by Andre Coelho | Nov 30, 2016 | News
(Image: Barcelona, “Queen” of the Mediterranean)
In the Spanish region of Catalonia, serious efforts are being made to reduce poverty and to reduce inequalities. Last week, on the 17th of November, the Catalan Economy and Tax Office presented a thorough study on social policies, which includes the contributions of 30 academics and other experts and technicians.
The document points out that current restrictions on the Catalan regional government public policies are stalling necessary changes, such as the implementation of more redistributive measures. This is due, in part, to the fact that the main tax revenue is managed by the Spanish State. The Catalan regional government is making attempts to address poverty and inequality, with the 2017 regional budget considered to be “the most social ever”. Under the new budget, more tax will be collected from both large property transfers and non-productive assets, and put into a budget that surpasses all other previous budgets in terms of social spending (education, health and social affairs). Despite this, Catalan officials recognize that the government should do even more to reduce poverty and tackle inequalities.
Although Catalonia’s poverty rate (19%) is lower than the Spanish average (22,1%), it is still above the European Union’s average poverty rate (17,2%). Catalonia also faces a persistently high unemployment rate (11,2%), despite the economic recovery in recent years.
The document presented by the Economy and Tax Office in Catalonia recommends profound changes to the regional social benefits scheme, which has been inadequate in poverty alleviation and prevention. At one point, it refers to basic income as a possible solution to this structural social problem. The regional basic income would amount to an unconditional allowance of 7471 €/year for every adult citizen, plus a 1494 €/year for every child (under 18 years of age) in Catalonia.
According to the study, replacing all current benefits which are valued below the basic income amount would save around 90 thousand million euros per year, in 2010 numbers. The study also states that basic income would reduce inequalities and allow young people to enjoy a larger degree of freedom and emancipation.
Pere Aragonès, the regional Secretary for Economy in Catalonia, a region with 7,5 million inhabitants, said at the 17 November meeting that his department and the Tax Office and Employment, Social Affairs and Families one are working on the development of a new set of social progress indicators, which can complement the economic variables (such as GDP).
More information at:
Catalan News Agency, “Catalonia not able to fight poverty within the “autonomic framework”, report finds”, 17th November 2016
by Furui Cheng | Nov 10, 2016 | News
Written by Cheng Furui
In the process of Chinese industrialization and urbanization, more and more rural villagers have been transformed into urban citizens. Decades of industrialization have left China with a typical dual economic structure: people who make wages live in the cities, and peasants make a living on the land in villages around them. With the rapid expansion of city suburbs, there are always some villagers in the transition zones. As they change from crop growers to wage earners, villagers will lose their land and be accustomed to a totally new way of life. An important question is how to make these large-scale unnatural transitions as smooth and successful as possible.
China provides many examples. One of the most common and successful strategies has been the establishment of cooperatives. Huaidi, one of the many successful cooperatives in China, demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach to the challenges of urbanization.
Huaidi [1] is one of the urban villages in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei province in China. It has a population of around 6000. Unlike most villages around the city, Huaidi villagers initiated a deep “one-villager-one-share” cooperative from the beginning of the urbanization process. In China’s countryside, land is collective owned and privately used by villagers, in an equal fashion, as long as their households are registered in that village. In the process of urbanization, local government compensates villagers for the land which has been taken from them, paying them a single value and a specific transition fee for several years. The value partly depends on the market, and partly on the bargaining power of villagers. Under the leadership of Chen Yuxin [2], Huaidi villagers received very good compensations for their lost land in 1996, 1998 and 1999.
The success of the cooperative has come from these big compensations. In a weak organization, as is common in surrounding villages, villagers will get their money individually and make their living in the city on their own, abandoning the collective at that point. But Chen Yuxin persuaded the villagers to give up the first cash compensation, and bought back the land development rights in the future. In 1996, the Huaidi villagers collected a total of 10 million yuan [US $1,475,797] [3] compensation to build a new shopping mall. In 1998 and 1999, according to the urban plan, Huaidi land was taken by the government to build a road and a big park, respectively. In 1998, they got future development rights on both sides of the road. In 1999, they gave up a land compensation of 200,000 yuan [US $29,516] per mu (equivalent to US $44.3/m2, which is much lower than current land price) and bargained for a 33,350 m2 land patch, for their own future development. Most local governments are happy to accept this kind of exchange because of fiscal implications.
