BRISTOL, UK: Feminist Way to Citizen’s Income, 17th June 2015

BRISTOL, UK: Feminist Way to Citizen’s Income, 17th June 2015

Gender Research Centre at University of Bristol organizes a seminar on feminism and Citizen’s Income, with Centre for East Asian Studies (University of Bristol) & FSSL Family and Parenting Research group (University of Bristol).


‘Feminist Way to Citizen’s Income: Claimants Unions and Women’s Liberation Movements in Britain 1968-1987’


Time & Date: Wednesday June 17th @ 16.00

Venue:  G2 (1st Floor), 10 Priory Road, University of Bristol

Speaker: Toru Yamamori


Abstract: At the 9th National Women’s Liberation Conference held in London in 1977, a resolution which asked the whole of the British Women’s Liberation movement to endorse a citizen income (an unconditional basic income) was passed with majority vote. However, this fact appears not to have been properly recorded in any academic literature. The resolution was raised by women in the Claimants Unions Movement. The paper is based on oral historical research and looks closely at their activism, especially their intersections with other feminists and their articulation of the citizen’s income demand.

Toru Yamamori is a professor at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, and currently a visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge, where he works on two projects: Gender, Class and Race in discourse on Basic Income in 1970s Britain, and History of Economic Thought on Need. His past publications were in various disciplines and the common question behind them was how feminist and other social movements have challenged the philosophical foundation of economics. He was a founding member of the Japanese Association for Feminist Economics, and is a member of the Basic Income Earth Network.

OPINION: Reclaiming the Women’s Liberationist Demand for a Citizen’s Income

OPINION: Reclaiming the Women’s Liberationist Demand for a Citizen’s Income

Thanks to the Green Party of England and Wales, and the Scottish Green Party, a Citizen’s Income, a.k.a. a Basic Income, is now on the political agenda for the general election on 7th May 2015 in the U.K. This has expanded British media coverage on the topic dramatically.

An ITV opinion poll focused on Green Party includes a Citizen Income as one of 8 ‘possible future Government policies’ in its questionnaire. The poll shows: Support 36%; Oppose 40%; Don’t Know 23%. The ‘Don’t Know’ rate for a Citizen Income (23%) is lower than that of the following 4 policies: ‘Deliberately trying to reduce the size of the British economy in order to reduce the consumption of natural resources’ (37%), ‘Restricting the development of new supermarkets’ (26%), ‘Restricting the building of new football stadiums’ (33%), and ‘Seeking ways of reducing the size of the human population’ (28%). This suggests that people have a clearer opinion about a Citizen’s Income than the other 4 Greens’ polices listed above, regardless of whether that opinion is positive or negative.

So far so good. The Media reports the idea, and people have opinions about it. However, except a few voices its coverage either in the Media or anywhere else seldom touches on the fact that it has long been a demand of feminist activists in the U.K. It seems that even many feminists collectively have forgotten this historical fact. So let me briefly reclaim it.

In April 1977 at the 9th National Women’s Liberation Conference held in London, a resolution which asked the whole of the British Women’s Liberation movement to endorse a Guaranteed Minimum Income was passed with majority vote. Around 2.500-3,000 women were in attendance.

The resolution was raised by women from Claimants Unions, and by ‘a Guaranteed Minimum Income’ they meant an unconditional basic income, i.e. a Citizen’s Income. They have demanded and campaigned for it since 1970.

Who were these women? Why did they demand a Citizen’s Income? Julia Mainwaring, one of those who spoke for the resolution at the conference, recalls that it ‘came to us from personal experience, [from experiences of] all of us.’ She was born and grew up in a small mining village in Wales, where almost all of the adults in the village were unemployed. She moved to Birmingham and with several other people she founded the first ‘Claimants Union’ in 1968. They defined it as ‘trade union of assistance claimants’. Within a year more than 150 people had joined this union, and in a few years around 90 Claimants Unions were formed in many cities and towns across the U.K. Mainwaring herself moved to London. Until the early 1970s, council housing in London, provided either by the GLC or by the local borough, didn’t allow the name of legally married women to be entered into a rent book which could only be held in the husband’s name. Mainwaring challenged this in court and won her case. (Photo 1 shows a recent picture of Mainwaring with a photo of her on the day she won the case.)

