BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Europe: European Green Perspectives on Basic Income

Europe: European Green Perspectives on Basic Income

The Green European Foundation (GEF) has published its report on UBI: European Green Perspectives on Basic Income, on 18th February 2019. GEF is one of the ‘political foundations at European level’ (a.k.a. Eurofoundations) that are research and advocacy organisations...

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Leeds, UK: Louise Haagh at the Café Economique

Leeds, UK: Louise Haagh at the Café Economique

Louise Haagh (Twitter) On the 5th of March 2019, Basic Income Earth Network’s (BIEN) chair, Louise Haagh, will speak at the Café Economique, in Leeds, UK. The event is called “Basic Income and Democratisation”. Café Economique is an initiative in Leeds, UK, that aims...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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