In this way, Huaidi villagers pursue their own urbanization pattern: self-demolition, self-transformation, and self-development. Under this process, villagers get more autonomy and create their own future city life, not becoming the sorrowful victims of social policy. Their core ideal is serving the city, influencing its development, and assuring a smooth transition between city and countryside. With these development rights, Huaidi villagers have amassed billions in assets, including famous and prosperous shopping centers, a decorative empire, food street, private schools, a cultural center, and other attractions. The current annual profit is about 100 million yuan [US $14.76 million]. As shareholders, Huaidi citizens now benefit from a very good welfare system.
First, every family gets identical, well decorated houses. In rural China, besides the arable land each person tends, every family has a house on a separate patch of land. In remote areas, there is also forest land per person. After the land is taken away, families get the transition fee [4] for several years, which is mainly used to rent the house they just lost, before moving into the new one. But many people have no ability to buy their own houses in the city in their lifetime. So after the transition period, every Huaidi family is placed into three or four houses, with a total area of 330 m2. They are given two choices. Under the first choice, they have three houses of 140 m2, 110 m2, and 80 m2 respectively. Under the second, they have four houses of 82.5 m2 each. All the 6000 citizens are very happy to own new houses in the city. These houses are more than enough for the whole family to live, and most can rent one apartment for several thousand yuan [more than US $400] per month. [5]
Second, every child is free to enjoy education. Huaidi villagers have built a famous private school [6], which has facilities from kindergarten to high school. The high quality of this school attracts students from outside of Huaidi, who are accepted in exchange for high fees. Every year, the school organizes various kinds of activities and interaction with other famous schools throughout the world. Teachers are proud of working there. Across the country, China has nine years of compulsory education, from primary to middle school, but Huaidi offers 15 years of free, high-quality education. This private school is one part of the villagers’ collective assets, and all their own children are exempt from tuition fees.
Third, every person benefits from healthcare. Huaidi has had a universal healthcare system since 1996. China, on the other hand, has employee healthcare only since 1998, and universal healthcare just since 2008. Nowadays, Huaidi citizens have double protection. All people are expected to participate in the national healthcare system, and the community pays the medical insurance premium for all collectively. Additionally, everybody can benefit from community healthcare if they choose. It only costs 10 yuan [US $1.48] per year, and supports the beneficiary with another 60% compensation for the money paid by oneself above 1000 yuan [US $148], up to 60,000 yuan [US $8,855], after national medical insurance reimbursement.

Huaidi citizens discussing their new apartments
Fourth, every person of age has a pension. Since 1996, every woman in Huaidi older than 50, and every man older than 60 years, have benefitted from pensions of at least 2000 yuan [US $296] per month—with larger pensions for older people. Currently, the Chinese pension system requires a minimum 15 years of contribution, whether a person is employed or not. Huaidi integrated its own pension system with the national one in 2010. People who are employed participate in the pension system via their employers. For those who are not employed, the community pays three quarters of the total annual contribution, and citizens only pay one quarter. The minimum contribution is 20% of the local per capita income in the previous year.
Fifth, every person gets a whole set of benefits in kind. Everything from rice, flour, edible oil, beans, salt, eggs, beef, pork, vinegar, soy sauce, chicken powder, milk, mineral water, to all kinds of vegetables, tooth paste, toothbrush, tea, sugar, washing powder, soap, toilet paper, cleanser, towel, etc. are distributed regularly in specific quantities, enough for everybody’s consumption, all with good quality.
Finally, all Huaidi citizens have had a basic income of 1500 yuan [US $221] per year since 1995, which is directly transferred to their bank accounts in shares of 125 yuan [US $18.5] per month. For children under 18, this money is kept in parents’ accounts. This amount money was significant in 1995 (Chinese cities’ nominal per capita annual income was about 5000 yuan [US $738] in 1995), but not as much now, due to the rapid rise of GDP in the last 20 years (in 2015, the nominal per capita annual income in Chinese cities was about 50,000 yuan [US $7,379]).
One might wonder why the people of Huaidi get some cash regularly, and unconditionally, after receiving so many benefits in kind. The answer is that the basic income gives people more freedom, especially for those who are unemployed, even though they get enough distributed food and very good social security system. Additionally, this basic income acts as prevention of social ills, reducing crimes, fights and other hurtful behaviors.