Not only Mainwaring, but also many of the women in Claimants Unions came from a Working Class background and many were single mothers. They were regularly harassed by welfare officers, referred to as ‘sex snoopers’, who spied on them and conducted spot checks late at night. If a claimants woman had any sexual relationship with a man, it was assumed they should be supported by him. Sometimes just friendship for example, a male neighbour coming into the house to help fix a tap or a bulb would be assumed to be a partner/boyfriend; the next week her benefit would be suspended. The women didn’t take this personally, rather they detected the structural and institutionalised sexism behind. In order to end this, they formulated the idea of a Citizen’s Income, where no means test was involved so that no spies and no humiliation were needed.

The same sexism still continues, if its brutality has slightly decreased since 1970s. If you don’t detect anything wrong after watching this govermental video; you share the same sexist assumption with DWP that if a woman accommodates her boyfriend and irons his cloths, she must be financially supported by him.

So it seems to me the Claimants Union women’s struggle against institutionalised sexism and their feminist rationale for a Citizen’s Income is still relevant to contemporary progressive politics in the U.K. However, strangely enough, both the literature on feminism and on a citizen’s income in this country have been silent about this feminist struggle and its demand. Why has this feminist demand which was officially and democratically endorsed as one of demands of the British Women’s Liberation movement erased from the collective memory of British feminists?

I restrict myself by not speculating about the reason here. Instead let me briefly juxtapose claimants women’s own voices with the representations of them in a Women’s Liberation poster and Spare Rib articles. Issue no. 4 of Spare Rib (1972) showed a photo of claimants in protest along with text which explained the detail of the protest (The left of Photo 2). The same photo was reused for a poster for International Women’s Day in 1973, but its detail had been edited (The right of Photo 2); Men were deleted. A slogan on the placard carried by a woman was changed from “End Cohabitation Rule” to “Equal Pay” and some other demands. The name of organisation on the placard was changed from “Claimants Union” to “Women’s Liberation Workshop.” I imagine there was no sinister motive for this editing. (But it would misguide a younger generation of feminist historians.)

Many claimants women joined the protest in London at the International Women’s Day 1973. Lyn Boyd and Rosemary Robson, both from Newcastle Claimants Union were arrested when they and others took action to protest against the government’s plan to abolish Family Allowance and to replace it by Tax Credit. (Photo 3: Robson on the left; Boyd on the right. ) Family Allowance was paid to women, but Tax Credit was supposed to be paid to men. The claimants women thought a Citizen’s Income was a necessary condition for the financial independence of women (which was the ‘fifth demand’ of the British Women’s Liberation Movement) and defending and expanding Family Allowance was a first step toward it.

Boyd was born in a mining community in North Durham. She described Claimants Union activity as empowering themselves ‘to be knowledgeable enough to stand up for yourself and fight for your rights on a basis of equals not “cap in hand”.’ Through her involvement with the Claimants Union, she joined the Women’s Liberation Movement. Boyd, Robson and other claimants women hitchhiked to the Women’s Liberation conferences in London and elsewhere. Boyd recalls that they had sought ‘a better way of living and cooperating – the claimants union and women’s rights movementis a manifestation of that way of being’.

Five years later, Issue no. 58 of Spare Rib (1977) reported that a resolution demanding a “Guaranteed Minimum Income” was passed at a National Women’s Liberation Conference. Strangely, while the article didn’t tell readers anything about what a “Guaranteed Minimum Income” is, who raised the resolution and why they did so, but instead, it reported who was against it and the reasons for their opposition.

