BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

100 U.S. Mayors, 100 Pilots: Guaranteed Income Now

100 U.S. Mayors, 100 Pilots: Guaranteed Income Now

The 2022 Guaranteed Income Now summit was an opportunity to mark the movement’s recent progress — there are now officially 100 mayors who have joined Mayors for a Guaranteed Income and 100 pilots announced in the United States. The 2-day summit in Atlanta brought...

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Bristol Ideas Conference October 12: Back to Basics

Bristol Ideas Conference October 12: Back to Basics

Leading thinkers, politicians and policymakers come together to debate and explore basic income pilots, macro-economic models, the prospects for basic income in developing economies, and political economy of social and economic change. Join Bristol Ideas for ‘Back to...

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FRIBIS Annual Conference 2022

FRIBIS Annual Conference 2022

Basic income has become the subject of a lively and controversial debate in politics, civil society and academia. By questioning the fundamental assumptions of our social interaction, it challenges us to redefine the way we want to live together. At Basic Income and...

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BIEN 2022 Congress – Roundup

BIEN 2022 Congress – Roundup

September 28 marks the end of a resoundingly successful BIEN 2022 Congress. With more than fifty sessions taking place over the course of three days, the 2022 edition has been host to landmark discussions on the growing Basic Income movement worldwide. The key themes...

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BIEN 2022 Congress: Day 1 Summary

BIEN 2022 Congress: Day 1 Summary

Today saw an electric start to BIEN2022, a coming-together of the world’s most dynamic thinkers, activists and ideas focused on the understanding and promotion of Basic Income.  Following the success of 2021’s Congress help in Edinburgh, Scotland, the 2022...

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Letter to Members of the European Parliament re UBI

Letter to Members of the European Parliament re UBI

You can read here a letter and its annex that we, UBI-EI (Unconditional Basic Income – European Initiative), are sending to all MEPs (Member of European Parliaments) in an attempt to steer the current EU - wide conversation about the “Minimum Income” towards a social...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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