Taiwan delegation learns from Boston UBI initiatives

Taiwan delegation learns from Boston UBI initiatives

The Youth Leadership Council of UBI Taiwan concluded a visit to Boston, Massachusetts, showcasing their projects promoting basic income. The delegation, composed of high school students from Taiwan, engaged in a series of meetings with local leaders and organizations to gain insights about Boston’s UBI initiatives. 

The Taiwanese delegation met with former Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, known for the “Rise Up” guaranteed income program; Camp Harbor View, and United South End Settlements (USES), both of which run basic income pilots focusing on families with children. Discussions with these organizations demonstrated how basic income improved school attendance and stabilized living conditions for families struggling to pay rent.

Tyler Prochazka, founder of UBI Taiwan, said the students learned from these organizations to put passion first when designing their UBI projects.

“This trip was an eye-opening experience for our students promoting basic income. They saw how non-profit organizations have been at the forefront of making UBI a mainstream issue in the United States and the lessons they can take for making their projects a success in Taiwan.” 

Boston’s organizations provided lessons for the council’s pilot to help single parents in Taiwan. UBI Taiwan’s program provides 10,000 NT a month ($300 USD) to single parents, tracking their progress through a documentary film. Steve Wei, director of the single-parent basic income program, highlighted how the program has already supported a mother moving into a better job and dealing with a health emergency. The documentary film is planned to be released in 2025, offering a window into how these lives are affected by basic income.

Allen Chen, founder of Lead For Taiwan, which co-organizes the leadership program, said: “The purpose of this visit was to combine education and social issues innovatively. We hope through this educational experience, we can guide students to find social issues they care about and make it their life goal to solve this problem.”

A theme throughout the visit was the ongoing challenge of public skepticism towards UBI. The Youth Leadership Council learned from USES that reframing the conversation to emphasize support for caregivers over the unconditionality of cash could help mitigate concerns. Another insight from the meeting was that nonprofit organizations might bridge trust gaps between recipients and government entities. This sparked discussions on the potential of public-private partnerships in administering programs that supplement UBI, such as USES’ mentorship services it provides for dealing with financial issues for recipients of its basic income.

James Davis, a special consultant for UBI Taiwan, said these discussions were important to deepen the international network of basic income advocates.

“Society’s evolution has always involved the cross-border exchange of ideas, and our team’s trip to Boston exemplifies that ideal. A permanent Universal Basic Income in Taiwan will earn global recognition and restore national solidarity.”

The council’s engagement extended to the government, with recognition from the Boston City Council and discussions on state policies with the Massachusetts Government Asian Caucus. The latter meeting underscored the shared challenges in Taiwan and the United States on funding basic income initiatives and the pushback stemming from taxation concerns. 

Prochazka said meeting the former Cambridge Mayor and current City Councilor, Sumbul Siddiqui was particularly insightful for the students. Siddiqui underscored the administration challenges and impact of basic income programs for low-income families in Cambridge, a program similar to UBI Taiwan’s single-parent initiative. Councilor Siddiqui’s experience addressing the wealth gap in Cambridge provided a real-world perspective on policy implementation for the students.

Before meeting the government officials, the students completed leadership training on the Harvard campus. Workshop activities were run by the Harvard Undergraduate Global Education Movement, with mentors providing feedback on students’ projects and presentation skills.

Reflecting on these sessions, the co-director of the leadership program Bob Lin said: “Having witnessed firsthand the power of education on making social change, I was inspired by how this trip motivated the students to take action on their projects.”

One of the student’s projects included “Buddy Up,” a program that provides mentorship to vulnerable students, particularly those in single-parent households. Wesley Low is a student at Taipei American School and founded the program. He intended to supplement the UBI pilot and provide additional support beyond the cash assistance.

“This trip widened my understanding of the spectrum of issues in the world and motivated me to take greater initiative,” Low said.

