The Stream, “Income for All: Could adopting unconditional basic income end poverty?”

SUMMARY: Switzerland could soon adopt an Unconditional Basic Income or UBI which means every adult national would receive a monthly paycheck of approximately $2,800 from the government. The money is guaranteed regardless of employment status. Proponents say UBI would end poverty. Opponents worry it would harm Switzerland’s competitiveness. In this episode, the Stream speaks about this issue with: Stanislas Jourdan, Coordinator, Unconditional Basic Income Europe, Ash Navabi, Blogger, Mises Institute Canada, Enno Schmidt, Co-founder, Basic Income Initiative, Switzerland, Francine Mestrum, Founder, Global Social Justice.

The Stream, “Income for All: Could adopting unconditional basic income end poverty?” AlJazeera. Broadcast March 20, 2014.

The Stream’s website is:

This episode of the Stream is online in full on YouTube:

Thomas G. Clark, “The What is…? Series, Number 14: What is…Universal Basic Income?”

Another Angry Voice

Another Angry Voice

According to the author, the objective of this series is to try to explain seemingly complex socio-economic theories and concepts in everyday language and show how these concepts are being misused, abused and ignored by governments and powerful international organisations.

The article briefly defines basic income, explains a list of arguments in favour and a list of arguments against. It then discusses basic income’s relationship with several political ideologies including socialism, left- and right libertarianism, and free market capitalism.

Thomas G. Clark, “The What is…? Series, Number 14: What is…Universal Basic Income?Another Angry Voice, October 13, 2013.

This article was reposted as, “Overview of Basic Income – Another Angry Voice” on Basic Income UK, April 7, 2014.

The What is...? Series

The What is...? Series

WELLINGTON, New Zealand: Reducing Inequality through Universal Basic Income

SPEAKER: Perce Harpham
DATE: Friday, 31 January
VENUE: Rutherford House, Lecture Theatre 3, Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
TIME: 12:30pm – 1:30pm

ORGANIZER’S SUMMARY: Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an idea whose time may have come.  Although the idea of a UBI was first mooted around 1800, the financing of it appears always to have been considered separately.  In this IGPS seminar, Perce Harpham will discuss the beginning of a solution by considering both a Universal Basic Income and an Asset Tax to finance it. By choice of appropriate levels of the variables Perce will argue that  both tax and benefit systems  can be simplified and inequality reduced.  In so doing, he will draw on recent examples of innovation in this field: most notably the forthcoming vote in Switzerland, and the advocacy campaign by a Conservative Canadian Senator.

Perce Harpham

Perce Harpham

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Perce Harpham was born in Tauranga Perce graduated as a Chemical Engineer from Canterbury University and worked for Dulux paints for 14 years. Being seconded to ICI in England in 1957 and then to the head office in Australia before returning to New Zealand (NZ) and progressing through Production Manager to being in charge of setting up and managing Dulux’s computer, the fourth in NZ. When Britain joined the Common Market he set up the first software company in NZ. It prospered, for 21 years with offices throughout NZ and Australia as well as Chicago, Los Angeles and Beijing. Perce has a long history of proposing solutions to NZ’s problems with slight success. He stood for the Green Party in Hutt South in 2002 but has since joined the Labour Party.

For more information go to: