BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

The third Basic Income Conversation

The third Basic Income Conversation

BIEN has published its third Basic Income Conversation, this time about Brazil. In this conversation, Lena Lavinas and Leandro Ferreira debate the Covid pandemic, Brazil's response, and their relationship to the Basic Income debate.

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An analysis of a Basic Income scheme proposed for the UK

An analysis of a Basic Income scheme proposed for the UK

There is a translation of this article in French. Karl Widerquist and Georg Arndt have written an article in which they evaluate a particular Basic Income scheme for the UK: 'The Cost of Basic Income in the United Kingdom: A Microsimulation Analysis’ The article can...

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UN Secretary General proposes Basic Income

UN Secretary General proposes Basic Income

There is a translation of this article into French. On the 18th July the Secretary General of the United Nations gave the annual Nelson Mandela Lecture. People want social and economic systems that work for everyone. They want their human rights and fundamental...

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South Africa: A talk by Guy Standing

South Africa: A talk by Guy Standing

On the 30th July Guy Standing will be addressing a zoom meeting hosted in South Africa on the subject The case for a Basic Income in a time of pandemics. Registration details can be found below.

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Canadian artists call for an income guarantee

Canadian artists call for an income guarantee

75,000 artists have signed a letter calling on the Canadian government to implement an income guarantee. We, the undersigned, are calling upon the Government of Canada to honour itscommitment to poverty reduction and instate a Basic Income Guarantee tomake a historic...

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Results from the Stockton experiment

Results from the Stockton experiment

The New Yorker has reported on the results of the experiment in Stockton, where five hundred individuals randomly selected from the city's most deprived districts have been receiving US$100 per month unconditionally. ... For example, during the pandemic, the...

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Prospect magazine top fifty thinkers

Prospect magazine top fifty thinkers

Philippe Van Parijs has been nominated by Prospect Magazine (UK) as one of the top fifty thinkers for the COVID-19 age. To vote for 'the godfather of the UBI movement', as Prospect Magazine puts it, click here.

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Namibia – UBI success and institutional failure

Namibia – UBI success and institutional failure

1. Namibia - country background A South West African state with a troublesome colonial history, Namibia has a population of around 2,5 million people and is one of the least populated countries in Africa due to its extremely dry climate. The country is rich in natural...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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