Huaidi’s welfare system is much higher than Chinese average social security level, so nobody in the community applies for social assistance. Moreover, there are a lot of other benefits, such as free newspaper, free cable, public utility subsidy, university subsidy, and so on. These welfare benefits come from their original rural collective assets, especially land. Land reform is the biggest achievement from the Mao era. This kind of basic income–often called a social dividend–comes from assets, not tax. It is more likely to be universal for a highly populous country like China.
[1] Baidu map, “Location of Huaidi“, 2016
[2] Chen Yuxin, “Leader of Hebei Huaite Group“, 2016
[3] At October 2016 exchange rates.
[4] The transition fee and the compensation for the land, are both paid by the government to the villagers, but the real land taker (future developer) should pay to the government first. Huaidi only keeps one part of this land development rights, and the other part is sold to the developer, who is the real payer of the compensation and transition fee. It is very difficult for single individuals to make good bargains during the land taking process.
[5] It is not very common for urban families to own multiple houses. So Huaidi citizens are richer than most of their neighbours.
[6] The Private School, “Shijiazhuang Foreign Language Education Group“, 2016
More information at:
(in Chinese)
Ge Jizhong, “People’s trust“, YanZhao Evening News, February 6th, 2015
Jiang Hongjie, “An interview with Chen Yuxin“, Hall of Fame Home Online, August 14th, 2012
Other information in this article comes from the author’s field research.
Article reviewed by André Coelho and Kate McFarland
by Kate McFarland | Nov 6, 2016 | News
In the last week of September 2016, the website Ideas for India published a symposium on universal basic income, featuring essays by six well-known Indian economists.
The e-symposium was conducted by Parikshit Ghosh, Professor at the Delhi School of Economics. Contributions are as follows:
• Pranab Bardhan (University of California, Berkeley) “Basic income in a poor country“
In his contribution, Bardhan allows that a universal basic income might be unaffordable in rich countries like the US and UK. But he argues that, nevertheless, a UBI is both feasible and desirable in India. Specifically, he considers a basic income set at about 75 percent of the poverty line, which would replace some but not all welfare programs. (Bardhan mentions public education, healthcare, childhood nutrition programs, and public works employment guarantee programs as ones that are important to retain.)
In addition to countering the argument that basic income would not be affordable, Bardhan responds to the objections that the policy would undermine the value of work and that poor individuals would squander their money. He admits, however, that gaining political support poses a struggle.
Bardhan’s article is an updated and extended version of a piece written for Project Syndicate in June.
• Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and GiveDirectly) “Universal basic income: The best way to welfare“
Banerjee’s essay is a reprint of a piece initially published on the Indian Express in June, framed in the context of the defeat of the Swiss referendum on basic income. Banerjee argues that, despite the failure of the Swiss referendum, the debate on basic income is not over–and, specifically, India should consider UBI as a way to reduce bureaucracy and make the welfare system more efficient.
• Maitreesh Ghatak (London School of Economics) “Is India ready for a universal basic income scheme?“
In his article, originally published on NDTV, Ghatak argues that India can afford a basic income–specifically, one sufficient to bring every Indian above the poverty line–by cutting subsidies, reducing wasteful spending, and reforming the tax code. He maintains, additionally, that a basic income is not a silver bullet to eliminate poverty, and would need to be introduced in addition to (rather than in place of) other anti-poverty programs and strategies.
• Debraj Ray (New York University) “The universal basic share“
Ray develops a proposal for what he calls a universal basic share in India: a policy in which a fixed percentage of the country’s GDP is set aside to distribute to residents in the form of individual cash transfers. He admits that he has “no clue whether we have the political will to pull something like this off” but is hopeful that the ability to start with small shares might make the policy more tractable politically.
• Kalle Moene (University of Oslo) with Debraj Ray “The universal basic share and social incentives“
In a jointly authored piece with Moene, Ray expands upon the projected benefits of a universal basic share (UBS)–for social cohesion, economic growth, and even possibly sustainable development. They argue, moreover, that UBS can accomplish some of these goals more effectively than UBI.
• T.N. Srinivasan (Yale University) “Minimum standard of living for all Indians“
Srinivasan revisits a minimum income policy that was debated in India during the 1960s.
Reviewed by Robert Gordon
Photo CC BY-NC 2.0 Rishi Bandopadhay
by Nick Yeretsian | Oct 22, 2016 | News
Benoît Hamon, member of the French National Assembly for Yvelines, is making unconditional basic income a key component of his Socialist Party (PS) primary campaign.
Though all of the Green candidates have showed support for basic income, Hamon is the only PS candidate to express vigorous support for the idea.
