Can Universal Basic Income Transform China’s Fight Against Poverty?

Can Universal Basic Income Transform China’s Fight Against Poverty?

Research presented at the 2024 BIEN Congress explores China’s possible shift from existing social assistance programs toward Universal Basic Income (UBI), raising insights into poverty alleviation and social equity.

Conducted by interns Zhao Muge, Wu Yifan, and Huang Xinhe under the guidance of scholars Cheng Furui and Ye Jiabin, the study titled “Can China Move Towards the UBI?” evaluates China’s current Minimum Livelihood Guarantee (Dibao) and targeted poverty alleviation policies, proposing UBI as a potential next step.

The study highlights that China’s Dibao policy, intended to provide a minimum living allowance to low-income households, initially showed strong results in poverty reduction—particularly evident in rural areas. For example, a 1 percent increase in rural Dibao expenditure corresponded to a 6.8 percent reduction in poverty in regions like Shanxi Province from 2008 to 2018. However, over time, Dibao’s effectiveness declined due to welfare dependency, stigmatization of recipients, and administrative inefficiencies, including inadequate adjustment mechanisms for benefit standards and cases of resource misallocation. From 2015-2016, the reduction in the poverty rate in some parts of China was less than 30 percent.

Transitioning from subsistence allowances to targeted poverty alleviation was a necessary step to improve the efficiencies of the program, the study’s authors argued. The number of rural Dibao beneficiaries began to surpass urban beneficiaries around 2007 and peaked in 2013, prompting China to implement targeted poverty alleviation policies. From 2018 to 2020, the number of rural beneficiaries vastly exceeded urban beneficiaries, emphasizing the critical need for interventions targeting rural poverty. Next, the study discussed the advantages of targeted poverty alleviation compared to subsistence allowances. Case studies showed that targeted poverty alleviation can be implemented through infrastructure development, industry support, education, and other means. Compared to Dibao, targeted poverty alleviation places more emphasis on enabling self-development through comprehensive measures. As a result, it has a broader scope, more projects, and is more comprehensive and in-depth, leading to sustainable poverty alleviation.

The research also explores the theoretical and practical groundwork supporting UBI implementation in China. Theoretically, UBI aligns with China’s goal of common prosperity and narrowing the wealth gap. Practically, the COVID-19 pandemic provided an experimental foundation through widespread government-issued consumption vouchers, which effectively stimulated local economies, with economic multipliers ranging up to tenfold in certain cases.

The paper outlines several feasible pathways for China’s gradual implementation of UBI: using dividends from carbon emissions trading, establishing a permanent citizen trust fund financed by state-owned enterprises, adopting negative income tax schemes to enhance employment incentives, and distributing subsidies adjusted according to regional poverty lines and demographic factors.

Despite recognizing challenges, such as funding sources, potential increased tax burdens, and the risk of disincentivizing labor participation, the research strongly supports the viability and potential benefits of UBI. Ultimately, the authors conclude that by carefully addressing these challenges, China could successfully integrate aspects of UBI into its social welfare system, significantly reducing poverty, enhancing social equity, and driving sustainable economic growth.

UBI Taiwan 單親家庭基本收入計畫邁向全新「里程碑」

UBI Taiwan 單親家庭基本收入計畫邁向全新「里程碑」

2024年底,臺灣無條件基本收入協會(UBI Taiwan)特別舉辦了一場記者會,向外界公布單親家庭基本收入實驗計畫的進展。該活動邀請到現任立法委員、相關國內外學者與實驗參與人,共同慶祝這一里程碑,並倡導邁向更公平的未來。




為了進一步提升對單親家庭基本收入計畫的認識,並募集資金,UBI Taiwan 於十二月舉辦了一場全國性慈善辯論比賽。來自台灣與日本的學生齊聚一堂,就東南亞是否應推行基本收入展開討論,並從「創業精神」、「外國直接投資」、「財政能力」以及「發展中國家所面臨的治理挑戰」等多個面向,呈現出多元觀點。


此次比賽成功募集了 1,000 美元以上的資金,所有募得款項均將用於發展單親家庭計畫。該募款活動由 UBI Taiwan 與 Ascent Academy 青年領袖計畫共同主辦,該計畫期望讓年輕人參與以基本收入精神為核心的社會影響力倡議。


