BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

17th BIEN Congress in Lisbon, Portugal

17th BIEN Congress in Lisbon, Portugal

The 17th BIEN Congress took place in Lisbon, Portugal from the 25th to the 27th of September. The focus of the congress was on “Implementing Basic Income.” The 150 presenters represented 33 countries, with more countries represented in the additional 380 audience...

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New Zealand Poll Results

New Zealand Poll Results

Nearly 90% of respondents to a New Zealand-based poll stated that, assuming that the economy and nz stock market was strong enough to support all residents, a universal basic income (UBI) was the fairest way to ensure basic support to all who need it, according to the...

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China: News from Macau’s “Wealth Partaking Scheme”

China: News from Macau’s “Wealth Partaking Scheme”

José Pereira Coutinho. Credit to: Macau Daily Times.   In the Legislative Assembly (AL) elections for The New Hope (Nova Esperança), a political party from Macau, candidacy is headed by lawmaker José Pereira Coutinho. He is urging for the redistribution of the...

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Investing in Basic Income

Investing in Basic Income

Picture credit to: The Guardian. Many new digital currencies have been created recently, for example, litecoin, bitcoin, and that is to only name a couple, a slew of them have come out and many people are investing/trading in them. According to Market Watch, their...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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