
BIEN is entering into a number of partnerships with other organisations in order to undertake joint projects. Further details will appear on this page.


BIEN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in February 2021. The aim of BIEN’s partnership with UNDP is to advance a more systematic consideration of Basic Income as a policy tool for socio-economic recovery in situations of crisis, be they related to pandemics, civil conflict or natural disasters. Leading the UN System COVID-19 socio-economic response, UNDP is working with partners to ensure that recovery plans focus on policy innovation and bold, integrated solutions. UNDP brings to the partnership its global policy network and wealth of expertise and development practice as well as its global reach through its local presence in developing and emerging countries, including through direct engagement with national governments.  BIEN offers a unique network of knowledge and expertise necessary for the operationalisation of this policy tool.

BIEN Executive Committee Election 2022

Rules for the election

In order to stand as a candidate, the individual will need to have been a BIEN member for at least a year, will need to say to which post they wish to be elected, and will need to send a picture (suitable for placing on a website) and a personal statement, of a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 500 words, saying why they wish to be elected to that post, mentioning their qualifications and experience relevant to the post and ideas they have about filling it.

Voting will take place at the online General Assembly using the Zoom poll facility. If more than two candidates are standing for any post then a runoff poll will be held between the two candidates with the highest numbers of votes.

The 2022 General Assembly will be held on Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 13:00h British Summer Time (UTC+1).

The window of time to stand for election is now open and closes on the 19th of August. Candidates are encouraged to notify the BIEN EC by the 12th June of their intention to stand by informing the Secretary of the post for which they wish to stand, and to send personal statements and photographs as soon as possible after that.

Enquiries about positions can be made informally to the Chair, Sarath Davala, and BIEN’s Secretary, Diana Bashur.

BIEN is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered with the Charity Commission in the United Kingdom. Anyone elected to the EC will need to able and willing to sign the trustee declaration.

The timeline will be as follows:

19th August: final day for receipt of statements of intention to stand, personal statements, and photos. Earlier submission is encouraged. Please write to BIEN’s Secretary, Diana Bashur at:

27th August: The final list of candidates will appear on this webpage.

28th September: Election by secret ballot at the GA, using the Zoom poll facility. If there is only one candidate for any post, then a confirmatory ballot will be held and the person standing for election will be elected if they obtain more than 50% of the votes cast. If more than two candidates stand for any post then a run-off ballot will be held between the two candidates who receive the highest numbers of votes in the first ballot.

Please note that under paragraph 9 (1) (b) of the constitution the Executive Committee has decided not to receive new applications for membership of BIEN at the GA or within a week of the GA.

The following posts will be elected

PositionCandidates standing
News EditorPeter Knight
Social mediaJames Grant
BIEN hubs supervisorNeil Howard
Volunteer CoordinatorPierre Madden
Fundraising Coordinator
A message from the Chair about three of the elections 


Hubs Manager

Dr. Neil Howard

News Editor

Peter Knight

Social Media Manager

James Grant

Volunteer Coordinator

Pierre Madden

General Assembly 2021

The 2021 BIEN General Assembly took place on Saturday 21st August 2021 at 14:00h London time (British Summer Time: UTC+1) online

Minutes of the 2021 General Assembly

A message from the First Hungarian Unconditional Basic Income Association

Papers for the meeting

Agenda for the 2021 General Assembly

Minutes of the 2019 General Assembly

Minutes of the meeting of members held on the 17th December 2020

Financial report

Annual report and accounts for 2020 submitted to the UK Charity Commission by the Executive Committee

Half year accounts 1st January to 30th June 2021

Report to the members by the Chair and Vice Chair

Secretary’s report

News Editor’s report

Volunteer recruitment officer’s report

Outreach report

Academic editor/research report

Report from the Clarifications of the Definition of Basic Income working group

Affiliation request: Hungary

A proposal for the BIEN Congress in 2023

BIEN’s constitution, as amended following the general meeting of members held on the 17th December 2020 and subsequently agreed by the UK Charity Commission.

BIEN’s internal rules as amended following the general meeting of members held on the 17th December 2020.

Information on the election of Executive Committee members and on candidates who have stood for election can be found here

Municipal Leaders

BIEN | Municipal Leaders

Municipal Leader Roundtables

The Basic Income Earth Network is eager to announce the creation of the international Municipal Leaders Roundtable, a conversation about the possibilities and realization of basic income at local, municipal and city wide, regional levels. The purpose is to facilitate a conversation between the different local authorities, municipal leaders, governors and other sub national forms of government, to share their experiences with each other and find the tools needed to issue an Unconditional Basic Income to the people in their territories. 

BIEN, together with its partners, will create a virtual space where the mayors and governors of the world who are already experimenting with different basic income systems can meet and share their stories. From the local currency basic income in Gyeonggi, South Korea, to the digital social currency of Mumbuca in Maricá, Brasil, all the way to the growing Mayors for  Guaranteed Income in the US, the purpose is to create a transcultural collective narrative about the increasing importance of doing UBI in our present moment and connect the efforts at an international level. The goal of this is to catalyze an internationalist municipal basic income movement of Mayors and other leaders around the world, and help to facilitate the narrative and scientific tools in order to do so.

For this, we welcome basic income activists from all over the world to reach out to if you want to help in bringing this to your local authorities and organize basic income in your area.


To organize the Municipal Leaders Roundtable, BIEN has created the Basic Income Research & Action Lab (BIRAL). BIRAL has two objectives:

The first objective is to create a series of seminars to share and analyze the experiences from already existing basic income systems around the world. BIRAL is meant to be a collaborative network of researchers, research teams, universities and local policy makers who are already engaged in doing research on Basic Income systems, pilots and those who are trying to enact UBI into being on the ground. BIRAL aims to synthetize the learnings from the emerging experiences around the world and turn these into useful tools for those interested in doing basic income in their regions. 

