its Consequence- The National Dividend
Emanuele MurraLimiting Economical Instrumental Action: Basic Income in Habermasian Perspective
Nam Hoon KangBasic Income for Precarious Workers in Korea
Katarzyna GajewskaHow Basic Income Will Transform Active Citizenship? A Scenario of Political Participation beyond Delegation
Sheila RegehrBasic Income and Gender Equality: Reflections on the Potential for Good Policy in Canada
John TomlinsonReal freedom for the filthy rich – precariousness for the rest of us: Why we must fight for a Basic Income
Robert W. Glover, Michael W. HowardA Carrot, Not a Stick: Examining the Potential Role of Basic Income in US Immigration Policy
Maria Ozanira da Silva e SilvaThe Conditionalities Of The Bolsa Família: Its Conservative Face And Limitations To Implement The Citizenship Basic Income In Brazil
Charla VallBuilding On The Basics: Impact And Insights From The Basic Needs Fund

BIEN 2012, Munich

Herbert WilkensBasic Income and Minimum Wages – Temporary or Permanent Complements?
Luis Henrique PaivaThe Bolsa Familia Programme and Basic Income
Ulrich SchachtschneiderEcological basic income: an entry is possible
Joerg DrescherArguing for Basic Income from a Jurisprudential Perspective
Giovanni PerazzoliWhat are the arguments in favor of the Basic Income? Let’s talk about Italy
Philippe van ParijsPersonal reflections on the 14th congress of the Basic Income Earth Network
Baptiste MylondoCan basic income lead to economic degrowth ?
Wolfgang MüllerThe Potential of an Unconditional Basic Income within Social Security Systems in Europe
Gwang-Eun ChoiBasic Income and Deepening Democracy
Jan Otto AnderssonDegrowth with basic income – the radical combination
Tomohiro InoueEconomic Sustainability of Basic Income Under a Citizen-centered Monetary Regime
Bruno Andrioli GalvãoThe good intention and the hard truth of basic income in Brazil
Myron J. FrankmanUniversalizing the Universal Declaration (of Human Rights)
Erik ChristensenA basic income reform as part of the abolition of economic privileges and the creation of a sustainable society
Eduardo Matarazzo SuplicyHow and when will the Brazilian Law that institutes a Citizen’s Basic Income really be fully implemented?
Maria Ozanira da Silva e SilvaThe bolsa família and social protection in brazil: problematizing the conditionalities as limits for the implementation of the citizens’ basic income
Claudia & Dirk HaarmannPiloting Basic Income in Namibia – Critical reflections on the process and possible lessons
Ugo ColombinoDesigning a universal income support mechanism for Italy. An exploratory tour
Leonardo Fernando Cruz BassoSaving the euro: creating social regional currencies, taxes on financial transactions, and minimum income programs
Hayato KobayashiThe Future ofPublic Assistance Reform in Japan:Workfare vs. Basic Income?
Michael W. HowardBasic income, resource taxation, and inequality: Egalitarian reservations about tax shifting
Jens-Eberhard JahnA Basic Income for Rural Areas? A proposal for a strategic realignment of agricultural, social and structure policy within the EU
Malcolm TorryThe political feasibility of a Citizen’s Income in the UK
Richard ParncuttUniversal basic income and flat income tax: Tax justice, incentive, economic democracy
Ronald BlaschkeOpportunities and Risks on the Way to a Basic Income in Germany – a political assessment
Toru YamamoriThe 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Basic Income
Reima LaunonenBasic
Johanna PerkiöThe Struggle over Interpretation: Basic Income in the Finnish Public Discussion in 2006-2012
Mikko Jakonen, Jukka Peltokoski, Tero ToivanenOccupy Life! Precarity and Basic Income
Mingull JeungEcological Expansion of Basic Income: Beyond Capitalism
Sascha LiebermannFar, though close : Problems and Prospects of Basic Income in Germany
Erik ChristensenBasic income – A transcultural perspective
Kaori KatadaBasic Income and Feminism: in terms of “the gender division of labor”
Hiroya HiranoThe Potential of introducing Basic Income for the“New Public Commons”in Japan: A Road to Associational Welfare State?
Stanislas JourdanA monetary approach towards an unconditional basic income in Greece
Micheál CollinsEstimating the Cost of a Basic Income for Ireland
Marcia Ribeiro de AlbuquerqueIncome Transfers Policies In Brazil Facing To Recent Global Economic Crisis
Karl Widerquist & Michael HowardAlaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend: Examining Its Suitability as a Model
Nam Hoon KangThe Necessity And Effects Of Ecological Basic Income In Korea
Wouter van GinnekenPoverty, Human Rights And Income Security In Europe
José Luis Rey PérezBasic Income In The Discussion About Human Rights: Right Or Guarantee?
Valerija KorošecBasic Income Proposal in Slovenia
Kelly ErnstThe Basics of an Economic Rights Movement: APublic Economy
Javier Alonso MadrigalBasic Income and the Constitutional Principles of Fiscal Justice
Tadashi OkanouchiTowards Abolition of Wage-Slavery;Perspective to a Non-Violent World Revolution for the Guaranteed Global Basic Income Society, Launching from Elimination of Hunger and Poverty
Vivan StorlundBasic income and the value of work
Rosangela Lodigiani and Egidio RivaCapability Income: A policy proposal in the fight against poverty and social exclusion
Joonas LeppänenBasic Income as Participatory Parity
Anne B Ryan & John BakeReflections on Developing a National Campaign for Basic Income in Ireland
Marina P. Nobrega, Tereza Nakagawa, Francisco G. Nobrega, Eduardo M. SuplicyA Feasible Path to Basic Income in Brazil
Anne MillerA rule-of-thumb Basic Income model for the UK, with and without an earnings/income disregard.
Hamid TabatabaiFrom Price Subsidies to Basic Income: The Iran Model and its Lessons
Valerie TimmUnconditional basic Income – A call for a human right ?
Leon SegersBasic Income & perverted global labour market
Pertti Honkanen & Jouko KajanojaSteps towards Basic Income – Case of Finland
Seán Healy, Michelle Murphy, Seán Ward and Brigid ReynoldsBasic Income – Why and How in Difficult Economic Times: Financing a BI in Ireland
B. Michael Gilroy, Mark Schopf, Anastasia SemenovaBasic Income and Labor Supply: The German Case
Andrea Fumagalli, Cristina MoriniThe Precarity-Trap and Basic Income: the Labour Market in Cognitive Bio-capitalism. The Italian Case
Roisin MulliganUniversal Basic Income and Recognition Theory
Marguit Neumann Gonçalves, Marcela Ribeiro de Albuquerque, Rosalina Lima IzepãoIncubation Of Solidarity Economic Enterprises: The Experiences Of The Incubator Unitrabalho-Universidade Estadual De Maringá-Uemin Paraná State-Brazil
Borja BarraguéThe feasibility of extending the safety net in times of crisis: A view from Spain
Juergen GreinerThe Evolutionary Dimension of Basic Income and its Integration in Society
Nyc LabretšThe Future of Workplace Automation Has Already Arrived

