Convocatoria abierta: 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Renta Básica Universal Incondicional

Convocatoria abierta: 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Renta Básica Universal Incondicional

Entre los días 17 y 19 de julio, en San José de Costa Rica, se llevará a cabo el primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Renta Básica Universal Incondicional. Se recibirán ponencias hasta el 12 de abril. El formato será híbrido, con modalidad presencial y también online.

Este primer encuentro regional es un hito en el avance del estudio y la promoción de la renta básica universal e incondicional en la región. Las discusiones del congreso estarán orientadas en torno al “Pensar la renta básica en un contexto de crisis y transformación en América Latina“.

Más información y envío de ponencias en

Correo de contacto:

La participación no contempla gastos de inscripción.


Open call: 1st Latin American Congress on Unconditional Universal Basic Income

The first Latin American Congress on Unconditional Universal Basic Income will be held in San José, Costa Rica, from 17 to 19 July. Papers will be accepted until 12 April. The format will be hybrid, with both face-to-face and online modalities.

This first regional meeting is a milestone in the advancement of the study and promotion of unconditional universal basic income in the region. Discussions at the congress will focus on “Thinking about basic income in a context of crisis and transformation in Latin America”.

More information and submission of papers at

Contact email: 

Participation does not include registration fees.

Constitutional Convention in Chile has two proposals of basic income in debate

Constitutional Convention in Chile has two proposals of basic income in debate

During January the Fundamental Rights commission of the Constitutional Convention of Chile proposed two different articles to guarantee a basic income. Following an increasing support and visibility of this proposal, the Chilean Basic Income Network collaborated with 11 members of the convention and proposed a basic income as a way of fulfilling the right to a vital minimum (mínimo vital) through a basic income. The articles proposed to be incorporated in the new constitution are:

“Article XXX (to be defined): Of the right to a vital minimum and to the universal basic income.

The State recognizes the human right to a vital minimum.

The State must provide each inhabitant of the Republic with a monetary transfer that is periodic, individual, unconditional and non-seizable.

To ensure this minimum, a sufficient amount of resources must be allocated within the Budget Law for the preservation of social services and benefits.

The law that regulates the organisation and implementation of the basic income will guarantee that, in the case of people in contexts of dependency, the administration of their income is in charge, totally or partially, of their caregivers.

Transitory Article XXX (to be defined): The government will submit a bill for the implementation of the right to a vital minimum and universal basic income within the first two years counted from the entry in force of this constitution”

The second set of articles to guarantee a basic income refers to a right to a guaranteed basic income and it has the following description:

“Permanent article.- Every person permanently residing in Chile will have the right to receive a basic income in money, which guarantees the basic necessities of existence. This income will be monthly, unconditional, individual, unattachable and independent of any other income. The law will determine its amount and provide the way for its transfer to be automatic, without any request or justification. The loss of basic income may not be applied as a sanction.

Transitory article.- The basic income will replace any subsidy with similar purposes and will be implemented in accordance with the progressiveness established by law. The President of the Republic, during the first year of his mandate, must account to the National Congress for the measures that he will adopt for the progression of the effectiveness of this right”.

The next step in this process is the discussion of these initial proposals in the wider assembly. To be approved, an article must gather ⅔ of votes from the 155 convention representatives.

Red Chilena de Ingreso Básico presentó argumentos a favor de la RBU en la Asamblea Constituyente de Chile

Red Chilena de Ingreso Básico presentó argumentos a favor de la RBU en la Asamblea Constituyente de Chile

El 1 de diciembre, la Comisión de Derechos Fundamentales recibió a la presidenta y secretario de la Red Chilena de Ingreso Básico, Gabriela Cabaña y Cristóbal Ramos. La intervención incluyó las justificaciones de la renta básica como un derecho que debe garantizarse en el nuevo orden constitucional, como parte de una rearticulación más amplia del estado. También incluyó consideraciones legales y las diferentes formas en que el ordenamiento jurídico actual de Chile apoya la consagración constitucional de una renta básica. Los presentadores también respondieron preguntas de miembros de la Convención.

La convención constitucional presentará una nueva constitución para su aprobación nacional mediante un referéndum el próximo año. Puedes ver la intervención completa (en español) aquí .

Texto en Ingles

Red Chilena de Ingreso Básico presentó argumentos a favor de la RBU en la Asamblea Constituyente de Chile

Arguments for UBI were presented at the Constituent Assembly in Chile

On the 1st of December, the Comission of Fundamental Rights received the president and secretary of the Chilean Basic Income Network (Red Chilena de Ingreso Básico) Gabriela Cabaña and Cristóbal Ramos. The intervention included the justifications of basic income as a right that should be guaranteed in the new constitutional order, as part of a wider re-articulation of the state. It also included legal considerations and different ways in which Chile’s current legal order supports the constitutional consagration of a basic income. The presenters also answered questions from members of the Convention.

The constitutional convention will present a new constitution for national approval via referendum next year. You can watch the full intervention (in Spanish) here

Spanish Text


近几十年来,智利     农村和城市之间的分化     在無聲之中迅速加深。复苏乡村世界作为充实而有尊严的生活空间     已经被推迟了太久。自土地改革以来,智利一直没有任何项目可以使农村摆脱     作为国家“后院”的悲慘宿命     ——以     出口為导向的商業化农业     、負責能源生产甚至是     接收来自城市的垃圾     。

非城市地区     对面臨巨大挑战的     这个时代有很大的可能性     :居住在这些地区的人們了解如何照顾這些地方     的生物多样性,保护他们免於     過度開發     ,并     致力于发展粮食的自給自足計畫          。

但所有这一切只有在最低水平的经济保證     下才有可能。例如,     打破     智利     南部海岸對     商業化农业或相關產業     的依赖,這些產業与鲑鱼养殖一样有害。这种破壞性的模式扰乱了以前鮮少受     金钱影響的人群     陷入了不稳定和危险的工作形式中。全民基本收入可能是加强农村居民的地位和可能性的第一步,使其他     自我追求成为现实。

在這種長期以來虧待農村,且急需轉型方案的情況下,可行的方法是全民     基本收入     优先在农村     比例高的省份或地区推出。这将允许我們尽早能夠评估该政策在振兴     许多     已經     萧条的     地方经济的效果     ,鼓励那些     因为家計     而離開世代生活的土地     的人們返回农村,同时他们也仍然拥有使城外生活变得更有意义的資源     、可能性和愿景     。

这将是使生态友善和小规模农业旅游、非破壞性     放牧或因不符合农产品出口模式而被拋棄     的谷物、水果或蔬菜的种植等活动的繁荣和恢复的机会,     这些同時都能加强和丰富     我们的     生態與食物遗产。它还可以通过增加像是该国南部森林种植     等不同商品的耕地面积来阻止森林砍伐     。简而言之,它可以打破為了     日常收入(通常非常低)的紧迫性而破坏了智利大部分领土的社会生态基础的恶性循环。

     對現代的人們來說,社会正在进入最重要的生态转型时期,而其中最關鍵的是     一个具有生態韌性     的乡村     。如果居住在这些处于危机中的领土的人有     收入保证,就可以更好地应对     如同日益严重的干旱和沙漠化     等環境     挑战。

     一言以蔽之,就算不以     城市为中心的视角,     在智利建立基本收入的潜在积极影响也只會更加明显且有理有據,其实施也更加紧迫。

Translation into Chinese by Fang Yuan.

The original article in English can be found here.