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News on the global Basic Income debate

Germany: Discussions on unconditional basic income

Germany: Discussions on unconditional basic income

Which analytical models exist to defend UBI, and how convincing are they? What would the introduction of an UBI mean for different parts of society? What would be the associated opportunities and risks? To answer these, and many more questions, the...

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Scott Santens: Think like a Martian

Scott Santens: Think like a Martian

Richard Feynman ("If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it")   If Martians did exist, they would know nothing about human endeavours (assuming they had not come to Earth in UFO’s before). They would look at humans from a place of...

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United States: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on automation 

United States: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on automation 

Picture credit to: Ståle Grut / NRKbeta Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), during a talk at SXSW, was addressed by a tech entrepreneur with a question about automation (how should we act as a society and how will we be able to find a purpose in life as jobs are...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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