by Denis Flinn | Sep 30, 2015 | News

Halifax Mayor Mike Savage joins the ranks of major Canadian city politicians in support of a basic income guarantee for their citizens, citing improved social cohesion and better balance of opportunities among the primary benefits.
Read the full article at:
Roderick Benns, “‘There’s a good case to be made for a basic income’: Halifax Mayor”, September 21, 2015
by Denis Flinn | Sep 29, 2015 | Research

The Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction (AGRP) has presented its final recommendations to Saskatchewan social services minister Donna Harpauer. Areas of initial focus include income security to support basic needs for all, regardless of circumstance or geography. This poverty reduction initiative is related to several others, including a Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan, and the Joint Task Force on Improving Education and Employment Outcomes for First Nations and Métis People.
Full story and supplementary information is available at:
Leya Moore, “Poverty Reduction Strategy One Step Closer“,, August 24, 2015
by Denis Flinn | Sep 28, 2015 | News
Green Party leader Elizabeth May recently announced her party’s platform for the upcoming Canadian national elections. Among the key planks of the party platform was that of a livable income to ensure no Canadian lives in poverty.
Other key elements of the platform included a housing plan with affordable, predictable home care support and abolition of tuition fees / debt-forgiveness of student debt over $10,000.
Full story and complete list of the Green Party platform can be found at:
Kathleen Harris, “Green Party platform promises to expand rail, eliminate tuition,”, September 9, 2015.
by Denis Flinn | Sep 26, 2015 | News

SUMMARY: Mary Wilman, the mayor of Iqaluit, discusses the challenges specific to the capital of Nunavut. Job scarcity, food costs, and lack of recognition of traditional lifestyles under current employment frameworks are all presented as reasons why a basic income may be the best solution for Wilman’s community and communities like hers throughout Northern Canada. The full article is available here.
Additional articles by Roderick Benns are available here.
by Josh Martin | Sep 8, 2015 | News
Mayor Keith Hobbs of Thunder Bay, Ontario, has joined the mayors of Edmonton and Calgary in publicly stating his support for a basic income. Hobbs believes basic income provides a certain degree of self-worth to every individual and helps fight poverty, addiction, and homelessness. Hobbs thinks the best strategy going forward is to implement a basic income paired with a housing-first strategy that seeks to house homeless people within ten days of knowing they are homeless.
To read more, click on the following link:
Roderick Benns, “Reliable, basic income would lead to better self-worth and a better life: Thunder Bay mayor”, Leaders and Legacies, 25 August 2015.