Research posts

Here you will find notices about research and research results relating to Basic Income

A thesis about trade unions and Basic Income

A thesis about trade unions and Basic Income

Luca Michele Cigna has written a master's degree thesis about trade unions' positions on Basic income: Looking for a North Star? Trade unions' positions in the Universal Basic Income debate First, unions’ propensity to support a UBI depends onthe degrees of...

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Basic Income and microcredit together

Basic Income and microcredit together

Katrin Oemmelen has written an article, 'Using poverty reduction policies in the fight against COVID-19', which is a summary of her dissertation. The results of a six-year research project in Namibia shows that access to financial tools such as universalbasic income...

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Researcher sought to study the Maricá experiment

Researcher sought to study the Maricá experiment

Details of the unconditional local currency income experiment in Maricá can be found here; with a translation in Portuguese here. The European Commission is advertising for a post-doctoral researcher to study the unconditional local currency experiment in Maricá in...

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Basic Income World Wide Survey

Basic Income World Wide Survey

During the first Worldwide Meeting of UBI Advocates and UBI Networks, held on 7th of April, 2020, comprising members of BIEN who were interested in advocacy, a proposal resolved to carry out a survey about the economic measures taken by different countries in response...

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The UK: A Summer discussion series

The UK: A Summer discussion series

The Basic Income Conversation is launching a Summer Discussion Series on Basic Income. It's a 3 part series that explores the Future of Work, Pilots, and Monetary Financing - some of the most talked about subjects when it comes to UBI. The first event is...

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New European opinion poll on Basic Income

FEPS (the Foundation for European Progressive Studies) has published the results of a wide-ranging opinion survey: Across the EU14 a plurality of citizens support the idea of universal basic income. Respondents who fully agree (24%) and are somewhat supportive (22%)...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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