BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

BIEN Congress 2018: Looking for film makers

BIEN Congress 2018: Looking for film makers

BIEN Congress 2018 is looking for film makers to display their production at the upcoming basic income congress in Tampere! The 2018 Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress is planning to run a short film festival parallel to the talks, presentations and...

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BIEN Congress 2018: Extended deadline for submitting papers

BIEN Congress 2018: Extended deadline for submitting papers

The 2018 Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress has extended the deadline for submitting proposals for papers, themed panels or roundtables that cover any aspect of the justification, design, implementation, or politics of universal basic income. Send us your...

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United Kingdom: A podcast debate on basic income

United Kingdom: A podcast debate on basic income

Image credit to Nathaniel Houghton, on Medium. The Guardian has published a podcast of a debate on Citizen’s Basic Income (start to listen at 16:00 minutes): Could a universal basic income be a solution to precarious work, automation and a happy, healthier society? It...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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