UBI Taiwan 計畫在今年秋季擴大單親家庭基本收入計畫,為支持這一倡議,該組織在一月還舉辦了一場募款表演活動,邀請支持者踴躍獻藝,為計畫助陣。

UBI Taiwan 理事長蘇嘉冠表示,在基本收入實驗計畫期間,他見證了發生在受試者身上一系列的正面變化,從找到更好的工作,到改善孩子教育發展等議題。


UBI Taiwan 單親家庭基本收入計畫邁向全新「里程碑」

UBI Taiwan’s single-parent basic income reaches a new ‘milestone’

UBI Taiwan hosted a press conference to spotlight the progress of its basic income pilot program for single-parent households. The event brought together policymakers, academics, and beneficiaries to celebrate this milestone and advocate for a more equitable future.

Two Taiwanese national legislators were present at the event, offering their support and emphasizing the broader implications of basic income for Taiwan. They stated they hoped this experiment could become a stepping stone for Taiwan to become a more fair and just society.

Yu-Ling Chang, Assistant Professor of Social Welfare at UC Berkeley, hailed the initiative as a pivotal development in Taiwan’s social welfare history. “Implementing the basic income experiment is a new milestone for social welfare in Taiwan,” she remarked.

Adding a personal dimension to the event, Ms. Yu, the first participant in UBI Taiwan’s basic income experiment, shared her experience. She expressed gratitude for the program, which provided much-needed stability and relief during a challenging period in her life. “The basic income gave me a moment to breathe,” she said, reflecting on how it allowed her to focus on her child and navigate life’s uncertainties, such as her recent battle with cancer.

A documentary about Yu’s journey with basic income will be released later this year.

To further raise awareness and funds for the single-parent basic income program, UBI Taiwan held a national charity debate competition in December. Students from Taiwan and Japan participated to deliberate on whether Southeast Asia should implement basic income, presenting diverse perspectives on issues such as entrepreneurialism, foreign direct investment, fiscal capacity, and governance challenges in developing nations.

The championship round showcased arguments from both sides, with opponents emphasizing feasibility concerns while proponents argued that the social costs of inaction outweigh the investment required to implement basic income.

The tournament raised over $1,000 USD, with the proceeds going toward developing the single-parent program. The fundraiser was organized by UBI Taiwan and Ascent Academy’s Youth Leadership Program, which is designed to connect young people with social impact initiatives in the spirit of basic income.

Beyond the debate competition, students in the Youth Leadership Program are developing additional programs to address pressing social issues. Current projects include initiatives to support the homeless using cash cards and provide educational resources for low-income students. 

UBI Taiwan plans to expand the single-parent basic income program this fall. To support this initiative, the organization also hosted a fundraiser talent show in January, inviting supporters to perform in support of the program.

Jiakuan Su, chairman of UBI Taiwan, said he saw positive changes during the pilot program from finding a better job to improved educational development for the child. 

“The value brought by basic income is not just the money, but more importantly the changes it brings to your life,” Su said. 




台灣代表團會見了以「Rise Up」保障收入計畫而聞名的劍橋前市長 Sumbul Siddiqui; Camp Harbor View 和 United South End Settlements (USES) 都開展了基本收入實驗項目,將計畫重點置於有孩子的家庭。 與這些組織的討論顯示了基本收入如何提高弱勢兒童的就學率,且如何穩定生活條件。

UBI 台灣創辦人 Tyler Prochazka (羅泰) 表示學生在設計UBI企劃的第一要素是「熱情」。

羅泰說:「此次考察對我們的學生而言,是一次視野大開的學習經驗。 他們看到非營利組織如何走在美國無條件基本收入的最前線,以及他們可以吸取的經驗,使自己的項目在台灣獲得成功。」