BIEN2010, São Paulo

Borja Barragué 
Michèle Billoré 
Gianluca Busilacchi 

BIEN 2008, Dublin

Borja BarraguéPigovian Taxes, Cap-and-Trade System, or Environmental Adders? A Green Financial Model for a Basic Income
Michèle BilloréNoospheric Ethical/Ecological Constitution for Mankind
Document 1
/ Document 2
Gianluca BusilacchiThe different regimes of minimum income policies in the enlarged Europe
Richard CaputoThe Way Forward – the political dimension
Erik ChristensenA Global Ecological Argument for a Basic Income
William CleggBasic Income-Greater Freedom of Choice Through Greater Economic Security of the Person in a Globalized Economy
Jörg DrescherEconomic view of model proposals for funding a basic income on the basis of the value creation of goods and services
Julieta ElgarteBasic income and the gendered division of labour
Pat EvansChallenging Income (In)security: Women and Precarious Employment
Myron J. FrankmanJustice, Sustainability and Progressive Taxation and Redistribution: The Case for a World-Wide Basic Income
Manuel FranzmannAn Unconditional Basic Income from the Perspective of the Sociology of Religion
Andrea Fumagalli and Stefano LucarelliBasic Income and Counter-power in Cognitive Capitalism
Anca GheausBasic Income, Gender Justice and the Costs of Gender-symmetrical Lifestyles
Áine Uí GhiollagáinBasic income and caring: Why aren’t all caregivers interested in basic income?
Johannes HanelBasic Income and Social Justice
Michael W. HowardCosmopolitanism, Trade, and Global (or Regional) Transfers
Markku IkkalaBasic Income Discussion in Finland
Bill JordanBasic Income and Social Value
Celia Kerstenetzky and Gary DymskiGlobal Basic Income and Financial Globalisation
Celia Kerstenetzky and Lionello PunzoSustainable tourism: basic income for poor communities
Katja KippingMoving to Basic Income – A left-wing political perspective
Richard LawsonIntroducing Basic Income by the Back Door in a Recession
Sascha LiebermannThe German experience of bringing Basic Income into the National Debate
Rubén M. Lo VuoloLabour markets informality and welfare regimes in Latin America. Why Basic Income is better
John MacnicolThe politics of non-contributory pensions
Francisco Javier Alonso Madrigal and José Luis Rey PérezWhat Type of Taxes Demands Basic Income?
Francisco Jose Martinez MartinezDebate on Basic Income in the Spanish Parliament
Gösta MelanderHow a basic income may be achieved politically
Marc MeurisA Basic Income Allowance as a solution for the social unification of the EU
Heiner MichelIs a Global Basic Income a Remedy for Poverty?
Annie MillerDesigning and Costing Simple Basic Income Schemes
James MulvaleThe Debate on Basic Income / Guaranteed Adequate Income in Canada: Perils and Possibilities
Mary Murphy and Orla O’ConnorIs basic income the answer to the feminist demand to individualise Irish social security?
Maria OleynikBasic Income in a Changing Ireland
Ian Gareth OrtonEliminating Child Labour: The Promise of Unconditional Cash Transfers
Ian Gareth OrtonWhy we Ought to Listen to Zygmunt Bauman
Carole PatemanDemocracy, Human Rights and a Basic Income in a Global Era
Eric PatryThe Basic Income Debate in Switzerland: Experiences and Perspectives
Sergio Luiz de Moraes PintoBasic Income and Stakeholder Grants: Jointly Breaking the Long History of Endemic Poverty and Economic Inequality in Brazil
Hugh D. SegalMoving to Basic Income – A Right-Wing Political Perspective
Steven ShafarmanBasic Income and the 2008 Campaign in the United States
Al SheahenThe Rise and Fall of a Basic Income Guarantee Bill in the U.S. Congress
Al SheahenHow the U.S. Can Afford a Poverty-Level Basic Income Guarantee
Maria Ozanira da Silva e SilvaThe Bolsa Família Program and the Reduction of Poverty and Inequality in Brazil
Eduardo Matarazzo SuplicyThe Transition from the Bolsa Família Program to the Citizen’s Basic Income in Brazil
John TomlinsonTimor Leste: Minimum Wages, Job Guarantees, Social Welfare Payments or Basic Income?
Alexander VarshavskyBasic income and increasing income inequality in Russia
Pablo YanesNews from the South: Perspectives on Basic Income in Mexico and Latin America
Almaz ZellekeReconsidering Independence: Foundations of a Feminist Theory of Distributive Justice
Almaz ZellekeShould Feminists Endorse a Basic Income? Institutionalizing the Universal Caregiver through an Unconditional Basic Income
Clóvis Roberto ZimmermannThe Citizenship Principle in Income Transfer Programs in Brazil

