BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

The Future We Need

The Future We Need

This is a guest post by Rahul Basu for The Indepentarian Blog. Welcome, Rahul. Author: Rahul Basu The Future We Need This is a comment on Karl Widerquist's excellent proposal for a People's Endowment. I'm a member of The Future We Need (TFWN), a global campaign to...

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Universal Engagement and Civic Engagement

Universal Engagement and Civic Engagement

A UBI could be a powerful way to recognise and even enable civic engagement. Citizens contribute to society in important ways other than through paid work, including volunteering, supporting others and democratic participation.

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The people’s endowment

The people’s endowment

This article is an early version of a paper that was published as: Karl Widerquist, "The people's endowment." In Axel Gosseries and Inigo Gonzalez (eds.) Institutions for Future Generations, Oxford University Press, pp. 312-330 The proposal Governments should start to...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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