NAMIBIA: Basic Income Grant request newest step toward poverty eradication

NAMIBIA: Basic Income Grant request newest step toward poverty eradication

Namibia’s Minister of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, Zephania Kameeta, announced last Thursday that a Basic Income Grant was being submitted for Cabinet approval and presented the blueprint to fellow Ministers.

The blueprint seeks to expand on an early Basic Income Guarantee, which was put in place in a limited area in 2008, ran steadily for two years, and intermittently after that. Noting that many households rely on the current basic as their primary source of income, Kameeta wants to continue to shift the government’s focus further toward poverty eradication — with the goal of eradicating poverty by 2025.

Among other recommendations, the blueprint lays out strategies for redistributing wealth and revising land distribution regulation in both rural and urban areas.

Read the full article here:

Nampa, “Basic Income Grant to be submitted for Cabinet Approval“, February 4, 2016

CANADA: Elizabeth May: Paying Everyone A Basic Income Will End Poverty And Save Money

Basic Income is an idea that has been gaining popularity amongst Canadians. The Green Party has made basic income one of the most important planks of their platform, tying it to their anti-poverty efforts and elder care strategy.
elizabeth may green party

Dubbing their “Guaranteed Livable Income” (GLI), the Greens would use “a single universal, unconditional cash benefit delivered through the tax system” to replace the current complex system of federal and provincial support.
In a recent article, Huffington Post Canada sat down with party leader Elizabeth May to discuss why providing a basic income to all Canadians would pay off for Canada. The interview provides valuable information about the reasons why she and other Greens believe that the “Guaranteed Livable Income” is the perfect anti-poverty measure.

For more information, read the whole article here:

CANADA: Saskatchewan’s New Democrats, Canadian Medical Association, and Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction Endorse Guaranteed Income Pilot Project


Saskatchewan’s New Democrats have endorsed a guaranteed basic income pilot project and are currently lobbying the provincial government to begin a limited distribution of a guaranteed income. The New Democrats are willing to accept either an unconditional basic income or a negative income tax. The endorsement and the subsequent effort to implement a guaranteed income came on the heels of a report from the Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction recommending a pilot project. The Canadian Medical Association has also expressed support for such a measure.

For more information on the potential Saskatchewan guaranteed income pilot project, see:

NDP Caucus Administration, “New Democrats call for a guaranteed basic income pilot project“, September 02, 2015.

ROME, ITALY: International day for the eradication of poverty, October 17, 2015

Several initiatives took place throughout Italy on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, held on October 17 this year. A public event in Rome tackled the theme of “Equal social dignity”.

A common document was signed by a number of civil society organizations and activist groups, including Basic Income Network Italy (BIN Italy), BIEN’s Italian chapter. One of the key points was “adequate legislation for income and dignity” as a way to counter new forms of poverty and precariousness. Three draft bills in favor of a guaranteed minimum income deposited in parliament in this legislature have not yet reached the stage of parliamentary debate.

BIN Italy’s President Luca Santini was among the many speakers at the event.

Click here for more information (in Italian).


Jordi Arcarons, Daniel Raventós, Lluís Torrens, “El “trabajo garantizado” de Izquierda Unida y el “plan de garantía de rendas” de Podemos contra la pobreza: unas propuestas muy pobres” [“”Guaranteed jobs” from Izquierda Unida and “Plan of income guarantee” from Podemos, against poverty: two very weak proposals”]

Credit to: Sin Permisso

Credit to: Sin Permisso

Daniel Raventós, Jordi Arcarons and Lluís Torrens make the case for basic income, which they justify as more rational, more efficient and socially desirable than guaranteed jobs (from Izquerda Unida) and the plan of income guarantee (from Podemos). This is put forward in a recently published article on the Sin Permisso magazine.


Jordi Arcarons, Daniel Raventós, Lluís Torrens, “El “trabajo garantizado” de Izquierda Unida y el “plan de garantía de rendas” de Podemos contra la pobreza: unas propuestas muy pobres” [“”Guaranteed jobs” from Izquierda Unida and “Plan of income guarantee” from Podemos, against poverty: two very weak proposals”], Sin Permisso, November 1st 2015