In an article in Les Echos, Hamon lays out some of his main reasons for advocating for a UBI:
“We can not accept that thousands of French are forced to sacrifice their physical and mental health for grueling and precarious jobs. A transition is necessary and the ambition is great. Tomorrow, our citizens could be released from sustained uncertainty and, instead, choose their mobility. Tomorrow, all working forms of economic and social utility are recognized and valued, beyond the single employee or paid work. The value of an individual and his right to dignity would not be indexed to their contribution to GDP.”
Relatedly, Hamon campaigns for the recognition of “burnout” as an occupational disease. “The Law on social dialogue and employment” first recognized burnout in this way last year, and Hamon would like to make further advancements.
“[I]n 2016, 20% of French say they are on the edge of burnout, and 70% of paid employees do not feel noticed.”
In his arguments for a UBI, Hamon also stresses the risk of unemployment due to increased mechanization of work. As he points out on his website,
“In Europe, between 2000 and 2010, 7.6 million jobs have disappeared under the direct impact of new technologies.”
“While 10% of the workforce is unemployed, up to 3 million jobs could disappear in France with digitization by 2025.”
Moreover, today in France, 24% of individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 are unemployed. “The youth… should no longer be synonymous with insecurity,” writes Hamon.
Hamon proposes an unconditional basic income distributed to every adult citizen on an individual basis. He says, “its amount and funding would be adjusted regularly to ensure each and every citizen has sufficient income to live and participate in public life.”

Hamon’s Breakdown
Here are the main features of the UBI program that Hamon proposes.
Every adult citizen would receive €750 per month. This would cost €300 billion per year. The UBI would exist alongside €18 billion in housing subsidies, €23 billion in social benefits, and €53 billion in family benefits–his rationale being that “the Basic Income should strengthen, not reduce the social protection of the French.”
Hamon plans to finance the basic income in part through reforms to the tax system, expecting to bring in €24 billion in revenue by individualizing income tax, €84 billion by closing tax loopholes, and €80 billion by fighting against tax evasion. He also recommends taxing wealth and digital technology, in addition to other appropriate taxation (he provides the example of French tax authorities who are currently demanding €1.6 billion in back taxes from Google).
Le revenu universel, la voie pour le progrès socialLe #RevenuUniversel pose la question fondamentale de la société que nous voulons pour demain. Pour aborder l’avenir avec confiance, notre pays a besoin d’un projet mobilisateur en ce début de XXIe siècle. Ayons l’audace de créer le revenu universel, comme nous avons eu l’audace de créer la sécurité sociale, pour protéger chaque citoyen face aux aléas de la vie.
Posted by Benoît Hamon on Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Hamon wants to change conceptions of wealth, the value of individuals, and the value of work from economic (GDP) to social, cultural, and educational. He explains his vision in the above video.
September polls show Hamon with support from 14% and 16% of those who intend to vote in the election. The PS presidential primary will take place on January 22, 2017.
On October 18th, Hamon invited people to a well-attended Q&A over coffee and drinks. Hamon’s campaign is part of a growing surge of interest in UBI in France. France’s prime minister, for instance, recently reopened the gates for discussion on basic income.
Cover Photo: by Margot L’hermite, published on Facebook on Oct 25, 2013.
Graphic: by BenoitHamon2017, campaign flyer.
Video: by Benoit Hamon, published on Facebook on Oct 4, 2016.
by Kate McFarland | Sep 27, 2016 | News
The Canadian Initiative for Basic Income has created an online petition asking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and members of the Canadian Parliament to “implement a basic income program for eligible Canadians in a timely manner”. As of Monday, September 26, the petition has gathered nearly 22,000 signatures.
The petition was developed last spring by a group of participants in the Leadership and Community Engagement training of North York Community House (NYCH). To conclude the training, participants were asked to select one important practicum issue and to develop an action plan to generate change within the community. As one member ofCanadian Initiative for Basic Income described in a blog of the NYCH, the idea originated in a class exercise that required attendees to use one of several tools to determine the priority of issues. The group selected a two-by-two matrix that measured importance against urgency:
Out of all, we deemed basic income to be the one with both the highest urgency and most importance. This was due to our belief that our existing income security system in place has become ineffective when it comes to helping people afford life’s basic necessities – food, housing, and other general expenses (“NYCH Participants Lead Basic Income Petition”; September 12, 2016)
Although originally designed just to fulfill a class exercise, the petition gained over 15,000 signatures in the first week alone–with signatories coming from across the nation. In light of the petition’s success, the Canadian Initiative for Basic Income decided to continue the project, developing a more detailed proposal to submit to the government of Canada (which the group eventually hopes to have translated into French).
