Call for Papers: FRIBIS Annual Conference 2024: Towards the Development of a Full UBI?

Call for Papers: FRIBIS Annual Conference 2024: Towards the Development of a Full UBI?

“The FRIBIS Annual Conference 2024 focuses on partial basic income models and their implementation into various welfare systems. By examining feasible designs of partial basic income, the conference aims to identify ways to advocate for the idea of an unconditional basic income politically. FRIBIS is particularly interested in contributions related to social protection floors, sustainability, and issues in an international context.

Date: Monday, October 7, 2024, 1:00 PM to Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 3:30 PM CEST

Location: Freiburg University (Germany)

Format: Hybrid

Call for Papers and Workshops Deadline:  June 30, 2024


The conference will focus on models of a partial basic income and their implementability in various welfare state systems. FRIBIS is particularly interested in contributions related to:

Contributions from researchers and activists of all genders, locations, and cultures are welcome. Abstracts and full texts can be submitted for the core conference and the open part. The FRIBIS Best Paper Award (€1,000) will be awarded to the best contribution by a young researchers. For more information, please refer to the attached Call for Papers and Workshops or visit our conference website.”

FRIBIS Lecture Series – Can a Basic Income Grant Reduce Violence?

FRIBIS Lecture Series – Can a Basic Income Grant Reduce Violence?

Event Title: FRIBIS Lecture Series – Can a Basic Income Grant Reduce Violence? Evidence from Namibia, Kenya, and Uganda Date & Time: April 23, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Format: Online Event Organizers: FRIBIS in cooperation with the BIP & WEF_FABI teams Zoom Link: Contact: Geoff Harris,

Event Summary: Youth in Africa are in search of wage employment and expect their governments to provide such opportunities. However, the demographic surge of youth, coupled with low job creation in both the private and public sectors, leaves many young people unemployed and dissatisfied, often leading to various forms of violence. This lecture examines the potential of a Basic Income Grant (BIG) for all adults as a means to mitigate such violence. There is ample evidence from developing countries, including several African nations, showing that BIG can not only reduce household poverty but also enhance personal and interpersonal peace, thereby reducing various forms of violence.

About the Speaker: Geoff Harris, an economist with over 30 years of teaching and research experience in peace studies, has been a Professor at the International Centre of Nonviolence at Durban University of Technology in South Africa since 2012. His most recent edited book – The Elgar Companion to War, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Africa – was published in February 2024.”

22nd Annual Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) Conference July 22-23, 2024

22nd Annual Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) Conference July 22-23, 2024

“The Basic Income Guarantee Conference (BIG!) is the only annual conference in the U.S. focused on building and supporting the thriving basic income movement as we drive towards national policy. The BIG Conference is a BIG TENT event that includes pilot participants, policy analysts, pilot administrators, community based organizations, activists, artists, researchers and more as we share wins and best practices and find opportunities for collaboration across existing efforts and coordinate for state and national level campaigns. This year’s BIG programming is co-designed by over 200 individuals. Sessions will focus on topics prioritized by the community, including: paying for and scaling existing programs with public funds, developing post-pilot strategies across the pillars of the movement, building the base via community centered practices, intersectional justice work and the role of basic income in some of the most pressing issues of our time, including climate change and AI proliferation.”

Read more and purchase tickets by clicking here.

Launch of Indian Basic Income Coalition (iBIC)

Launch of Indian Basic Income Coalition (iBIC)

“While India is a rich site of several Basic Income Pilots held by Research and Governmental agencies, there is a recent uptrend in the number of cash-based social policies in several states, especially with evidence that shows a marked increase in several indicators of a better life. The time has come in India when the discussion on Basic Income in India is to be taken to the next level. In this context, the Indian Basic Income Coalition (iBIC) was launched in a landmark initiative to craft a resilient and inclusive social policy framework for India as a pioneering coalition formed by Indus Action, the India Network for Basic Income, Project DEEP, and WorkFREE. The launch took place at the UBI Policy Roundtable in New Delhi at Sri Aurobindo College of Arts and Communication in New Delhi on 13 March 2024.”

Read more by clicking here.

View and download the iBIC brochure by clicking here.

Open Forum on Feminist Definitions of Basic Income, April 25

Open Forum on Feminist Definitions of Basic Income, April 25

Open forum on feminist definitions of basic income

co-organised by FRIBIS UBI and Gender team (FRIBIS-UBIG) and by BIEN working group for Clarification of BI definition (BIEN-CBID)

7.30am Eastern Daylight Time (North America) / 12.30pm British Summer Time / 1.30pm Central European Summer Time / 8.30pm Japan Standard Time / 11.30pm New Zealand Standard Time

Facilitators: Chloe Halpenny, Annie Miller, Toru Yamamori, and Almaz Zelleke

Please register here.

Researchers, activists, and community members interested in basic income are invited to this open forum to discuss feminist definitions of basic income.


Is a penny a month basic income?

Would basic income replace all existing income transfer system?

What might happen to social services if basic income were to be introduced?

Why are some proposals to distribute money to the head of household called basic income, while many others define basic income as individual-based?

Currently there are many proposals made under the name of basic income. The current discourse of basic income has diverse origins. Some are from ivory towers, some are from grassroots social movements such as the Women’s Liberation movement. The difference on the definitions of basic incomes reflects (at least partially) these diverse origins.

It has been a while since this difference of the definitions attracts debates. However, except a few occasions, voices from feminist perspectives have been underrepresented. Here we would like to attempt redressing this situation. In this workshop we would not pursue to reach a particular consensus or direction. It is a place where diverse voices would be raised and heard. All those interested in the discussion are welcome to participate.

BIEN 2024 Congress: Call for Papers

BIEN 2024 Congress: Call for Papers

“BIEN 2024 is focused on basic income’s potential as a tool for social transformation towards an economically just, politically inclusive and ecologically sustainable world. The Congress theme is thus about constructing a transformative vision of society – built on the principles of universal sufficiency, social and distributive justice, inclusion, care, and ecological sustainability – and exploring the role of basic income in that vision, and the best strategies to achieve it. See full description of the theme of the Congress here.

How to submit?
To propose a paper or presentation, please fill in the form here. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of April 2024. In case of any queries, write to “