BIEN 2006, Cape Town

Karen AllanSocial Security for Children is a Human Right
Christian M. BrutschBetween Universalism and Political Survival: Trade Unions Politics and Economic Security in the Middle East
Richard K. CaputoStanding Polanyi on His Head: The Basic Income Guarantee as a Response to the Commidification of Labor
David CasassasCorporate Watch, Consumer Responsibility, and Economic Democracy:
Forms of Political Action in the Orbit of Basic Income
Maria Ozanira da SilvaThe Scholarship Family Program a national program to universalize income transfer to all poor families in Brazil?
Julieta ElgartaGood for women? Advantages and risks of basic income from a gender perspective
Aart Roukens de LangeSubmission to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development relative to the Taylor Commission Report
Isobel FryeA study of international examples of cash transfer programmes with specific reference to issues of targeting; grant administration; the financing of social security and the potential developmental stimulus of cash transfers.
Japhet GaomabBiblical Justification for Basic Income Grant: The contribution of the silenced voices through a dialogical reading of John 5:1-9
Louise HaaghEquality and Income Security in Market Economies: What’s Wrong with Insurance?
Claudia & Dirk HaarmanWhy a universal income grant needs to be universal: The quest for Economic Empowerment vs. Charity in Namibia
Katharine HallUnder what conditions? Social Security for children in South Africa
Philip HarveyThe Relative Cost of Income and Job Guarantees
Michael HowardA NAFTA Dividend:A proposal for a guaranteed minimum income for North America
Karen KallmannTowards a BIG paradigm shift: A rights based approach to poverty alleviation
Bishop Dr. Z. KameetaA Basic Income Grant in Namibia: A response by the needy
Cons KaramataEffects of free trade on Namimbian Workers – Is BIG part of the solution?
Nanna KildalUniversal old age pensions: Arguments at time of introduction in Canada, Mauritius and Norway
Margaret LegumGrowth and the Basic Income Grant
Irkus LarrinagaBasic Income for immigrants too
Michael LewisThe Cost of Caring: The Impact of Caring for the Elderly on Women’s Wages
Sascha LiebermannPolitical Communities – Constituents of Universalism
Jennifer MaysAustralia’s Disabling Income Support System
Anna McCordAre Public Works an alternative to a Basic Income Grant?
Charles MethImplications of the impossibility of defining vulnerability among children in a theoretically rigorous way
Thabisile MsezaneFaith Community support for a Basic Income Grant
Eric PatryWhy Switzerland? Basic Income and the Development Potential of Swiss Republicasim
Michael SamsonUniversalism Promotes Development: Evidence from Southern Africa’s Social Transfers
Fabian SchuppertJustice and Income for All? The Limits of Political Reality for a Truly Universal Basic Income.
Guy StandingIncome Security: Why Unions should campaign for a basic income
Guy StandingHow a Basic Income is Working in Africa
Sen. Eduardo SuplicyThe possible Transition from the Bolsa-Famlia Program towards the Citizen’s Basic Income or The Political Difficulties and Budget Obstacles to Implement the Basic Income in Brazil
John TomlinsonAustralia: Basic Income and Decency
Robert van der VeenGift-sharing as the Basis of Real Freedom for All
Hubertus von HeynitzBasic Income Model for SA confronted by an AIDS Pandemic
Monika WallmonBasic Income beyond Wage Slavery: In search of transcending political aesthetics
Karl WiderquistProperty Rights by General Agreement
Pablo YanesUniversal Citizen’s Pension in Mexico City: An Opportunity for Debate on Basic Income
ClÛvis Roberto ZimmermannThe Brazilian social programs under the human rights perspective:
The case of the Family Scholarship (Bolsa FamÌlia) Program of LULA`s government

