by Craig Axford | Feb 22, 2014 | Research

Should we be debating a basic income guarantee instead of minimum wage hikes and wealth taxes?
[Craig Axford]
Citing a 2009 report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPPA), this author argues that a basic income guarantee wouldn’t necessarily involve a huge expenditure by government to implement. Providing a greater degree of separation between work and income might, as Eric Fromm argued, also greatly enhance personal freedom.
Duncan Cameron, “A living minimum”,, February 4, 2014
by Josh Martin | Feb 15, 2014 | Research
Barrie McKenna, “How about a government paycheque, for everyone?” The Globe and Mail, January 31, 2014.

This is how a guaranteed income would work: The government gives people with little or no income a basic living wage, clawing it back as they earn wages on their own. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)
by Josh Martin | Feb 9, 2014 | News
Rob Rainer, Director of The BIG Push Campaign in Canada, has called upon Canadian basic income supporters to send him brief testimonials on the difference basic income could mean in their lives. By collecting these testimonials Canadians everywhere will learn about the merits of a basic income.

Rob Rainer is Director of The BIG Push campaign. (The BIG Push Campaign)
Read his full letter below:
Dear basic income colleagues,
I am pleased today to share Toronto-based artist Graham Kent’s beautiful, short testimonial on the importance of basic income to unlocking the creative impulse within us all. I also wish to acknowledge Graham as one of the newer members of the growing national team of activists aligning with The BIG Push campaign – welcome Graham!
On behalf of the campaign I warmly invite further testimonials on the difference basic income could mean in your life and/or the lives of your fellow Canadians. If you would like to provide such a testimonial please send to me a short narrative (up to 400 words) or short video (1-3 minutes). We aim to collect several hundred such testimonials from across Canada to help reflect the need for and opportunity of basic income.
Best regards,
Rob Rainer
Director, The BIG Push Campaign
On Twitter: @Push_for_BIG
by Josh Martin | Feb 8, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
The recent poll from the Trudeau Foundation found that 46% of Canadians are in favor of a guaranteed annual income, while 42% of Canadians are opposed. Rainer, however, raises caution over these numbers because the poll’s question suggested that the guaranteed annual income would replace current economic assistance programs. Rainer strongly believes in the necessity to continue economic assistance programs like unemployment insurance, among others, while using the guaranteed annual income as the foundation of Canadian social security.
Rob Rainer, “The Trudeau Foundation Poll: A Closer Look 1.0,” The BIG Push Campaign, January 29, 2014.

Rob Rainer is Director of The BIG Push campaign. (The BIG Push Campaign)
by Guest Contributor | Feb 5, 2014 | News
A group, working within the Liberal Party of Canada, is gathering support, hoping to get the party put the call for a basic income pilot project into the party’s official platform at the party’s convention in February 2014. The group is also willing to work with Canadians connected to other parties or without part affiliation.
More information about the movement go to:

-Jamie McCaffrey