The visit to Boston marks a significant milestone for the Youth Leadership Council in pushing discussions of UBI to support families in Taiwan. By engaging with international leaders, the council gained insights and showcased the potential of youth-led initiatives in driving social impact.

Evan Tseng, the student vice president of the council, reflected on the importance of thorough research and passion in driving successful initiatives, drawing parallels with Harvard students’ projects. Tseng said he was inspired to learn about a program that redirected unused masks to the homeless during the pandemic.

“This is precisely the skill we need, to find resources in the most unlikely places to succeed in your project,” he said.

About UBI Taiwan

UBI Taiwan is dedicated to exploring and implementing Universal Basic Income solutions to address social and economic challenges. Through research, advocacy, and pilot programs, UBI Taiwan aims to foster a more equitable and sustainable future.

About Lead For Taiwan

Lead For Taiwan is committed to nurturing future leaders with a focus on solving social issues through innovative education and leadership programs. Its mission is to empower young minds to lead with purpose and make a tangible impact on society.

About Ascent Academy

Ascent Academy sponsors the Leadership Immersion Program. By teaching debate and public speaking, Ascent Academy’s goal is to help students apply these skills to make real social change.

Webinar on the Mumbuca, Maricá Basic Income   Pilot’s Digital Currency – 30 June 18:00 BST

Webinar on the Mumbuca, Maricá Basic Income Pilot’s Digital Currency – 30 June 18:00 BST

In Maricá, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, the creation of a local currency in combination with a Basic Income as a Solidarity Economy is creating community wealth.

A webinar will be take place on Friday, 30 June, at 6pm BST organized by the Jain Family Institute (JFI) in the USA about the Basic Income trial in Maricá in Brazil.

Join JFI for a presentation and discussion on the mumbuca, a digital complementary currency introduced in Maricá, Brazil, as part of the city’s Solidarity Economy Program, as well as an interactive visualization of the mumbuca economy: We Take Mumbucas: Charting the Complementary Currency that’s Transforming a Brazilian City

You can register for the webinar by clicking here.

You can read the report about the use of the local currency Mumbuca, in Portuguese, by clicking here.

About 25% of the poorer section of the local population of 200,000 inhabitants receive a Basic Income in this local currency.

Registration now open for the 22nd BIEN Congress this August in South Korea

Registration now open for the 22nd BIEN Congress this August in South Korea

The 22nd BIEN Congress: Basic Income in Reality

Date: 23-26 August

Venue: offline (Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea) & online (https://biencongress2023.virtualseoul.or.kr/)

Organizer: Basic Income Korea Network (BIKN)

Co-hosts: 22nd BIEN Congress Local Organizing Committee, Basic Income Policy Laboratory, The Institute for Democracy, National Assembly’s Basic Income Research Forum, and Ewha Institute for Social Sciences

More information is available at the official website for the Congress: http://biencongress2023.org/.

On Registration

The BIEN Congress is the largest annual event of basic income advocates and those interested in basic income around the world. As with the past 21 Congresses, it will be held in a spirit of friendship and solidarity, and all speakers, including keynote speakers, moderators, and audience – in other words, all participants – are required to register in advance.

Registration is a two-step process. The first step is to submit the registration application and the second step is to pay the registration fee. Once you have completed both processes, your registration is complete. You will receive an email with your personal login details to access the online venue.

You can find the registration link here: https://biencongress2023.org/registration/. The registration deadline is 8/15/2023.

For offline participants, information on accommodation is provided here: https://biencongress2023.org/accommodation/.

Keynote Speakers

Guy Standing, Toru Yamamori, Louise Haagh, Michael Tubbs, Sarath Davala, Scott Santens, Almaz Zelleke, Annie Miller, Aida Martinez Tinaut, Jurgen De Wispellaere, Jorge Pinto, Philippe Van Parijs, Roberto Merrill, Nam Hoon Kang, Min Geum, Jeonghee Seo, Hyosang Ahn, and Hye-in Yong. More information on these speakers is available here: https://biencongress2023.org/keynote-speakers/.


