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Research Posts

  • Monthly payments of $1,000 could get thousands of Los Angeles homeless people off the streets, researchers say

    Monthly payments of $1,000 could get thousands of Los Angeles homeless people off the streets, researchers say

    “A monthly payment of $750 to $1,000 would allow thousands of the city’s homeless people to find informal housing, living in boarding homes, in shared apartments and with family and friends, according to a policy brief by four prominent Los Angeles academics.” To read the full Los Angeles Times article by Doug Smith, click here.

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  • Denver Basic Income Project Releases Year One Research Report

    Denver Basic Income Project Releases Year One Research Report

    Photo: Armando GeneyroNote: The use of the term Basic Income in this article does not conform to BIEN’s definition. Denver Basic Income Project (DBIP) has released the results its Year One quantitative and quantitative findings. What the research has discovered supports what DBIP always believed – that guaranteed income gives families and individuals financial tools,…

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  • New Study on a European UBI

    New Study on a European UBI

    Financed by the European Parliament and written by three Catalonian economists, “The fundamental part of this research means to answer the following question: can UBI be financed by the EU? And more specifically, to answer the key question of how it can be financed, through three taxes: income tax, wealth tax and carbon tax.” To…

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  • UBI: Short-Term Results from a Long-Term Experiment in Kenya

    UBI: Short-Term Results from a Long-Term Experiment in Kenya

    Abstract: “What would be the consequences of a long-term commitment to provide everyone enough money to meet their basic needs? We examine this hotly debated issue in the context of a unique eld experiment in rural Kenya. Communities receiving UBI experienced substantial economic expansion|more enterprises, higher revenues, costs, and net revenues|and structural shifts, with the…

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  • Early research findings of Irish Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme

    Early research findings of Irish Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme

    Ireland’s Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, has today welcomed the publication of the first reports compiled from data collected as part of the Basic Income for the Arts (BIA) pilot scheme. Read more here. The first Impact Assessment (6-month) of the Basic Income Pilot Scheme is also published…

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