Videos of 2016 North American BIG Congress online

Videos of 2016 North American BIG Congress online

The 2016 North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress was held at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, from May 12-15.

Ric Lim videotaped most (although not all) of the panel discussion and paper presentations for informational and documentation for the forthcoming documentary Mincome: Manitoba’s Great Experiment. The videographer has also uploaded these videos to vimeo for our viewing pleasure.

You can find the list of speakers and sessions, with links to the videos, here: NABIG 2016 Videos.

Image: University of Manitoba campus; Teles via Wikimedia Commons

After Switzerland – Learning Political Lessons is Key!

After Switzerland – Learning Political Lessons is Key!

Yesterday, the Swiss voted on the proposal to provide a basic income sufficient to allow the people to live in a dignified manner and participate in public life. The proposal was voted down with 23.1% of the voters in favour and 76.9% against. With a participation rate of 46.3% that boils down to little over 10% of the Swiss population supporting basic income. No doubt the Swiss campaigners as well as those watching the referendum closely will be conducting a post-mortem of what happened and how to interpret these results.

I for one believe this is a result that the Swiss campaign should be proud of. A 23% yes vote in a popular vote against the background of pretty much unanimous establishment resistance is a major achievement. Yesterday’s vote breaks firm ground for a basic income debate in years to come. The Swiss debate is not over, not by a long shot! Perhaps even more importantly, as many commentators have rightly pointed out, the Swiss campaign – one of the most creative and professional I have seen in a long time – managed to create wave after wave in the media. With policy attention following media attention, it is fair to say without the Swiss we wouldn’t be where we are now in Finland, Netherlands, Canada or France. So for that, Switzerland we thank you!

But appreciating what Switzerland has achieved shouldn’t prevent us from asking important (and perhaps some hard) questions about what happened or didn’t happen in the Swiss campaign. What political strategy lessons can we learn from Switzerland? And how can we use those lessons in countries as diverse as Finland, Canada or Portugal? We can all learn from the Swiss experience, and conversely this is the time for the Swiss campaign to educate us on the upsides and downsides of their strategies.

One obvious point of contention – one that affects every jurisdiction campaigning for basic income – is whether to promote the principle of an unconditional and universal basic income granted or instead to focus on a concrete proposal, including a clear indication of how high the basic income will be and how it would be funded. The Swiss referendum asked voters to vote on the principled argument, leaving both amount and funding to be determined by legislation. This may put off some voters who are risk- and, above all, ambiguity-averse (preferring current certainty over future possibility). Partly to counter this, the Swiss campaigned for a basic income pitched at 2,500 Swiss francs (approximately €2250, £1,750 or USD2,555). Many no doubt will argue that this high sum traded-off uncertainty for genuine anxiety amongst many voters, and that a lower level of basic income may have been a more prudent approach. The reality is we don’t really know, and for that reason a genuine post-mortem would be a very useful step going forward.

I’d like to point out another lesson from the Swiss referendum, and perhaps an uncomfortable one for most basic income advocates. In recent months a number of polls have been put forward indicating growing levels of support for basic income. Most recently there was the Dahlia Research poll which suggested on average 64% (of surveyed EU countries) were supportive of a basic income. These results are regarded as indicative or even evidence of robust basic income support. But the Swiss case puts a sobering note here. A poll conducted in April asking 20000 Swiss citizens their voting intentions found 40% intended to vote in favour. The reality turned out quite different, with only 10% of Swiss coming up to vote and then voting yes.

This shouldn’t surprise us because political polling is a notoriously difficult enterprise, and polls around basic income are easily influenced by framing of the questions as well as real-world events. For an example of the latter, the Finnish working group coordinated by Kela found that Finnish support for basic income decreased quite radically once questions about the amount of basic income are paired with corresponding questions about the taxes needed to fund it. This is also why we should really stop being overexcited by polls claiming to offer evidence that only 2% (or 4%, or whatever really) of surveyed individuals would stop working: the so-called social desirability bias means that polls are simply the wrong tool to answer the question of what people would do when they get a basic income.

The bigger question – and lesson to be learned from Switzerland – is whether we have a really good understanding of the level of support for basic income amongst ordinary citizens as well as key policy stakeholders. Basic income support is growing as more people become familiar with the idea, but there is still a lot of work to be done understanding how to translate this support into a robust political constituency. I think our Swiss friends will be able to help us understand the next steps to push basic income onto the policy agenda.

Jurgen De Wispelaere is a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Tampere (Finland), where he is part of the Kela-led research team preparing a national basic income experiment in Finland.

