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News on the global Basic Income debate

Canada: Basic income would cost $76B per year

Canada: Basic income would cost $76B per year

76 billion dollars. That’s what it would cost to implement basic income in Canada according to a new report released by the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO). The report comes just days after Ontario began testing its own basic income pilot study in Hamilton,...

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VIDEO: The economics of basic income (by Geoff Crocker)

A new video has been released by Geoff Crocker, on a “radical concept of funding basic income by perpetual deficit”. This video is a result of a presentation done at the Asia Pacific UBI Conference, which was held of the latest 17th and 18th of March 2018.   In...

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Finland: Going through a basic income experiment

Finland: Going through a basic income experiment

Picture credit: Leena Kela ("Walk this way")   The Finnish basic income (BI) experiment proceeds as planned. According to Kela, the Finnish social security agency, results will only start being analysed at the beginning of 2019, and their publication at...

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YouTube Interview with Michael Tubbs

YouTube Interview with Michael Tubbs

A recent YouTube video from The Young Turks, a left-wing news-based channel with close to 4 million subscribers, focuses on the universal basic income (UBI) pilot project currently being planned in Stockton, California. The video consists of an interview with Michael...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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