波士頓的組織向委員會分享了寶貴的實踐經驗,有助於台灣在支援單親家庭方面進行實驗計畫。 UBI Taiwan 每月向單親家庭提供 10,000 NTD,並透過紀錄片追蹤他們的生活起居。 單親家庭基本收入計畫主任魏嘉佑強調了該計畫對幫助了單親媽媽找尋更好的工作機會,同時也能給予自身的健康好的照護。這部紀錄片計劃於 2025 年上映,為了解基本收入如何影響這些人的生活提供一個窗口。

台灣領導未來協會 Lead For Taiwan 創始人陳孝彥表示:「我們訪問的目標是以創新的方式,將教育與社會問題結合。我們希望通過這次經歷,引導學生找到解決問題的方法。他們關心的社會問題並將解決這個問題作為他們的人生目標。」

訪問期間,其中一個重要議題探討了全民基本收入能否永續發展。 青年領導委員會在和USES的會面中學習到,重新構建對話,強調支持護理工作者,而非僅提供無條件現金支援,可能有助於緩解公眾的擔憂。 會議的另一個見解是,非營利組織可能會彌合接受者和政府實體之間的信任差距。 這引發了關於公私夥伴關係在管理 UBI 補充項目方面潛力的討論,例如 USES 為處理其基本收入受益者的財務問題提供的指導服務。

該委員會的參與範圍擴大到了政府,並得到了波士頓市議會的認可,並與馬薩諸塞州政府亞洲核心小組就國家政策進行了討論。 後者的會議強調了台灣和美國在為基本收入計劃提供資金方面面臨的共同挑戰以及來自稅收擔憂的阻力。

羅泰表示,見劍橋前市長、現任市議員對學生們來說特別有意義。 Siddiqui 強調了劍橋低收入家庭基本收入計畫的管理挑戰和影響,該計畫類似於UBI Taiwan的單親家庭基本收入計畫。 西迪基議員緩解劍橋貧富差距的經驗為學生提供了政策實施的現實視角。

在與政府官員會面之前,學生們在哈佛大學完成了領導力培​​訓。 研討會活動由哈佛本科生全球教育運動主辦,導師對學生的專案和演講技巧提供回饋。

Lead for Taiwan 理事長林佑良 (Bob Lin) 在回顧這些會議時表示:「親眼目睹了教育在推動社會變革方面的力量,這次旅行如何激勵學生為他們的計畫採取行動,這讓我深受啟發。」

該學生的一個計畫包括 Buddy Up,該計畫為弱勢學生,特別是單親家庭的學生提供指導。 Wesley Low 是台北美國學校的學生,他創立了這個計畫。 他的目的是補充無條件基本收入實驗,並提供現金援助以外的支持。

Low 說:「這次旅行拓寬了我對世界各種問題的理解,並讓我對所有事物有更強烈的動機和理由去執行。」。

這次波士頓之行標誌著青年領導委員會在推動討論無條件基本收入以支持台灣家庭的一個重要里程碑。 透過與國際領導人的接觸,該委員會展示了青年主導的舉措在推動社會影響方面的潛力。



關於台灣無條件基本收入協會(UBI Taiwan)


關於台灣領導未來協會(Lead For Taiwan)


關於思躍軟實力培訓所(Ascent Academy)

針對國小至高中學生,Ascent 提供像是英文辯論、學術寫作、批判性閱讀和公眾演說等培訓課程,主軸著重在逐步建立紮實的素養和全球視野,確保學生能在高競爭力的環境下順利升學並成為有責任的國際公民。


Taiwan delegation learns from Boston UBI initiatives

The Youth Leadership Council of UBI Taiwan concluded a visit to Boston, Massachusetts, showcasing their projects promoting basic income. The delegation, composed of high school students from Taiwan, engaged in a series of meetings with local leaders and organizations to gain insights about Boston’s UBI initiatives. 

The Taiwanese delegation met with former Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, known for the “Rise Up” guaranteed income program; Camp Harbor View, and United South End Settlements (USES), both of which run basic income pilots focusing on families with children. Discussions with these organizations demonstrated how basic income improved school attendance and stabilized living conditions for families struggling to pay rent.

Tyler Prochazka, founder of UBI Taiwan, said the students learned from these organizations to put passion first when designing their UBI projects.

