BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Living Minimum Income in Spain: very far from a UBI

Living Minimum Income in Spain: very far from a UBI

In a previous news report the initial details and negotiation of the Living Minimum Income had been specified. In this piece the final details of the Minimum Living Income are specified. What is the scheme about? The Minimum Living Income (IMV, due to its acronym in...

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UK Liberal Democrats discuss Basic Income

UK Liberal Democrats discuss Basic Income

One of the contenders for the leadership of the UK's Liberal Democratic Party has edited a a book of policy ideas for the party: Build Back Better. Among those policies is a Basic Income: Nothing could be more uncertain than what will happen as we emerge from...

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BIEN’s new website

BIEN has a new website. We hope you like it. It's designed to be easy to navigate. The main menu has just three items: 'Home', 'About Basic Income', and 'Frequently asked questions'. Anyone wanting more information can click the 'news', 'opinion', 'research',...

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The United States, Basic Income, and Covid

The United States, Basic Income, and Covid

The second in a series of zoomcasts has now been published. Unprecendented unemployment figures in the United States of America in the wake of COVID-19 require a new type of response - Is Universal Basic Income the answer? Karl Widerquist...

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A new video about Basic Income from Share Ideas

A new video about Basic Income from Share Ideas

Share Ideas has published a new video about Basic Income. A Basic Income is an unconditional income paid to every individual. It’s as simple as that. It has a number of different names: Citizen’s Income, Basic Income, Citizen’s Basic...

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Obituary: Lieselotte Wohlgenannt

Obituary: Lieselotte Wohlgenannt

Lieselotte Wohlgenannt died in Bregenz (Austria) on the 29th of May 2020. Born in 1931, Lieselotte was one of Europe’s first prominent advocates of basic income. After studying in Bregenz and Paris and spending ten years working for the catholic school network in the...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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