A Draft Program will be announced on the Congress website and shared with presenters. The finalized version of the program will be available by July 7th on the Congress website.

About Venue – Ewha Womans University

Ewha Womans University (Korean: 이화여자대학교) is a private women’s university in Seoul founded in 1886. It was the first university founded in South Korea. Currently, Ewha is one of the world’s largest female educational institutes and one of the most prestigious universities in South Korea.

History: https://www.ewha.ac.kr/ewhaen/intro/history02-1.do

Pope Francis and Basic Income in the context of Catholic social teaching and theology

Pope Francis and Basic Income in the context of Catholic social teaching and theology

Dr. Markus Schlagnitweit, Director of the Catholic Social Academy Austria, has written an article about Catholic teaching and theory and basic income. Several statements of Pope Francis about basic income were reviewed.

In his paper, Schlagnitweit rejects the claim that the basic income violates principles of Catholic social teaching. To the contrary, basic Income is not only compatible with the principles of subsidiarity, solidarity and personal dignity, but it also strengthens them. Furthermore, implementation of an unconditional and universal basic income can help reduce social injustice and other distortions resulting from employment at market-determined wages and a narrow definition of work.

Uncondtional und universal basic Income, which ensures livelihood and social participation, is a fundamental right, according to Markus Schlagnitweit.

Basic Income Network Germany financed the translation and published the paper in several languages:








Marc de Basquiat’s The Basic Income Engineer

Marc de Basquiat’s The Basic Income Engineer

In The Basic Income Engineer (not yet available in English, unfortunately), Marc de Basquiat invites us to embark upon a journey of discovery on the subject of Basic Income. Each chapter draws on a personal experience to illustrate his point and marks a milestone in his intellectual development. The author does not reveal much about his private life (we learn in passing that he has many children). However, this engineer by training and sensibility unabashedly shares the joys and frustrations that have punctuated his journey in search of solutions rather than truths.

He describes himself as a right-leaning by culture. His book reveals, on the contrary, a passionate person with a resolutely left-wing heart, underpinned by great scientific rigor. With his doctorate in economics acquired late in life, de Basquiat has been involved in all aspects of Basic Income research and advocacy: as a founder of the French Movement for a Basic Income (MFRB) and president of the Association pour l’Instauration d’un Revenu d’Existence (AIRE), he knows everyone.

Unlike most Basic Income theorists, who are little concerned with the practical side of things, de Basquiat distills the concept down to a simple formula and brings it to life by quantifying it: €500 per month minus 30% of income. It is this easy to understand and democratic (since it applies to everyone) formula that he successfully defends throughout his work.

The great strength of this book is that the reflection does not stop at the sole question of a Basic Income. Many other issues must be tackled simultaneously to ensure a better quality of life for all. De Basquiat is not a philosopher: so much the better! There are enough of them as it is who stir the economic pot without ever sitting down at the table!

For example, to ensure decent housing for all, he proposes a mechanism that would allow everyone to find housing in exchange for a quarter of their income. His best idea, in my opinion, is the proposal to levy a wealth tax of 0.1% per month (since life lasts about 1000 months) applied equally to the lords of the manor with assets worth 2 million € and to the owner of an old jalopy worth 1000 €. The first one pays 2000 € per month, the other just one euro. It’s an original and disarmingly simple concept that has enormous potential to transform mentalities and strengthen social solidarity. It is also a clever update of Thomas Paine’s Agrarian Justice, to which Basic Income supporters all claim allegiance, without taking full advantage of Paine’s message.

There are some proposals in the Universal Income Engineer that put me off. I can’t accept that an employer can purchase with his payroll contributions the right to direct his employees. A license to lead slaves cannot be bought. But de Basquiat is only describing how things are. Indeed, the power to manage employees is granted free of charge to anyone who sets himself up as a boss.

It is refreshing to see the socioeconomic problems of our time treated in a global and integrated way, with rigour and without any ideological bias. It’s an engineering tour de force. And all this while raising a big family!