BIEN Co-Founder to speak on UBI at Brown University, March 2

BIEN Co-Founder to speak on UBI at Brown University, March 2

Philippe Van Parijs, one of BIEN’s founders, will take part in a discussion on “Universal Basic Income: Pathway to a More Humane Economy” to be held on Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 6:00 PM in Brown University’s List Art Building in Providence, Rhode Island. The event is part of the Janus Forum Lecture Series of Brown’s Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

Basic Income featured in March 8 Cambridge conference

Basic Income featured in March 8 Cambridge conference

The Cambridge Trust for New Thinking in Economics (CTNTE) has announced its first conference since the global pandemic – Policies to Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis. 

Speakers will cover a range of topics and potential solutions to spiralling costs of living, including: 

– the macroeconomic implications of basic income 

– the role of technology in reducing labour income 

– the funding of basic income via direct money financing 

– the links between wealth and income, and their implications for basic income 

– national solutions to the cost of living crisis 

Read the conference invitation and more details here.

BIEN job description/application for Latin American Hub Coordinator

BIEN job description/application for Latin American Hub Coordinator

BIEN is recruiting for a new paid position as Latin American Hub Coordinator. The deadline to submit applications is 1 March 2023.

The Latin American Hub Coordinator will be responsible for formalizing BIEN structures and operations in Latin America with respect to its current and potential affiliates and members; growing the conversation around and movement towards UBI.

To view the job description, requirements, and application information, click here.

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Em português

Counties for a Guaranteed Income launches in the U.S.

Counties for a Guaranteed Income launches in the U.S.

Counties for a Guaranteed Income (CGI) is a coalition of county elected officials from across the United States working to ensure that all Americans have an income floor. Mirroring and complimentary to Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI), CGI’s approach is threefold: (1) invite county electeds to join in our efforts, and provide technical assistance for new county-led pilots; (2) invest in narrative change efforts to highlight the lived experience of economic insecurity; and (3) implement cash-based policies at the local, state, and federal level. Because CGI is an initiative of MGI, CGI’s county officials will be absorbed into MGI’s existing infrastructure.

To visit GGI’s website, click here.

$500 a Month, No Strings: Chicago Experiments With a Guaranteed Income

$500 a Month, No Strings: Chicago Experiments With a Guaranteed Income

An article in the New York Times published February 13 states that “For recipients, it’s a lifeline. For liberal supporters, it shows how expanding government can make a difference. For conservatives, it’s a return to wasteful welfare handouts.”

“Chicago and the surrounding suburbs of Cook County are conducting the largest experiment of its kind in the nation, an effort to supply thousands of residents with a basic level of subsistence, not in the form of food, housing or child care — just cash. Ms. Lightfoot’s $31.5 million Resilient Communities Pilot selected 5,000 city residents in August to receive a guaranteed cash income for a year. The first $500 checks from a separate program, a $42 million county pilot, went out in December to 3,250 residents concentrated in the near-in Chicago suburbs.”

Read the full article here.