The full text of the letter (sans footnotes) reads as follows:
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Members of Parliament,
As Canadians in poverty, we are calling for strengthening the income security system with the adoption of a Basic Income policy. Our petition for Basic Income has generated over 20,000 signatures from across Canada.
The sharp surge in basic living expenses, added to a large wealth and income gap, precarious work, stagnant wages, and diminishing social services is forcing Canadians to live with ever poorer access to basic necessities and the mental and physical deprivation that accompany this way of life. Currently, over 4.9 million Canadians are living in poverty. A report by Statistics Canada lists Canada as having one of the highest percentages of low-paid workers among industrialized nations.
Existing federal and provincial income security programs have not achieved their intended goals, as evidenced by their failure to provide vulnerable recipients with the ability to afford basic living needs such as adequate housing and food. These needs are basic human rights, as set out in The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ratified by Canada on May 19, 1976. Yes, that was four decades ago and we refer to; Part 3, Article 11.
We believe that a basic income policy in tandem with the existing income security system will be the most effective way of providing Canadians living with poverty the ability to afford basic living expenses. There is a rich history behind Canada’s existing income security system, and though some reform may be necessary for a basic income policy to be adopted, dismantling the existing welfare system would be dangerous and may leave those that already live in poverty in a similar or worse state.
A basic income program will cost Canada just over 1% of its GDP. This level of spending is within Canada’s means. We strongly believe that Canadians can afford this relatively modest expenditure, given the scope of the proposed policy and the significant benefits it will provide. Basic income will pay for itself in numerous ways; by decreasing healthcare costs, reducing social problems, boosting the economy, and providing low income Canadians with secure and productive job opportunities.
Basic income experiments are already being carried out in various European countries – but such experiments are not unique to Europe. The Croll Report, published under the Trudeau government in the 1970s put basic income policy in a favorable light, and the corresponding pilot program implemented in Dauphine, Manitoba yielded successful results. We are calling on your government to reintroduce Basic Income and move forward with its adoption. A basic income policy will not just mean upholding Canada’s human rights values and obligations, it will reduce poverty and create a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable society that will benefit every Canadian.
Canadian Initiative for Basic Income
Feroza Mohammed is the lead coordinator for planning and organizing the group’s activities to move the petition forward. She comments on the inspiration and values behind this work:
We do believe that the existing income security system in place has become ineffective, by way of providing assistance that is unsustainable. People are struggling to meet their basic daily living expenses for food, housing, accessible services, transit, and good jobs, as recommended by residents through local community consultations, across the City of Toronto. I believe that a Basic Income is necessary to improve the living standards for the most vulnerable population within our society. Currently there are about twenty percent, or approximately five million people in Canada living in poverty. To quote from comments on the petition, “Poverty should not exist in Canada”. This resonates with my belief, and I hope the government will act to implement a strong Basic Income policy that will improve lives for all Canadians. A basic income will provide people with the ability to afford life’s basic necessities.
Reza Hajivandi, the lead policy research and analyst behind the petition, adds:
We believe that the time for the reform of income security is overdue. Current programs are not providing people with the basic resources to survive, let alone live in dignity. In this light, a Basic Income policy could be the right step to take. A BI would not only provide people with resources to live a dignified life, but it can also reduce the discriminatory surveillance mechanisms and other conditions that are prohibiting recipients from achieving their aspirations and goals in life. A BI would also act to create and extend solidarity amongst people. However, with all the positive impact of BI, we need to be very careful about how or what we dismantle from the existing system. This system is the culmination of many years of thinking and history, and without first having a thorough understanding and discussion of its history and design, notions of wiping out certain components or wiping the whole slate clean can be counterproductive and unhelpful to the basic income and larger social justice movement.
Created on the platform, the Canadian Initiative for Basic Income petition is not an official e-petition of the Canadian government. Thus, the petition is not en route to be presented in the House of Commons, and the government has no formal requirement to take any action in response. However, as points out in describing its function, “When hundreds or even thousands of people raise their voices about an issue they care about, the message is very hard to ignore.”
Read–and sign–the petition here.

Thanks to Feroza Mohammed and Reza Hajivandi for contributions to this article.
Photograph: Canadian Initiative for Basic Income.
Thanks, as always, to Kate’s supporters on Patreon.