What do Mainwaring, Boyd, Robson and the other women in the Claimants Unions think are the reasons for the collective amnesia in feminism and in progressive politics more generally? And how did their thoughts and actions relate to feminism more generally speaking? Some of their voices are recorded in the following article: ‘A Feminist Way to Unconditional Basic Income: Claimants Unions and Women’s Liberation Movements in 1970s Britain’, Basic Income Studies, 9(1-2), 2014, pp.1-24. An earlier and longer version of it can be read here.

A Citizen’s Income is needed to end one of institutionalised forms of sexism today. That I have learnt from these women.

David Jeffery, “Review: Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research”

Jeffery reviews (and has submitted this review to Political Studies Review) Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research by Widerquist, Anguera, Vanderborght, and de Wispelaere, which consolidates significant basic income research into 74 chapters split into the categories of freedom, justice, reciprocity and exploitation, feminism, economics, post-productivism, implementation, institutions, and politics. The book also includes the major critiques of basic income, mostly in feminism and economics, but Jeffery argues that as a whole the research has been too philosophical and not empirical enough.

David Jeffery, “Review: Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research”, What’s David Thinking?, 24 February 2015.



United Kingdom: Cambridge Students Discuss BIG

On 30th January 2015, Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU) Women’s Campaign hosted ‘Feminist Fightback workshop on Anti-capitalist Feminism and Basic Income.’ Three women from ‘Feminist Fightback’ collective introduced history of the idea and current campaigns on basic income, and also their own anti-capitalist feminist struggle. Around 30 people turned up and had good discussions.


For CSUS Women’s Campaign, see:


For Feminist Fightback collective, see:




INTERNATIONAL: Basic Income Week Starts Tomorrow

Basic Income Week or Reddit

Basic Income Week or Reddit

The Seventh International Basic Income Week begins tomorrow (Monday, September 15, 2014) and runs through Sunday, September 21. Basic Income (BI) week is “a yearly event for promotion of Basic Income.” BI is an unconditional cash income granted to all citizens without means test or work requirement. BI week will include dozens of events in at least nine countries and cyberspace events originating from more than six more countries.

Peter Barnes

Peter Barnes

The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN)’s contribution to BI Week will be a series of live internet interviews called “AMAs” (“Ask Me Anything”), in which people all around the world will be able to type in questions and have them answered live by experts. Participants will include some of the key activists who have brought basic income to the forefront of contemporary politics; noted authors such as Peter Barnes and Marshall Brain; experts in fields such as economics, philosophy, sociology, Christianity, feminism, and automation. Participants will be from countries all around the world including, the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Qatar, Korea, Japan, and more. There will be at least one and as many as four AMAs per day all week. Karl Widerquist, co-chair of BIEN, will kick off the AMA series starting at Noon (Eastern Time, USA) on Monday, September 15. Louise Haagh, co-chair, and Anja Askeland, secretary of BIEN will close the series with an AMA starting at 1pm (Eastern Time, USA) on September 21.

BI Week in Germany

BI Week in Germany

BI Week in Austria includes lectures, workshops, discussions, free meals, radio shows, and a street action. The Belgian program includes events French and English in all three Belgian regions. Basic Income UK will launch of a UBI support statement during International UBI week, with a discussion about basic income on September 16th 19:00 tot 21:00 in London. BI Week in the Czech Republic will include a film, an outdoor workshop, and even a drum jam session for basic income. Events in France will take place in Nantes, Paris, Bordeaux, Nice, and Montpellier, and they will include films, lectures, discussions, and a conference. The largest and most diverse program of BI Week events will be in Germany, which has scheduled 5 to 11 events each day all across the country. The Hungarian program includes three days of discussions; a debate; a forum bringing together a politician, an economist, and an activist; a film; an activist program for the BIG Movement. BIN Italy presents a BI Week meeting entitled, “Fundamental Rights: Europe and the Guaranteed Income.” The program for the Netherlands includes events in Amsterdam, Borger, Tilburg, Zoetermeer, and several other cities.

Anja Askeland

Anja Askeland

Links to BI Week events

Basic Income Week

Basic Income Week