Tobias Haeusermann, “A Salary for Living”

SUMMARY: An article on the cost of living, the cost of stigmatising, and the cost of forgetting the rich historical basis of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) idea. It further explores how the recent proposal to institute a UBI in Switzerland may turn out to be a short-lived experiment, but how it raises important questions about human needs, social justice and how to attend them.

Tobias Haeusermann is a PhD candidate in Sociology at King’s College, University of Cambridge.

Tobias Haeusermann, “A Salary for Living,” King’s Review, Jan 17th, 2014.

From the King's Review

From the King's Review

Stephan Faris, "The Swiss Join the Fight Against Inequality"

[Craig Axford]

SUMMARY: The Swiss have a long history of referendums that lead to change not only at home, but abroad as well.  Recently they passed a referendum giving shareholders greater say over executive compensation, and though a proposal to cap executive salaries to 12 times that of the lowest paid worker recently failed, it is an idea that has made its way into at least one European party’s platform.  According to this article, with a vote set for later this year on a basic income guarantee, the Swiss may be having an impact again.

Stephan Faris, “The Swiss Join the Fight Against Inequality”, Bloomberg Businessweek, January 16, 2014

Activists celebrate in Bern

Photograph by Denis Balibouse/Reuters

Alfter, Germany: Grundeinkommen und Demokratie Symposium / Basic Income and Democracy Symposium, January 22 2014

[Michael Millar]

A discussion on Basic Income in Switzerland, Germany and Japan is taking place on the 22nd of January. Participation is free and there will be simultaneous translations of the speakers into German. The symposium starts at 0930 and ends at 1700 and the location is Alanus Hochschule, Campus II, Semi 7, Villestraße 3, 53347 Alfter, Germany.

For more information, go to:

OPINION: A Suggestion for All

By Marina Pasetto Nóbrega.

We read the recent article by Philippe Van Parijs suggesting a Euro-dividend for all in the EU. That would represent about 200 Euros monthly to each and everyone, unconditionally. And, he points out, this minimum basic income or citizen’s income can be supplemented with income from labor, capital or social benefits. The author calculated that the total expenses amount to 10% of the EU’s GDP. Recently the citizens of Switzerland petitioned their parliament to examine a proposal for a basic income for all adults, amounting to about US$ 2,800/monthly. This is a mighty sum but Switzerland is a rich country with a small population. Iran, among economic changes applauded by the IMF, introduced an unconditional cash transfer that benefits 90% of its population. We would spare the readers of this newsletter the arguments that Van Parijs aligned to justify the proposal as they are most likely familiar to supporters of the basic income idea.

What we want to discuss is the way to turn the utopia into reality. 10% of the GDP is a sum that will be a formidable barrier to implementation of the benefit. We draw from the discussions we are having in a Brazilian city where there is a Municipal Council devoted to devise a way to start a basic income in steps, as required (in Brazil) by the 2004 law that created the benefit but still awaits regulation(1). Our government, as almost every government in democracies, has a bureaucracy that takes care of requests from the unemployed or underemployed. In Brazil 13.9 million means-tested families are receiving help from the Bolsa Familia program. That amounts to about 40 million persons, nearly 25% of our population. We would argue that the easier first step to initiate an unconditional and permanent basic income for all Brazilians is to target the present Bolsa Familia beneficiaries. Just turn the present benefits permanent and unconditional. The poverty trap will be eliminated. The bureaucracy can now search for the remaining poor and families or individuals that fall into economic vulnerability. Those will receive the permanent minimum income. The existing government social security network will be active monitoring those that enter the “precariat”, moving them to the minimum income shelter. We would claim that such a strategy would also be more palatable and less costly to the EU residents.

We also would like to stress the importance of the minimum income not only as a basic human right but as a necessary measure if we want to improve the safety and well-being of rich and poor because want will increase social unrest and crime for all. It will grant people, amidst the modern revolution in the job market, time to wait for new opportunities that we still cannot foresee or get training to qualify for existing or emerging jobs. The right to frugality independent of work seems relevant when a lot of people pay lip service against excessive consumption. A better life, for those without other means except the basic income, will also boost, we hope, communal arrangements to lower costs for all involved.

The modern situation that adds urgency, in our view, to the implementation of a basic income has been analyzed by scholars and we would like to mention just two studies: Brynjolfsson and McFee(2) have shown that notwithstanding a continuous rise in productivity, the last two decades exhibit a marked reduction in job opportunities. This modern decoupling is due to developments like electronic computation, robotics and artificial intelligence. Job openings are being reduced in a very marked way. Frey and Osborne(3) released a very interesting study of 702 occupations, charting out the many that are in the road to extinction due to the modern trends mentioned. In the US the authors estimate that 47% of jobs are at risk of being automated within a decade or two. Also a fundamental psychological barrier exists and resides in the deeply engrained notion that income has to be linked to work. People will have to overcome that as we did in the recent past with slavery, torture and the rights of women and minorities, finally embracing solidarity in the economic realm.

Anywhere we could hasten the arrival of the basic income dream by taking the stepwise approach, using the existing social agencies to permanently move into the unconditional minimum income the vulnerable.

1 Our proposal was presented in BIEN news in 2012 as “A three-step proposal to get to a basic income for all in Brazil”.
2 Race Against the Machine – how the digital revolution is accelerating innovation, driving productivity, and irreversibly transforming employment and the economy. Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McFee, 2011, Digital Frontier Press, Mass, USA
3 The future of employment: how susceptible are jobs to computerization?, Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, 2013,

We thank Jim Hesson for generously reviewing the text

Blogistan Polytechnic Institute, "Basic Income Guarantee, Part II: A BIG Idea Draws Small Critics"

Morning Feature – Basic Income Guarantee, Part II: A BIG Idea Draws Small Critics

Blogistan Polytechnic Institute: A progressive democratic community for discussion, activism, and humor

[Craig Axford]

Part II of the Blogistan Polytechnic Institute’s three-part exploration of the basic income guarantee (BIG) takes on the proposal’s critics.  This post selects a number of recent articles published challenging BIG and responds individually to each.  Potential negative impacts to work and productivity often suggested by BIG critics are considered, as are possible implications for immigration should Switzerland, the EU, or the United States adopt BIG.

Blogistan Polytechnic Institute, Morning Feature, “Basic Income Guarantee, Part II: A BIG Idea Draws Small Critics”, December 13, 2013: