BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Discussion on the future of UBI trials

Discussion on the future of UBI trials

Picture credit to: iStock   The start of the longest and largest Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiment in Kenya and the approaching end of the trial in Finland spark a new discussion among experts on the effects of ‘no-strings attached’ money transfers.  ...

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BIEN Congress 2018: release of a revised conference program

BIEN Congress 2018: release of a revised conference program

The 2018 BIEN Congress, held in Tampere on 24-26 August, has released its revised conference program. In addition to a wide variety of panels and papers covering recent academic and policy discussions on basic income, the program features a series of exciting plenary...

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RUSSIA: Basic Income Conference organized in Russia

RUSSIA: Basic Income Conference organized in Russia

Alexander Solovyev, Dimitriy Sarayev, Sergey Vladimirovich Khramov and Irina Soloveva   This Basic Income Conference moto was “Let’s win poverty in Russia together!”, and it took place in Moscow on the 26th of June 2018. It was organized by the combined efforts...

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New Link: Basic Income Forum

New Link: Basic Income Forum

Image credit to Amanda Wray.   There is a new website dedicated to presenting the case for basic income. It features useful information and resources directed to decision makers, journalists, academics, politicians and, more generally, anyone interested in...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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