Roderick Benns, “Basic Income and ‘consensual capitalism’: an interview with Tim Ellis”
Roderick Benns, “Basic Income and ‘consensual capitalism’: an interview with Tim Ellis”, Leaders and Legacies, 21 March 2015
Roderick Benns, “Basic Income and ‘consensual capitalism’: an interview with Tim Ellis”, Leaders and Legacies, 21 March 2015
ABSTRACT: This article is a follow-up to The Obsolescence of Capitalism: And the Transition to a Resource Based Economy, which examined the effects of ongoing social and technological trends on the capitalist economic system, and the potential for humanity to restructure society and move from a system of scarcity to one of global abundance. While the previous article presented a long-term vision for transitioning towards an alternative Resource Based Economy of abundance, this article will examine the more immediate conditions affecting society and how, over the coming years and decades, the capitalist market will increasingly be eclipsed, circumvented and overshadowed by an emerging Collaborative Commons.
“In order to prevent a sudden and catastrophic collapse of the capitalist system, a Universal Basic Income (UBI) will be required to stabilize a transitional hybrid economy as it moves towards a Commons.”
Christopher J. Dew, “Post-Capitalism: Rise of the Collaborative Commons“, Medium, 2015 March 19
The article discusses increasing income inequality and how it relates to different sources of income. The author posits that a basic income, among other measures, is a necessity to rectify the current situation.
Guy Standing, “The age of rentier capitalism”, Aljazeera America, 2014 September 7
In this this interview with Sarah Jaffe, Naomi Klein explains how the basic income can help move communities towards greener ways of living by making possible productive activities and relationships with nature that are not dependent upon presently existing economic motives.
The full article is available here:
Sarah Jaffe, “Naomi Klein on Cause of Climate Crisis: “Capitalism Is Stupid””, Truthout, 24th September 2014
SUMMARY: This article is positive book review of Peter Barnes’s With Liberty and Dividends for All, which proposes a substantial Basic Income, financed mostly by environmental taxes and taxes on common assets.
Herb Kutchins, “Righting capitalism with dividends.” Point Reyes Light, 08/21/2014