BIEN’s 2024 General Assembly

A meeting of the Basic Income Earth Network General Assembly will be held for members online, in connection with the 2024 BIEN Congress, on Friday 30 August 2024 at 13:00h British Summer Time (UTC+1).

If you are interested in becoming a member, you can do so by following the few simple steps outlined here. You can then register for the GA by following this link.

Invitation to affiliated organisations to apply to host the 2026 congress. Please apply by writing to the secretary at

The following documents will be useful for members to review ahead of this year’s General Assembly meeting:

New UBI PhD Network

New UBI PhD Network

Hi All,

We are an international group of PhD students interested in questions surrounding basic income. And we are very happy to announce a new initiative: the UBI PhD Network. Our goal is to connect young researchers working on UBI (and closely related topics) internationally. We aim to provide a platform for people to meet, have exchanges with like-minded researchers, and discuss their work. 

The network is not bound to any academic institution and is run by PhD students for PhD students. However, we are supported by BIEN and plan to become a proper BIEN affiliate once our network is fully established. There will be a meeting at the next BIEN congress in Bath at the end of August for PhD students to get more information and discuss how to move this project forward. For now, we are launching an email list so we can communicate with each other. If you wish to join, you can fill out the application through this link: Please note, this email list is for internal purposes only and will not be shared with other organisations.

Please share this email or the link in your networks and forward it to other people you know who are doing a PhD on UBI. Let’s bring everyone together!

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

The UBI PhD Network team
Elise Aerts (University of Antwerp)
Stella Gabuljah (Bangor University)
Chloe Halpenny (Queen’s University Kingston)
Fabienne Hansen (University of Freiburg)
Jasmina Jerant (University of Ljubljana)
Nick Langridge (University of Bath)
Jieun Lee (Chung-Ang University)
Jéssica Maldonado (Federal Fluminense University)

Convocatoria abierta: 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Renta Básica Universal Incondicional

Convocatoria abierta: 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Renta Básica Universal Incondicional

Entre los días 17 y 19 de julio, en San José de Costa Rica, se llevará a cabo el primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Renta Básica Universal Incondicional. Se recibirán ponencias hasta el 12 de abril. El formato será híbrido, con modalidad presencial y también online.

Este primer encuentro regional es un hito en el avance del estudio y la promoción de la renta básica universal e incondicional en la región. Las discusiones del congreso estarán orientadas en torno al “Pensar la renta básica en un contexto de crisis y transformación en América Latina“.

Más información y envío de ponencias en

Correo de contacto:

La participación no contempla gastos de inscripción.


Open call: 1st Latin American Congress on Unconditional Universal Basic Income

The first Latin American Congress on Unconditional Universal Basic Income will be held in San José, Costa Rica, from 17 to 19 July. Papers will be accepted until 12 April. The format will be hybrid, with both face-to-face and online modalities.

This first regional meeting is a milestone in the advancement of the study and promotion of unconditional universal basic income in the region. Discussions at the congress will focus on “Thinking about basic income in a context of crisis and transformation in Latin America”.

More information and submission of papers at

Contact email: 

Participation does not include registration fees.

Working Group for Clarification of Basic Income Definition: Call for Contributions

Working Group for Clarification of Basic Income Definition: Call for Contributions

The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), at its general assembly in 2019, created the working group for “Clarification of Basic Income Definition”. Since then we have had online open forum including at the online venue of the BIEN congress in 2021 Glasgow and in 2022 Brisbane.

The group hereby makes an open call for contributions to the collective discussion. It expects to have one or two online sessions per month from February to June, 2024. Each online session will run around 90 – 120 minutes, starting with speaker’s presentation(s) with discussions to follow. Each session would host 1 or 2 speakers.

If you are interested in to speak, please show your interest by email both to and, by 23 February. The group might be able to accommodate later submission, but would appreciate earlier submission.

After the working group and speakers agree the date, speakers are expected to send the group a draft paper for their presentation at least a few weeks before the session.

In July, the working group will prepare making a report on the “Clarification of Basic Income Definition”. Papers presented at open forum may be included in the report.

Basic Income and Climate Change

Basic Income and Climate Change

“Basic income is one of the necessary components of a global, national and regional policy
mix for socio-ecological transformation”, say Ronald Blaschke from Germany and Min Geum
금민 from South Korea. Their memorandum “Basic income as a necessary component of a socio-ecological transformation and key element for climate justice” was first presented at
BIEN’s 2023 congress in Seoul, South Korea, and has gained support by over thirty
organizations and many UBI advocates worldwide. The authors are still looking for more
supporters to join them in their call for a Basic Income addressing climate change.

Signatures can be sent to The full text can be found here.