BIEN | Opinion
Opinion Posts
Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.
Basic income is an ‘investment’ in the future
In the current turbulent times, there is a fierce debate emerging how cities should adjust to rapidly changing economic and technological trends. Smart City Education Inside invited two experts to discuss the prospect of cash transfers to enhance sustainability and provide equitable educational opportunities for students.
Why I March for Basic Income
Below is the a copyedited version of the speech I delivered at the Basic Income March, New York, October 26, 2019 in the Bronx, New York, October 26, 2019. Pierre Madden ranscribed and copyedited it, in Montreal, Quebec, September 2020. Then I copyedited it again, at...
Basic income march goes ‘virtual’
Basic Income March organizers are partnering with an application to allow activists to march for basic income around the world and possibly set a record in the process.
David Graeber’s death: I am shocked – what more can I say?
I can't claim to be a friend of David Graeber. I can say I am his fan and that his work has influenced the way I see the world. I met him twice though. I met him first two years ago for dinner at Barb Jacobson's place where he arrived in a long coat accompanied by a...
For David Graeber
Since I heard from a mutual friend at lunchtime today: ‘David is gone’, the shock I felt then seems to have reverberated around the world. One of the most curious of minds, finest of writers, kindest of hearts, most courageous and consistent callers of bull shit ever....
The Cost of a Full Basic Income for the United Kingdom Would be £67 billion per year (3.4% of GDP)
Originally published by Open Democracy. 14 August 2020, under the title, "Basic income could virtually eliminate poverty in the United Kingdom at a cost of £67 billion per year" Universal Basic Income (UBI) – a policy that would provide a regular, cash income to every...
Answers to Four Essential Questions About the Alaska Dividend for People Interested in Basic Income
I was recently asked four questions about Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend, and I think the answers provide a pretty good overview of what people who are interested in UBI need to know about the fund. 1. When was the Alaska policy passed? The enabling legislation was...
A new World Bank report, ‘Exploring Universal Basic Income’
The World Bank has published a substantial report titled Exploring Universal Basic Income: A guide to navigating concepts, evidence, and practices Universal basic income (UBI) is emerging as one of the most hotly debated issues in development and social protection...
A European Basic Income pilot project would be good for Bulgaria
The EU Commission has said from the 25th September 2020 signatures can be collected from EU residents in connection with a new European Citizens Initiative. If the European UBI family succeeds in gathering 1 000 000 signatures, divided among a minimum of seven...
A Canadian Sayout newsletter article about Basic Income
The Canadian Sayout newsletter has printed an article about Basic Income: ... At present government is paying out vast sums of money. In effect, we have a new and large-scale experiment by government in directly providing people with incomes. This gives us some...
A brief review of ‘The Cost of Basic Income in the United Kingdom: A Microsimulation Analysis’ by Karl Widerquist and Georg Arndt
There is a translation of this review in French The article by Widerquist and Arndt can be read here; and a pdf can be downloaded here. Widerquist and Arndt use microsimulation analysis to estimate that the net cost of a poverty-level Basic Income for the United...
Basic Income Week: Freedom to Choose
September 14, 2020, is the kickoff day for the 13th International Basic Income Week (IBIW). Our goal is to have a coordinated global effort and a big presence in many countries. As the banner indicates, this year's motto will be ‘Freedom to Choose’. 2020 has presented...