SWITZERLAND: Swiss Vote “No” on Basic Income Referendum

SWITZERLAND: Swiss Vote “No” on Basic Income Referendum

On June 5, 2016, Swiss people voted on a referendum that included a question about implementing a universal basic income. Although the official text for the vote did not specify the level, the campaigners proposed 2,500 Swiss francs for adults and 625 francs for children per month.

Credit to Basic Income News Editing team (namely Josh Martin, Jenna van Draanen, Kate McFarland, André Coelho, Karl Widerquist and Tyler Prochazka) and Philippe Van Parijs.

The referendum on Unconditional Base Income (UBI), as they call it, has been building since 2013 when the Swiss Citizen’s Initiative, co-initiated by Enno Schmidt, gathered enough signatures (more than 100,000) to successfully trigger their right to have a national referendum on the issue. Although the Swiss Federal Council rejected the initiative in August 2014, the rejection was more of a symbolic suggestion to vote against the basic income than a consequential political action: the Swiss people had already asserted their constitutional right to the referendum.

Basic income advocates utilized headline-grabbing tactics to gain publicity for the referendum.  Upon submitting the initiative in 2013, basic income supporters dumped 8 million five-rappen coins (one for each Swiss citizen) outside the Federal Palace in Bern. Then, in the final weeks before the vote, members of the Swiss Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income unveiled a poster that broke the poster size world record.

While this referendum may have been voted down, the Swiss basic income movement helped spark an international dialogue on how a basic income can help fix issues related to poverty, social policy, and technology, among other topics.  This conversation has caught the imaginations of citizens all over the world and has led to commitments from governments or non-profit organizations to establish basic income pilot projects in Finland, the Netherlands, Canada, Uganda, Kenya, India, and in Silicon Valley, as well as public considerations for basic income research in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France, and Namibia. This dialogue is truly global, and media outlets all over the world have begun writing articles and making videos debating the merits and principles for a basic income.

Even with a defeated referendum, the basic income movement is poised to march forward toward a brighter future in the coming years: thanks, in part, to the efforts of the Swiss basic income advocates who triggered this momentous referendum.  We extend a special “thank you” from the BI News editorial team to all of those involved in the Swiss movement who have publicized basic income and worked so tirelessly on this referendum.


More information on the results themselves can be seen here.

Confédération Suisse. Votation nº 601 official results, June 5th 2016

Ethan Jacobs, “Switzerland’s Basic Income Vote Turns Finance Reform Into a Democratic Spectacle”. Inverse, February 11, 2016.

VIDEO: Dr. James Mulvale, “Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

VIDEO: Dr. James Mulvale, “Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

Dr. James Mulvale, Dean and Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of Manitoba, believes that basic income is an idea whose time has come — as he articulates in a TEDx talk held at the University of Manitoba in April 2016.

The abstract for the talk summarizes, “By providing an economic floor for everyone in Canada, basic or guaranteed income would simplify and streamline our income security system, lower rates of poverty and inequality, and would enable us to advance environmental sustainability in the context of a steady state economy.”

Watch the full lecture on YouTube here.

Dr. Mulvale also recently participated in a debate on a basic income for Canadians and co-chaired the planning committee for the 2016 North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress, which took place at the University of Manitoba from May 11-14.

Image: University of Manitoba (from Wikimedia Commons)

VIDEO: Google hangout event with BI researcher Jurgen De Wispelaere

VIDEO: Google hangout event with BI researcher Jurgen De Wispelaere

On May 8, 2016, activist, artist, and analyst Marlen Vargas Del Razo hosted a Google/YouTube hangout event with leading basic income researcher Jurgen De Wispelaere, a Visiting Research Fellow at Finland’s University of Tampere, founding co-editor of the journal Basic Income Studies, and member of BIEN’s Executive Committee.

De Wispelaere is presently involved with the design of Finland’s basic income trial, which will begin next year, and recently developed a basic income course at the University of Tampere. (Also, and not unimportantly in my view, he is “a big fan of death metal and believes a basic income would provide much needed support for the underground music scene.”)

During the Google hangout, De Wispelaere describes the current state of basic income research in Finland, discusses some of the limitations of experiments, and compares and contrasts the issues driving basic income trials and proposals throughout the world — and much more.

De Wispelaere also offers some incisive critiques of the basic income movement itself. Why ought we moderate our enthusiasm when a well-known individual or group announces support for basic income? Why might we have reservations about the catchy and popular slogan “Basic income isn’t left or right; it’s forward”? Listen to hear Jurgen’s assessment.

Watch 47-minute conversation here on YouTube.

Photo of Jurgen from Basic Income Canada Network (flickr)