BIEN 2004, Barcelona

Antoni DomènechBasic Income and the Present Threats to Democracy
Eri Noguchi & Michael A. LewisBasic Income: A Basic Condition of a Better Society?
Irkus LarrinagaBasic Income and the Requirement of Impartiality in Deliberative Processes
Karl WiderquistFreedom as the Power to Say No
Philip HarveyA Comparative Assessment of Basic Income Proposals and Proposals to Secure the
Right to Work and Income Support
Martin Watts & William MitchellA Comparison of the Macroeconomic Consequences of Basic Income and Job
Guarantee Schemes
Guy StandingWhy the Right to Work Requires a Basic Income
José A. NogueraCitizens or Workers? Basic Income vs. Activation Policies
Jeffrey J. SmithCan Rents Fund an Extra Income for Everyone?
Charles BazlintonThe Dangers of a Basic Income Without Land Value Taxation
Malcom GreenCosmic Accounting: A New Energy Economic System of Basic Income
Ada Ávila AssunçãoWhen Income Transfer is Not Able to Eradicate the Practice of Working in Pernicious
Environments. A Case Study of the Bolsa Escola Program
Maria Ozanira da Silva e SilvaFrom a Minimum Income to a Citizenship Income: the Brazilian Experiences
Elenise SchererProgramme on Elimination of Child Labour in Brazil: Reinforcing Poverty and Denying Human Rights
Araceli Brizzio de la HozChild Labour, a Contemporary Form of Slavery
María Julia BertomeuProperty and Basic Income
Simon Eli BirnbaumReal Freedom and the Challenge of Structural Subordination
Julieta Magdalena ElgarteNon-domination, Real Freedom and Basic Income
Hans HarmsPrecariousity versus Flexicurity
Joel F. HandlerThe False Promise of Workfare: Another Reason for Basic Income Guarantee
Felicia KornbluhIf the Goods have Ceased to Be Urgent, Where Is the Fraud? The Work Ethic in the History of the Basic Income in the U.S.A.
Jorn LoftagerThree Third Ways
Erik ChristensenWelfare Discourses in Denmark Seen in a Basic Income Perspective
Myron J. FrankmanAmple Room at the Top: Financing a Basic Income
Jean Pierre MonSocial Money for Financing Basic Income
Eduardo Calderón & Óscar ValienteBasic Income as a Policy to Fight Child Poverty
Horacio Levy & othersChild Poverty and Family Assistance in Southern Europe
Michael HowardBasic Income and Migration Policy: A Moral Dilemma?
Luis BellvisBasic Income, Information Society and the Info-Poors
Nicoli NattrassThe Challenge for Basic Income Posed by AIDS: Why an Incremental Approach Is
Inadequate in South Africa
Jose Luis Rey PérezA New Gender Perspective for Basic Income?
Manfred FuellsackBI as a ‘Medium’? An Un-ethical Approach to the BI Debate
Ilkka VirjoDoes Minimum Income Have Negative Incentive Effects on the Young?
Christian BrütschFrom Decent Work to Decent Lives?
Jaione Mondragón & Amaia IzaolaThe Making of the Programs Against Social Exclusion in the Basque Country: From Cash Benefits to Overcoming Job Insertion
Brigid Reynolds & Sean HealyIntroducing a Basic Income System Category by Category in Ireland
Rafael Pinilla & Luis SanzoIntroducing a Basic Income System in Spain – Feasibility and Cost
Lena LavinasExceptionality and Paradox: Basic Income and Minimum Income Schemes in Brazil
Cláudio da Rocha RoquetePerspectives for Basic Income in Brazil + powerpoint presentation
Jorge Iván Bula & Diego F. HernándezMoving Away from Conditioned Subsidy Towards Universal Basic Income
Clovis ZimmermanBasic Food Income in Low Income Countries
Loek Groot &
Robert J. Van der Veen
Why Launch a Basic Income Experiment
Jordi Arcarons, Samuel Calonge, Daniel Raventós & José A. NogueraThe Financial Feasibility and Redistributive Impact of a Basic Income in Catalonia
Axel Marx & Hans PeetersWin for Life. What, If Anything, Happens After the Introduction of a Basic Income?
Jurgen De Wispelaere &
Lindsay Stirton
The Administration of Universal Welfare
Jens-Eberhard JahnProblems of a Programmatic UBI Debate in the German Party of Democratic
Jose Luis Rey PérezA Juridical View on Basic Income
Richard K. CaputoEqualization of Meeting Needs vs. Equalization of Income Distribution: Reconsiderations of Basic Income & Economic Justice in Light of Van Parijs and Zucker
Toru YamamoriBasic Income and Capability Approach: On Recognition and Deconstruction for
Cristian Pérez MuñozBasic Income vs Market
Coordinators/Chairs: Àlex Boso, Sergi Raventós & Yannick VanderborghtDo Trade Unions Represent an Obstacle to the Introduction of a Basic Income? Lessons from the Belgian, Canadian and Dutch debates
Commentary by Juan González (Central de Trabajadores de Argentina)
Commentary by Iñaki Uribarri (ILP promoter – Member of ESK, Spain)
Commentary by Joan Coscubiela (General Secretary, Comisiones Obreras Catalonia, Spain)
Patrick DanaheyEducation and the Democratic Sovereignty of the People: A Human Rights Approach
Towards Universal Basic Income
Christine BoutinBasic income as a response to systemic crisis: the French Case.
Eduardo SuplicyThe approval and sanctioning of the Basic income bill in Brazil

