CANADA: Advocates are Waiting to see Support for Basic Income from Alberta’s New Minister of Finance














BI News has already confirmed that Naheed Nenshi, the mayor of Canadian city Calgary, supports basic income and has vowed to take leadership on it. Newly released articles suggest that there is support for basic income from other parts of the province of Alberta including from the Vibrant Communities Calgary agency and the Momentum agency where the current finance minister of the province was formerly employed. Sources have speculated that Alberta’s Finance Minister, Joe Ceci, might be open to exploring a negative income tax for the province.

See our previous post on Naheed Nenshi’s support for basic income here

For other articles on Nenshi’s commitment to basic income and the change he is driving in Alberta see here. The article connecting Nenshi and Ceci can be seen here.


CANADA: New Basic Income group launches in Québec

CANADA: New Basic Income group launches in Québec

A new Basic Income group has launched in Québec province, called ‘Revenu de Base Québec’.

At the moment, the movement consists of web, Facebook and Twitter pages. The web page includes numerous useful resources including a ‘Stories‘ page, with examples of how Basic Income could help real people, from a recent widow and her family to newlyweds with young children. There is also a videography and other resources.

The movement will work alongside the recently relaunched, Basic Income Canada Network.

For more information, see:

Language: French
Revenu de Base Québec, official website

CANADA: New PEI Premier Supports Basic Income  



Prior to a provincial election on May 4, 2015, all Prince Edward Island provincial party leaders were on record as being supportive of basic income. The Liberal Premier, Wade MacLauchlan, who won the election has voiced support for BIG as a poverty reduction policy saying, “We’d be actively interested in pursuing that (basic income guarantee)…I’d call it a model program and build in a commitment to evidence-based research and action-based research.” The PEI Working Group for Livable Income has been working hard to raise awareness and promote basic income in both public and political spheres, and have achieved support from all parties on BIG.


For more information on the support in PEI for basic income see:

“Marie Burge, “All Prince Edward Island party leaders united in exploring basic income guarantee.” Leaders and Legacies. April 24, 2015


CANADA: Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi Supports Basic Income Guarantee

CANADA: Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi Supports Basic Income Guarantee

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi called for “brave step” toward Basic Income Guarantee, at the National Poverty Reduction Summit on 7th May in Ottawa. The summit was hosted by Tamarack and Vibrant Communities Canada, from 6th to 8th May. Nenshi was elected in 2010, and then initiated a poverty reduction strategy called ‘enough for all’. He was awarded the ‘World Mayor’ prize in 2014.

More detail can be read here.

See here for the summit, and here for Naheed Nenshi.