



UBI可以重塑劳动力市场的关系,保证人们有尊严拒绝那些使他们陷入贫困的雇佣条款。它将为人们提供所需要的基本保障,消除福利主义的污名,并使人们更容易在技术驱动的劳动力模式日益增长的需求下在不同的工作之间自由流动。像UBI这样的政策也可以帮助人们把赚取工资和为社区奉献的时间结合起来。”(131 – 132页)



教皇方济各(Pope Francis)和奥斯丁·伊凡里(Austen Ivereigh)也很好地体现了“基本收入”的一些重要影响:它将提供一个安全的赖以立足的财务平台;它不会有任何污名;它将赋予劳动者在就业市场上更大的权力;它将使人们能够就有偿就业做出新的决定,并在他们的社区从事重要的工作。

教皇方济各(Pope Francis)对“基本收入”(Basic Income)辩论做出了非常有益的贡献。

Translated into Chinese by Qihao Liang.

The original article in English can be found here.

Summaries in English of some documents in Chinese

During the Summer of 2021 four Chinese students volunteered with BIEN, and one of the tasks that they fulfilled was to write summaries in English of a number of relevant documents in Chinese.

Name of original document in ChineseSummaries
天上掉馅饼的全民基本收入设想劳拉泰森Summary 1
中国失业保险制度改革方向纳入社省略助基于历史背景与功能定位的分析_李珍Summary 2
丰裕社会的减贫实验西方全民基本收入运动及其困境林红Summary 3
全民基本收入社会福利制度的创新还是空想徐富海Summary 4
全民基本收入西方国家再平衡的一个尝试赵柯Summary 5
全民基本收入成本与中国政府财政能力基于马丁法贫困测量的实证研究肖涵Summary 6
全民基本收入理论与政策评介_万海远Summary 7
基本收入的理论构想与渐进式实现路径_张传洲Summary 8
大规模社会危机冲击下的现金补助计划基于全民基本收入理念的分析岳经纶Summary 9
授之以鱼抑或授之以渔全民基本收入是祝福还是诅咒后歆桐Summary 10
普遍基本收入回应人工智能挑战的政策选择肖涵Summary 11
民众福利与政府角色_任赜Summary 12
资本主义制度再平衡全民基本收入的理念与实践赵柯Summary 13

Thank you to Chunzhuo Zhang (Joey), Fang Yuan (Sherry), Xianwen Huang (Amanda) and Qihao Liang (Qihao) for writing these summaries.

Research Associate sought for a microsimulation project on Basic Income based at the University of Bath, UK

Research Associate sought for a microsimulation project on Basic Income based at the University of Bath, UK

The Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at the University of Bath is seeking a post-doctoral research associate for a new programme of microsimulation research on Universal Basic Income (UBI).

The IPR is collaborating on research into UBI with the newly formed Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies by convening a Microsimulation Research Group, consisting of academics and civil society partners with interest and expertise in microsimulation studies of basic income schemes. 

The Research Associate will conduct microsimulation research for the group and organise its collaborative activities, under the direction of Prof Nick Pearce, Director of the IPR. Expertise and experience in using microsimulation models such as EUROMOD is essential. The post is offered for two years in the first instance, with the possibility of extension in due course.

Korea publishes more research results on the Gyeonggi Youth Basic Income

Korea publishes more research results on the Gyeonggi Youth Basic Income

In April 2019 Gyeonggi Province in Korea, the area around Seoul, implemented a Youth Basic Income that pays to every 24 year old who is a permanent resident 250,000 won (US $220; £158; €184) every quarter for four quarters. The grants are given in a local currency.

Based on surveys before and after the implementation of the Youth Basic Income, results published at the end of 2019 showed improvements in life satisfaction, in perception of Basic Income, and in work motivation.

Several further reports have been published, the latest of which evaluates the effect of the Youth Basic Income on local businesses. The research discovered that sales by small businesses rose by 45 per cent.

The first report on the Gyeonggi Province Youth Basic Income and a list of other reports can be found here: https://english.gri.re.kr/research/?brno=14459&prno=6533. The report on the effects on local businesses can be found here: https://english.gri.re.kr/research/?sv=&sc=&limit=10&brno=14600&prno=20200498.