BIEN 2002, Geneva

Aho, SimoMore selectivity in unemployment compensation in Finland: Has it led to activation or increased poverty?
Andersson, Jan-OttoPopular support for basic income in Sweden and Finland
Archer, SeanSocial and economic rights in the South African Constitution: The role of a basic income
Atkinson, AnthonyHow basic income is moving up the policy agenda: News from the future
Ballas, DimitrisA spatial micro-simulation approach to the impact assessment of basic income policies
Balsan, DidierL’incidence de l’allocation universelle sur la propension à travailler
Basso, LeonardoMeritorious Currency: A currency against famine
Basso, Leonardo (with Marcelo Silva & Fernando de Pinho)Tobin Tax, minimum income and the eradication of famine in Brazil
Bhorat, HaroonA universal income grant for South Africa: An empirical assessment
Bienefeld, ManfredAn economic model based on ‘fear and insecurity’
Blueme, MarkusAutriche: vers un minimum inter-institutionnel
Bradbury, FarelBasic income and the advanced economy
Bruto da Costa, AlfredoMinimum guaranteed income and basic income in Portugal
Busilacchi, GianlucaActivation minimum income and basic income: history of a comparison of two ideas
Cantillon, BeaWelfare State protection, labour markets and poverty: lessons from
cross-country comparisons
Carsten, UllrichProspects of popular support for basic income
Casassas, DavidRepublicanism and basic income: The articulation of the public sphere from the repoliticization of the private sphere
Chetvernina, Tatyana (with Liana Lakunina)Endless insecurity? The reality of Russia
Christensen, EricFeminist arguments in favour of welfare and basic income in Denmark
Costantin, Paulo DutraThe positive externality of basic income in a capitalist economy
Cruz-Saco, MariaA basic income policy for Peru: Can it work?
D’Addio, Anna CristinaAssessing unemployment traps in Belgium using panel data sample selection models
Dasgupta, SuktiCare Work: The quest for security
Deacon, BobTracking the global social policy discourse: From safety nets to universalism
de Pinho, Fernando (with Silva Marcelo & Leonardo Basso)Tobin Tax, minimum income and the eradication of famine in Brazil
Dommen, EdouardGeneva connections: Calvin, Rousseau and basic income
Dore, RonThe Liberal’s Dilemma: Immigration, social solidarity and basic income
Dubouchet, JulienDe la dette au droit: principes et évolutions de la sécurité sociale en Suisse
Dyer, AlanSocial credit as economic modernism: Seven theses
Euzeby, ChantalFeasibility and limitations of a minimum income for pensioners
Farvaque, Nicolas (with Robert Salais)Implementing allowances for young people in France: Enhancing capabilities or increasing selectivity
Fernandez, José IglesiasStrong versus weak models of basic income in Catalonia – Spain
Frankman, MyronA planet-wide citizen’s income. Espousal and estimates
Füllsack, ManfredWork and social differentiation. And how it gives reason to a basic income
Fumagalli, AndreaBio-economics, labour flexibility and cognitive work: Why not basic income?
Funiciello, TheresaGetting on a path to just distribution: The Caregiver Credit Campaign
Gamel, Claude (with Didier Balsan & Josiane Vero)L’Incidence de l’allocation universelle sur la propension à travailler
Ghai, DharamPursuing Basic Income Security in Africa
Goldsmith, ScottThe Alaska Permanent Fund: A basic income in action
Handler, JoelSocial citizenship and Workfare in the USA and Western Europe. From status to contract
Harvey, PhilipThe Right to Work: Taking economic rights seriously
Healy, Sean (with Brigid Reynolds)From poverty relief to universal entitlement: Social welfare and basic
income in Ireland
Hernandez, DiegoSelectivity in social policy in Colombia during the 1990s
Hoskins, DalmerResurrecting universalism in social security
Howard, MichaelLiberal and Marxist justifications for basic income
Hrdina, JeanneUniversal basic livelihood is essential for world peace
Kangas, Olli (with Jan-Otto Andersson)Popular support for basic income in Sweden and Finland
Kallmann, KarelMobilising a Coalition for Basic Income in South Africa
Kildal, Nanna (with Stein Kuhnle)The principle of universalism: Tracing a key concept in the Scandanavian welfare model
Kratke, MichaelBasic Income, Commons and Commodities: The Public Domain Revisited
Kuhnle, Stein (with Nanna Kildal)The principle of universalism: Tracing a key concept in the Scandanavian welfare model
Kunnemann RolfBasic income: A state’s obligation under the human right to food
Lakunina, Liana (with Tatyana Chetvernina)Endless insecurity? The reality of Russia
Laurent, ThierryIncitations et transitions sur le marché du travail: une analyse dynamique
des trappes à inactivité
Lavinas, LenaThe bolsa escola in Brazilian cities
Le Clainche, ChristineLes préférences pour la redistribution: Une analyse du profil des
individus favourables à l’allocation universelle
le Roux, PieterThe benefits of a basic income in South Africa
Liebeg, StefanA legitimate guaranteed minimum income
Loftager, JornDeliberative democracy and the legitimacy of basic income
Lord, CliveThe mutual interdependence of a citizen’s income and ecological sustainability
Lo Vuolo, RubenThe basic income debate in the context of a systemic crisis: The case of Argentina
