A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.
The Royal Society of Arts Explains: [2 minutes]

Recent News, Opinion, and Research
New book on basic income by Malcolm Torry
Malcolm Torry, BIEN Treasurer, has a new book, Basic Income—What, Why, and How? Aspects of the Global Basic Income Debate just published by Palgrave Macmillan. The book analyzes the global Basic Income debate which is now widespread, and is based on conference papers,...
Summary Report on the BIEN 2022 Congress
The 21st annual Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) was hosted in Brisbane, Australia, by the University of Queensland's Centre for Policy Futures from 26-28 September, in conjunction with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, BIEN Australia,...
Article summarizing results of UBI programs and pilots worldwide
An article by Sigal Samuel entitled "Everywhere basic income has been tried, in one map Which countries have experimented with basic income — and what were the results?" is now available online. To read the article click here.
Message to BIEN Supporters from BIEN’s Chair
The confluence of multiple contemporary crises has made a Basic Income an achievable goal and made BIEN more important than ever. Discussions and policy debates about Basic Income are taking place in countries across the world. This is an incredible opportunity for...
100 Pilots: Guaranteed Income Achieves Historic Milestone in the U.S.
In September, 2022, the Economic Security Project (ESP) announced that it had hit a milestone of 100 guaranteed income pilots announced nationwide. See a two-minute video celebrating this achievement here. In 2017, ESP helped launch pilots in Stockton, CA and Jackson,...
UBI Has Been Tested Repeatedly–Will America Ever Embrace It?
The Washington Post Magazine published an article by Megan Greenwell on guaranteed income pilots and support for UBI in the United States on 24 October 2022. You can read the article here.
Basic Income March & Day of Action 2022
Highlights of the 4th International Basic Income March held 24th September 2022 can be viewed in this video.
100 U.S. Mayors, 100 Pilots: Guaranteed Income Now
The 2022 Guaranteed Income Now summit was an opportunity to mark the movement’s recent progress — there are now officially 100 mayors who have joined Mayors for a Guaranteed Income and 100 pilots announced in the United States. The 2-day summit in Atlanta brought...
Dutch guaranteed income pilot shows reduced financial stress
My name is Jonathan Berg. I have been working as a medical anthropologist doing research with people living in poverty and marginalization since 2012. I currently work at the Erasmus University. In the past few years I have been involved as a researcher with an...
Bristol Ideas Conference October 12: Back to Basics
Leading thinkers, politicians and policymakers come together to debate and explore basic income pilots, macro-economic models, the prospects for basic income in developing economies, and political economy of social and economic change. Join Bristol Ideas for ‘Back to...
FRIBIS Annual Conference 2022
Basic income has become the subject of a lively and controversial debate in politics, civil society and academia. By questioning the fundamental assumptions of our social interaction, it challenges us to redefine the way we want to live together. At Basic Income and...
BIEN 2022 Congress – Roundup
September 28 marks the end of a resoundingly successful BIEN 2022 Congress. With more than fifty sessions taking place over the course of three days, the 2022 edition has been host to landmark discussions on the growing Basic Income movement worldwide. The key themes...