BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

BRAZIL: UBI Makes Progress

BRAZIL: UBI Makes Progress

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is making significant progress in Brazil, according to the following letter former Senator Eduardo Suplicy sent to leaders of BIEN. (See also: Maricá one step from Universal Basic Income): my dear friends of BIEN: Let me inform you...

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Basic income trial shows ‘poignant’ stories

Basic income trial shows ‘poignant’ stories

A three-year-long project documenting the impact of a small basic income trial in the United States is entering its final stages before release. The goal of the project was to “explore what people do with extra unconditional cash.”

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BIEN Congresses

The 24th BIEN CONGRESS in Maricá & Niterói – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 27-29 August 2025

Call for Papers

Linkedin, Instagram, X  – biencongress25 (at) gmail [dot] com

BIEN2024 was August 29–31 (Pictures and more coming soon)

Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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