Manning, LowellBasic income and economic transformation in New Zealand
Marx, IveMass joblessness, the Bismarckian model and the limits to gradual adaptation in Belgium
Matisonn, Heidi (with Jeremy Seekings)Welfare in Wonderland? The politics of the basic income grant in South Africa
Matsaganis, ManosThe rise and fall of selectivity a la Grecque
Mau, SteffenA legitimate guaranteed minimum income
Meireis, TorstenCalling: A Christian argument for a basic income
Mon, Jean-PierrePour une conditionnalité transitoire
Moreira, AmilcarIndividual moral dignity and the guarantee of a minimum income
Morley-Fletcher, EdwinAlternative models of credit cards
Noguera, Jose(with Daniel Raventos)Basic income, social polarisation and the Right to Work
November, AndrasLe revenu minimum social à Genève: douze ans de débats politiques
Oberson, BertrandLes mesures d’insertion sociale dans le canton de Fribourg
Offe, ClausCitizenship Rights: Why Basic Income Security is Fundamental
Opielka, MichaelA Care-worker Allowance for Germany
Ostner, IlonaTargeted universalism?
Ozanira da Silva e Silva, MariaMinimal income programmes directed at infantile work eradication and to school inclusion in Brazil
Pinilla, RafaelA diversified basic income for federal states and multinational communities
Pioch, RoswithaMigration, citizenship and welfare reform in Europe: Overcoming Labour Market Segregation
Plant, RaymondCan there be a Right to Basic Income?
Ramji, VidyaIncome security and hidden care issues: Female care workers emigrating from Kerala (India) to the Middle East
Raventos, DanielRepublicanism and basic income: The articulation of the public sphere from the repoliticization of the private sphere
Raventos, DanielBasic income, social polarisation and the Right to Work
Reynolds, Brigid (with Sean Healy )From poverty relief to universal entitlement: Social welfare and basic
income in Ireland
Saith, AshwaniReflections on income security in development policy
Salais, Robert (with Nicolas Farvaque)Implementing allowances for young people in France: Enhancing capabilities or increasing selectivity
Salvatore, IngridA Philosophical Justification for Basic Income as Social Justice
Samson, Michael (with Ingrid van Niekerk)The macro-economic implications of poverty-reducing transfers
Santibanez, ClaudioEquality, human rights and social minima: An unconditional universal basic income proposal for Chile
Sanzo-Gonzalez, LuisAllocation universelle et garantie de ressources au Pays Basque
Schade, GünterThe Great Delusion about a remedy for unemployment
Schmitter, PhilippeA modest proposal for extending social citizenship in the EU
Schwarzenbach, SibylThe limits of production: Justifying guaranteed basic income
Shafarman, StevenMobilising for basic income
Seekings, Jeremy (with Heidi Matisonn)Welfare in Wonderland? The politics of the basic income grant in South Africa
Sheahan, AllenDoes everyone have a Right to a Basic Income?
Silva, Marcelo (with Leonardo Basso & Fernando de Pinho)Tobin Tax, minimum income and the eradication of famine in Brazil
Silver, HilarySocial insecurity and basic income
Sobhan, RehmanIncome security through asset distribution
Stadler, SabineAssessing selectivity, including Workfare, in Austria
Standing, GuyThe South African Solidarity Grant
Standing, GuyAbout Time: Basic security through income and capital
Stock, RosamundThe psychological rationale for basic income
Strengmann-Kuhn, WolfgangWorking Poor in Europe: A partial basic income for workers?
Suplicy, EduardoLegitimising basic income in developing countries: Brazil
Thorel, Jean-PierreUne allocation universelle pour la Suisse
Tons, KatrinIncremental disentitlement in German welfare policy
Van den Bosch, Karel (with Bea Cantillon)Welfare State protection, labour markets and poverty: lessons from
cross-country comparisons
Vanderborght, YannickBasic income in Belgium and the Netherlands: Implementation through the back door?
Van Niekerk, Ingrid (with Michael Samson)The macro-economic implications of poverty-reducing transfers
Van Parijs, PhilippeDoes basic income make sense as a worldwide project?
Van Trier, WalterThe conversion of Andre Gorz
Vero, Josiane (with Didier Balsan & Claude Gamel)L’Incidence de l’allocation universelle sur la propension à travailler
Vielle, Pascale (with Pierre Walthery)Emploi flexible et protection sociale : Pistes et esquisses de réconciliation
Virjo, Ilkka (with Simo Aho)More selectivity in unemployment compensation in Finland: Has it led to activation or increased poverty?
Walthery, Pierre (with Pascale Vielle)Emploi flexible et protection sociale : Pistes et esquisses de réconciliation
Watts, MartinA system of basic income versus the job guarantee
Widerquist, KarlA failure to communicate: The labor market findings of the NIT experiments and their effects on policy and public opinion
Wigley, SimonBasic income and the means to self-govern
Wohlgenannt, Lieselotte
(with Markus Blueme)
Autriche: vers un minimum inter-institutionnel
Zelenev, SergeiSocial protection imperatives in post-Socialist Russia
Zelleke, AlmazRadical pluralism: A liberal defence of unconditionality
Zoyem, Jean-PaulInégalités hommes-femmes et la place des enfants dans la protection sociale