The second objective is facilitating the Municipal Leaders roundtable conversations, connect the different leaders of the Earth and facilitate knowledge-sharing and critical support for other local mayors and governors interested in UBI; to contextualize and understand which tools they have available to them in order to issue a basic income to their citizens, either in the national or local currency, and expand the imagination of what is possible at local, regional and federal levels. 

In order to begin this process, BIEN has partnered with Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS) and the Gyeonggi Research Institute Basic Income Research Group for the organization of the first seminar. More details coming soon. 

To see an invitation to watch the first seminar on the 28th May 2021 please click here..

For further details of this project, please contact

The Jain Family Institute created a toolkit for municipalities interested in launching a basic income pilot. The Basic Income Earth Network does not endorse the definitions or language therein but hopes that readers will find it useful.

A translation into Chinese can be found here.

BIEN Congresses

The 24th BIEN CONGRESS in Maricá & Niterói – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 27-29 August 2025

Call for Papers

Linkedin, Instagram, X  – biencongress25 (at) gmail [dot] com

BIEN2024 was August 29–31 (Pictures and more coming soon)

Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

Pitch a Story

To pitch a story, please click here.

BIEN Monthly Bulletin Signup

BIEN Congress 2021

BIEN Congress 2021

The 20th Basic Income Earth Network Congress will be hosted online from Wednesday 18 – Saturday 21 August 2021. The theme for the Congress is Idea to Reality. We want to consider how we take Basic Income from a big idea for big change to a reality. All are welcome to join us in discussion at this exciting time for the Basic Income Movement.

The conference will be hosted on Whova, a specialist online conference platform. You’ll be able to view the programme and pick which sessions to attend,  securely view all the presentations on the platform, as well as take part in discussions and message boards and re-watch anything you might have missed for up to 6 months afterwards.

Basic Income Network Scotland, in partnership with the University of Strathclyde, are excited to be putting together a programme packed with perspectives on Basic Income in Scotland, the wider UK and around the world. We will present insights into the status of Basic Income in Scotland, including: the feasibility study into a Scottish Basic Income experiment, political attitudes and work on Basic Income, civil society perspectives, and creative and cultural demonstrations that represent the Scottish debate.

More about the Programme

The programme will be a dynamic mix of academic paper presentations, workshops, and special events showcasing the work of artists and Basic Income activists across the world. There will be strands focussing on Scotland; Canada; funding Basic Income; Basic Income and Health; Basic Income and the environment; the Philosophy of UBI, and more. Across four days we’re looking forward to welcoming nearly 200 speakers to share their work.

Our highlights include:

  • Annie Miller, co-founder of Basic Income Network Scotland, will be presenting at the Congress. Economist, academic, lecturer, Basic Income advocate and author, Annie has written several important books on Basic Income: A Basic Income Handbook (2017), A Basic Income Pocketbook (2020) and Essentials of Basic Income (2020).
  • You’ll also get the chance to hear from Guy Standing, another exciting author who’s made important contributions to literature on Basic Income, including his book Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public Wealth – which Brian Eno called ‘one of the most important books I’ve read in years’!
  • Representatives from Scotland’s Basic Income feasibility study;
  • Hearing from Scottish Universities Insight Institute project about Basic Income and Mental Health, Peace of Mind;
  • Representation from the United Nations Development Programme

Follow Citizen’s Basic Income Network Scotland on twitter and facebook and on its blog for more information about the programme.

Support the Congress

Basic Income Network Scotland welcome donations to support their volunteer-led work on the Congress.

This will be the first time the Congress has taken place online and we’re happy that this means more people than ever will be able to attend. However there are still costs we need to cover – running an online conference has unique demands and requires just as much in terms of resources as an in-person conference! We’ll be providing moderation, technical support and any other required assistance to speakers and attendees throughout. The costs we need to cover include volunteers’ expenses and fees for software and web hosting.

Online conferences of a similar scale usually cost between £50 and £200 to attend. With the programme we’ve got lined up – four days of paper sessions, workshops and special events, hearing from leading thinkers on UBI, we think our suggested contributions are great value for money!

We’re asking all attendees to donate some of what you would have spent on attendance, travel and accommodation to support Basic Income Network Scotland, a volunteer-led organisation educating and advocating for Basic Income in Scotland and your local hosts for this edition of the BIEN Congress.

We’re asking for the following contributions, depending on your situation: 

  • Individual/self-funded – £5-£10
  • Professional, attending one day only – £30
  • Professional, attending whole Congress – £50
  • Attending on behalf of an organisation who are supporting you to attend – £100

But of course, if you want to donate more, you’re welcome to!

Volunteer at the Congress

We’re looking for volunteers to support and shape the delivery of this year’s BIEN Congress. This opportunity provides you with an instrumental role in hosting Basic Income experts and a conference of people from around the world determined to take Basic Income from idea to reality.

For obvious reasons the Congress this year will be online, but we’re determined to use this as an opportunity to increase the accessibility and diversity of attendees, infusing a traditional international academic conference with fresh ideas. The virtual platform will be used to create a dynamic and interactive community reflective of the Basic Income movement in Scotland.

A history of Basic Income

Just before the congress begins a new comprehensive history of Basic Income will be published. Further details can be found here. In connection the congress, the publisher is giving a 50% discount on the hardback price until the end of August. Details can be found here.