BIEN | Opinion
Opinion Posts
Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.
Challenges facing the implementation of an emergency Basic Income in the United Kingdom
As in countries all over the world, a significant effect of the social distancing and other measures that the UK Government has put in place to slow the coronavirus’s spread is that individuals’ incomes are experiencing significant damage. This is particularly true of...
What did Pope Francis mean on Easter Day 2020?
On Easter Day, the 12th April 2020, Pope Francis sent a message to 'our brothers and sisters in social movements and organizations', during which he said this: … I know that you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization. You do not enjoy the...
Emergency Basic Income during the Coronavirus crisis
There is a translation of this article into French. A basic income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement (BIEN's definition of Basic Income) The coronavirus pandemic is causing huge...
Guy Standing and Philippe Van Parijs interviewed for an article in El Pais
The Spanish newspaper El Pais has published an article, 'La renta básica deja de ser una utopía' ('Basic income is no longer a utopia'): La pandemia lleva a diversos países a ensayar planes de transferencias directas no universales para compensar la reducción en los...
Spain may issue ‘permanent’ basic income to fight COVID-19
Reports are emerging that Spain is hoping to deploy a “permanent” basic income type program in the near future. Spain aims to respond to the economic crisis from the global coronavirus pandemic.
Punk Band Records a Song with Indepentarian Argument for Basic Income
Indepentarianism exists. The Danish punk band, Husligt Arbejde [House Work] has recorded an indepentarian song, “Borgerløn - the power to say no,” which translates into “Basic Income – the power to say no.” According to Google translate, the band describes its music...
Common Arguments Against Basic Income Don’t apply to the Emergency BI
The Guardian newspaper asked me to write an opinion piece about the Emergency Universal Basic Income (UBI). They changed my headline but otherwise, printed it as I wrote it. America is in crisis. We need universal basic income now. By Karl Widerquist, the Guardian, 20...
Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark: “Covid-19 and the Need, Right Now, For a Universal Basic Income”
The pair Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark have analyzed the corona virus outbreak and consequent economic downturn and call for an immediate implementation of basic income in each country, truly a global response to a global crisis. It can be read, from the onset of the...
CNBC Interview of Karl Widerquist on Emergency Basic Income
Annie Nova, "How the Trump cash infusion would help millions of Americans: Interview with Karl Widerquist." CNBC, Mar 18 2020 Annie Nova, of CNBC, recently interviewed Karl Widerquist to ask about proposals for an Emergency Universal Basic Income during the twin...
Income Movement Endorses Three UBI-Supporting Candidates in Primary Elections on Super Tuesday
Blogger's note: this post is by a guest contributor, Stacey Rutland. The opinions expressed are hers alone. They are not necessarily shared by me or by the Basic Income Earth Network. -Karl Widerquist Super Tuesday is extra super this year! Three incredible...
The Time is Now for the Yang Gang
With Andrew Yang out of the presidential race, the time is now for the Yang Gang to decide whether and how to build on their accomplishments. I think the Yang Gang should take heart for all they've done and realize that they have the power to transform their campaign...
Basic income: Exit strategy or exit trap?
A new article ("Exit strategy or exit trap? Basic income and the ‘power to say no’ in the age of precarious employment") has been published by Simon Birnbaum and Jurgen De Wispelaere, analysing the "power to say no" argument as a support for basic income policies. The...