BIEN 2000, Berlin

Archibugi, FrancoThe non-market activities and the future of Capitalism
Basso, LeonardoThe minimum income models of James Meade applied to Brazil
Bauer, MichaelExtending social citizenship at the European level: Proposal for a Euro-Stipend
Berteloot, BernardA basic income or a basic capital?
Blais, Francois (with Jean-Yves Duclos)Basic income in a federation: The case of Canada
Bresson, YolandBasic income as foundation of the new economy and harmonisation of social European politics
Burbidge, Duncan
(with Stuart Duffin)
Stumbling towards basic income: The prospects for tax-benefit integration
Christensen, ErikThe Rhetoric of Rights and responsibilities in workfare and citizen’s income
Costantin, Paulo Dutra
(with Leonardo Basso)
The minimum income models of James Meade applied to Brazil
Cunliffe, John (with Guido Erreygers)Basic income? Basic capital! Origins and issues of a debate
Dahms, HarryMoishe Postone’s critique of traditional Marxism as an argument for the guaranteed minimum income
De Deken, JohanFunded pensions, responsibility of ownership, and economic citizenship
De Wispelaere, JurgenBargaining for basic income? Justice and politics in welfare policy
De Wispelaere, Jurgen
(with Daniel Rubenson)
Participation through basic income: A social capital approach
Duclos, Jean-YvesBasic income in a federation: The case of Canada
Duffin, StuartRecognizing citizenship
Duffin, Stuart
(with Duncan Burbidge)
Stumbling towards basic income: The prospects for tax-benefit integration
Erreygers, GuidoBasic income? Basic capital! Origins and issues of a debate
Fischer, AndreaOpening Address
Franzmann, Manuel
(with Sascha Liebermann)
Saving citizenship from the Workhouse: Upholding the obligation to work undermines the citizen’s autonomy
Fumagalli, AndreaEleven propositions on basic income (basic income in a flexible accumulation system)
Giullari, SusannaEnabling the creative tension: Lone mothers, kin support and basic income
Godino, RogerBasic income, market economy, and democracy
Groot, Loek
(with Robert van der Veen )
Basic income versus working subsidies: An assessment of the Vandenbroucke model
Healy, Sean
(with Brigid Reynolds)
Progressing basic income on a range of fronts
Hoglund, MatsReflections about the basic income debate from a Swedish perspective
Huber, JosephFunding basic income by Seignorage
Jacquet, LaurenceDoes optimal income tax theory justify a basic income?
Janson, PerBasic income and the Swedish welfare state
Just, Wolf-DieterTowards a new understanding of work, income and life
Kildal, NannaWorkfare policies and the Scandinavian welfare model
Klammer, UteWorking women in the age of flexibility: New diversities, new needs for social protection
Kraetke, MichaelTaxation and civil rights. The Right to subsistance in the European Tradition
Krebs, AngelikaWhy mothers should be fed: Ein kritik an Van Parijs
Kutylowski, JanRelative income deprivation and its determinants and consequences in Poland
Leischen, Petra (with Wolfram Otto)Existential subsistence for everyone: The concept of BAG-SHI
Lerner, SallyThe positives of ‘flexibility’: Spreading work, promoting choice
Little, AdrianCivil societies and economic citizenship: The contribution of basic income theory to new interpretations of the public sphere
Martínez, Francisco JoséSalary work and free activity
Liebermann, Sascha
(with Manuel Franzmann)
Saving citizenship from the Workhouse: Upholding the obligation to work undermines the citizen’s autonomy
Mathers, Andrew
(with Graham Taylor)
Popular networks and public support for a basic income in Europe
Merle, Jean-ChristopheWould a universal basic income really leximin real freedom?
Moreno, LuisEuropeanization and decentralization of ‘safety net’ schemes
Moulier Boutang, YannThe link between global productivity and individual cumulative basic income: Some suggestions
Noguera, José AntonioBasic income and the Spanish welfare state
Opielka, MichaelParental income and basic income. Why family matters for citizenship
Otto, Wolfram
(with Petra Leischen)
Existential subsistence for everyone: The concept of BAG-SHI
Ozanira da Silva e Silva , MariaThe minimum income: A monetary transfer to poor families with children in school age in brazil
Pinilla, RafaelThe persistence of poverty in free market economic systems and the basic income proposal: An economic analysis
Pioch, RoswithaEU integration and basic income: Rethinking social justice in competitive welfare states
Reynolds, Brigid
(with Sean Healy)
Progressing basic income on a range of fronts
Robeyns, Ingrid CThe political economy of non-market work
Rubenson, Daniel
(with Jurgen De Wispelaere)
Participation through basic income: A social capital approach
Schmitter, Philippe
(with Michael Bauer)
Extending social citizenship at the European level: Proposal for a Euro-Stipend
Seel, BarbaraLegitimizing unpaid household work by monetarization – achievements and problems
Suplicy, EduardoIn the direction of a citizen’s income: The advancement of the battle in Brazil
Suplicy, EduardoUm dialogo com Milton Friedman sobre o imposto de renda negativo
Taylor, Graham
(with Andrew Mathers)
Popular networks and public support for a basic income in Europe
Tenschert, Ursula (with Matthias Till)Poverty and minimum income in EU-14: First results of the ECHP
Till, Matthias (with Ursula Tenschert)Poverty and minimum income in EU-14: First results of the ECHP
Töns, KatrinPaternalism and the right to take risks
Vanderborght, YannickThe ‘VIVANT’ experiment in Belgium: An issue-based political party focused on full basic income
Van der Veen, Robert (with Loek Groot)Basic income versus working subsidies: An assessment of the Vandenbroucke model
Van Donselaar, GijsTom Sawyers fence: On the border between leisure and income
Van Parijs, PhilippeBasic income: A simple and powerful idea for the 21st century
Walter, TonyHow to thrive while on sabbatical: A review of evidence
Widerquist, KarlCitizenship or obligation
Wigley, SimonThe right to equal choice and the problem of cumulative (mis)fortune

