by Kate McFarland | Sep 10, 2016 | News
A debate on universal basic income (UBI) is scheduled to take place at the University of Antwerp on September 19.
Toon Vandevelde, a philosopher and economist at KU Leuven, will introduce the topic and speakers, highlighting how UBI is presented by social movements and political parties.
Up next, Philippe Van Parijs — a founding member of BIEN and Professor at Université catholique de Louvain — is the event’s keynote speaker. Van Parijs will further explain the history and current thinking surrounding UBI.
The event will conclude with a debate between the entrepreneur Roland Duchâtelet, founder of Vivant (and occasional contributor to Basic Income News), and Bart Buysse, Director General of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium.
Reviewed by Genevieve Shanahan
Photo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Oli4.D
by Kate McFarland | May 3, 2016 | News

Philippe Van Parijs
In a recent article for Social Europe, Philippe van Parijs — philosopher, social scientist, and co-founder of the Basic Income Earth Network — urges social democrats to (re-)introduce the basic income as part of their agenda.
Along the way, he addresses several popular misunderstandings that have tended to make those on the left wary of the idea of providing all adults with cash benefits, irrespective of income and employment status:
“Is it not absurd to pay a basic income to the rich?” Van Parijs explains why it is not.
“It is acceptable to replace the right to a job by a right to an income?” Van Parijs explains that, in fact, a basic income functions like a “flexible, intelligent form of job sharing,” not undermining the job culture but improving it.
“Does a basic income threaten the existence of the welfare state?” Again, van Parijs argues that a basic income does nothing of the sort.
In his conclusion, van Parijs enjoins social democrats to recognize that the “bulk of our real income is not the fruit of the efforts of today’s workers…but a gift from nature increasingly combined with capital accumulation, technological innovation and institutional improvements inherited from the past. … In a truly ‘socialist’ perspective, those entitled to this gift are all members of society equally, male and female, irrespective of the extent of their participation in well-protected full-time employment.”
Indeed, despite the recent explosion of interest in basic income, many on the left continue to ignore or dismiss the idea — devoting much more attention to raising wages or creating more jobs. In these regions of politics, van Parijs’s short but compelling article demands careful attention.
Philippe van Parijs, 11 April 2016, “Basic Income And Social Democracy,” Social Europe.
by Harry Pitts | Jun 29, 2014 | Research
PUBLISHER’S SUMMARY: ‘Philippe Van Parijs argues for a basic income for all legal residents of the European Union to be financed by Value Added Tax. Unlike the US, the EU lacks automatic inter-state transfers and migration between states is much less common. A universal basic income would serve as a buffering mechanism and enable a stronger recovery from economic downturns. It would also help the Union overcome the pressures of competitiveness, while the EU may also be seen as more legitimate and less of a heartless bureaucracy in the eyes of its residents.’
Philippe Van Parijs, “The Eurodividend: Why the EU should introduce a basic income for all”, LSE EUROPP Blog, 24th July 2013

Philippe Van Parijs
by Karl Widerquist | Jun 1, 2014 | Research
Philippe Van Parijs, “L’allocation universelle: solution à la crise de l’Etat-Providence? [Basic Income: solution to the crisis of the welfare state?” propos recuillis par Eugénie Bastié, FigaroVox, 5 May 2014.

Crédits photo : Jean-Christophe MARMARA/Le Figaro