“This trip was an eye-opening experience for our students promoting basic income. They saw how non-profit organizations have been at the forefront of making UBI a mainstream issue in the United States and the lessons they can take for making their projects a success in Taiwan.” 

Boston’s organizations provided lessons for the council’s pilot to help single parents in Taiwan. UBI Taiwan’s program provides 10,000 NT a month ($300 USD) to single parents, tracking their progress through a documentary film. Steve Wei, director of the single-parent basic income program, highlighted how the program has already supported a mother moving into a better job and dealing with a health emergency. The documentary film is planned to be released in 2025, offering a window into how these lives are affected by basic income.

Allen Chen, founder of Lead For Taiwan, which co-organizes the leadership program, said: “The purpose of this visit was to combine education and social issues innovatively. We hope through this educational experience, we can guide students to find social issues they care about and make it their life goal to solve this problem.”

A theme throughout the visit was the ongoing challenge of public skepticism towards UBI. The Youth Leadership Council learned from USES that reframing the conversation to emphasize support for caregivers over the unconditionality of cash could help mitigate concerns. Another insight from the meeting was that nonprofit organizations might bridge trust gaps between recipients and government entities. This sparked discussions on the potential of public-private partnerships in administering programs that supplement UBI, such as USES’ mentorship services it provides for dealing with financial issues for recipients of its basic income.

James Davis, a special consultant for UBI Taiwan, said these discussions were important to deepen the international network of basic income advocates.

“Society’s evolution has always involved the cross-border exchange of ideas, and our team’s trip to Boston exemplifies that ideal. A permanent Universal Basic Income in Taiwan will earn global recognition and restore national solidarity.”

The council’s engagement extended to the government, with recognition from the Boston City Council and discussions on state policies with the Massachusetts Government Asian Caucus. The latter meeting underscored the shared challenges in Taiwan and the United States on funding basic income initiatives and the pushback stemming from taxation concerns. 

Prochazka said meeting the former Cambridge Mayor and current City Councilor, Sumbul Siddiqui was particularly insightful for the students. Siddiqui underscored the administration challenges and impact of basic income programs for low-income families in Cambridge, a program similar to UBI Taiwan’s single-parent initiative. Councilor Siddiqui’s experience addressing the wealth gap in Cambridge provided a real-world perspective on policy implementation for the students.

Before meeting the government officials, the students completed leadership training on the Harvard campus. Workshop activities were run by the Harvard Undergraduate Global Education Movement, with mentors providing feedback on students’ projects and presentation skills.

Reflecting on these sessions, the co-director of the leadership program Bob Lin said: “Having witnessed firsthand the power of education on making social change, I was inspired by how this trip motivated the students to take action on their projects.”

One of the student’s projects included “Buddy Up,” a program that provides mentorship to vulnerable students, particularly those in single-parent households. Wesley Low is a student at Taipei American School and founded the program. He intended to supplement the UBI pilot and provide additional support beyond the cash assistance.

“This trip widened my understanding of the spectrum of issues in the world and motivated me to take greater initiative,” Low said.

The visit to Boston marks a significant milestone for the Youth Leadership Council in pushing discussions of UBI to support families in Taiwan. By engaging with international leaders, the council gained insights and showcased the potential of youth-led initiatives in driving social impact.

Evan Tseng, the student vice president of the council, reflected on the importance of thorough research and passion in driving successful initiatives, drawing parallels with Harvard students’ projects. Tseng said he was inspired to learn about a program that redirected unused masks to the homeless during the pandemic.

“This is precisely the skill we need, to find resources in the most unlikely places to succeed in your project,” he said.

About UBI Taiwan

UBI Taiwan is dedicated to exploring and implementing Universal Basic Income solutions to address social and economic challenges. Through research, advocacy, and pilot programs, UBI Taiwan aims to foster a more equitable and sustainable future.

About Lead For Taiwan

Lead For Taiwan is committed to nurturing future leaders with a focus on solving social issues through innovative education and leadership programs. Its mission is to empower young minds to lead with purpose and make a tangible impact on society.

About Ascent Academy

Ascent Academy sponsors the Leadership Immersion Program. By teaching debate and public speaking, Ascent Academy’s goal is to help students apply these skills to make real social change.