BIEN 1998, Amsterdam

Andersson, Jan-Otto (SUO)The History of an Idea: Why did Basic Income Thrill the Finns, but not the Swedes? (published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Balfour, Christopher (UK)Selling Basic Income to UK Conservatives
Borovali, Murat (UK)Self-Ownership, Private Property, and Unconditional Income: A Variation on the Georgist Theme
Chapman, David (UK)Reforming the tax and benefit system to reduce unemployment
Chiappero, E. (IT), with M. Serati & F. SilvaBasic income: an insidious trap or a fruitful chance for the Italian labour market?
Christensen, Erik (DK)An analysis of the Danish political debate on Citizen’s Income in the period 1977-97
Clark, Charles (US), with Catherine KavanaghAnswering the Economic Questions and Objections to a Basic Income
Cunliffe, John (UK), with Guido ErreyghersBasic Endowments and Basic Income: Some Belgian Precursors
De Beer, Paul (NL)In search of the double-edged sword
(published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
De Beer, Paul (NL), with Loek GrootWhy launch a basic income experiment?
De Wispelaere, Jurgen (B)Job Rights, Reciprocity, and the Constitutional Approach to Basic Income
Duboin, Marie-Louise (F)The Civic Contract: a first step to a distributive economy
Erreygers, Guido (B), with John CunliffeBasic Endowments and Basic Income: Some Belgian Precursors
Ferge, Zsuzsa (H)Basic Income for the Poorer Part of Europe?
Fitzpatrick, Tony (UK)Into an Era of Post-Social Security: Globalisation and State Pluralism
Gamel, Claude (FR)The use of employment rents for the financing of basic income
Gortemaker, Philip (NL)Basic income, a matter of the heart
Healy, Sean (IRE), with Brigid ReynoldsFrom Concept to Green Paper: Putting Basic Income on the Political Agenda (published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Hemerijck, Anton (NL)Prospects for Effective Social Citizenship in an Age of Structural Inactivity
(published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Howard, Michael (US)Basic Income and Cooperatives
Hughes, Gordon (UK), with Adrian LittleNew Labour, Communitarianism and the Public Sphere in the UK
Jerusalem, Erwin (AU)Basic Income: How it was introduced to the political agenda in Austria
Kavanagh, Catherine (IRE), with Charles ClarkAnswering the Economic Questions and Objections to a Basic Income
Lehmann, Mary (US)Opposing Globalization Could Justify Resource-Based Basic Income
Lerner, Sally (CA)Fear of freedom: a barrier to putting BI on the political agenda
Little, Adrian (UK), with Hughes GordonNew Labour, Communitarianism and the Public Sphere in the UK
Loftager, Jørn (DK)Solidarity and Universality in the Danish Welfare State
Lunde, Thomas (CA)The Family Basic Income Proposal
Manning, Lowell (NZ)The Economic Effects of Introducing a Full Universal Basic Income into the New Zealand Economy
Metz, Paul (NL)The daughter of Karl Marx en Adam Smith
Mitschke, Joachim (D)Pleading for a Negative Income Tax
(published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Morier-Genoud, Jean (SWI)Toward a renovation of economic circulation and institutionsMorley-Fletcher, Edwin (IT)
Opening AddressOzanira da Silva e Silva, Maria (BRA)
The Minimum Income as a Policy for Increasing Child Education in BrazilPelzer, Helmut (GE)
Funding of an Unconditional Basic Income in Germany via a Modified
Tax/Transfer SystemPioch, Roswitha (GE)
The bottom line of the welfare state in Germany and the NetherlandsQuilley, Steven (UK)
Sustainable Funding of Basic Income: Environment, Citizenship & Community, and a Trajectory for Basic Income Politics in Europe
(published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Reynolds, Brigid (IRE), with Sean HealyFrom Concept to Green Paper: Putting Basic Income on the Political Agenda (published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Robeyns, Ingrid (B)An emancipation fee or hush money? The advantages and disadvantages of a basic income for women’s emancipation and well-being
(published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Roos, Nikolas (NL)Basic Income and the justice of taxationSalinas, Claudio Caesar (ARG), with Philippe Van Parijs
Basic income and its cognates. Puzzling equivalence and unheeded differences between alternative ways of addressing the new social question (published in Basic Income on the Agenda) Scharpf, Fritz (D)
Basic Income and Social Europe
(published in Basic Income on the Agenda)
Schutz, Robert (US)More Basic IncomeSerati, M. (IT), with E. Chiappero & F. Silva
Basic income: an insidious trap or a fruitful chance for the Italian labour market?Silva, F. (IT) ), with E. Chiappero & M. Serati
Basic income: an insidious trap or a fruitful chance for the Italian labour market?Smith, Jeffery (US)
From Potlatch to EarthshareStanding, Guy (SWI)
Seeking Equality of Security in the Era of GlobalisationTerraz, Isabelle
Redistributive Impact of a Basic Income: A Focus on Women’s SituationVan Parijs, Philippe (B), with Claudio Caesar Salinas
Basic income and its cognates. Puzzling equivalence and unheeded differences between alternative ways of addressing the new social question (published in Basic Income on the Agenda) Widerquist, Karl (US)
Reciprocity and the guaranteed income

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons license CC BY NC SA.

The North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress has been cancelled because of Covid-19

The North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress has been cancelled because of the Covid-19 virus. The organizers have released the following announcement:

With great dismay, we must announce that the NABIG 2020 Congress in Hamilton, Ontario in May will no longer be possible, due to public health concerns related to COVID-19.

Within the last few days, developments in the United States, Canada, the greater Toronto and Hamilton region, and announcements from the World Health Organization have made this decision the only responsible course of action.

I want to sincerely thank all those people in several countries who have contributed to the Congress, from organizers and speakers, to everyone who submitted workshop proposals, local organizations and interested individuals everywhere who were hoping to attend. It is extremely disappointing to make this decision as we have put so much work into NABIG 2020 but it would be far worse to continue when there is no possibility of holding the kind of successful event we wanted this to be and when we could be putting people at risk by doing so.

We at BICN and USBIG are considering this a postponement but are not yet able to tell you what will happen in the future because we cannot know the extent of the health and economic impact COVID-19 will have and for how long. Please be assured, however, that we and our partners are already thinking about other dates, alternative kinds of events or formats and the potential for other initiatives to keep the basic income movement strong.

Please take good care and be well,

Sheila Regehr, on behalf of the NABIG 2020 Planning Committee

To get in touch with BICN please contact our General Manager, Ben Earle by email at