Basic Income activism in the United States

Basic Income activism in the United States

Michael Howard, Co-ordinator of USBIG, has written an article about increasing Basic Income activism in the United States.

Two years ago, if one were to speak of a basic income movement, one might be accused of hyperbole. USBIG was able to muster support for annual congresses, in cooperation with the Basic Income Canada Network, and disseminate information and analysis through the website and newsflash. … Then came the Yang campaign, putting UBI on the national agenda. …

To read the article, click here.

News Round-up: Basic Income in the News

News Round-up: Basic Income in the News


The Coronavirus Pandemic Proves We Need Universal Basic Income 7 April 2020


Time for a Universal Basic Income for Eastern Europe? (Paul Stubbs) 30 March 2020


Finnish basic income pilot improved wellbeing, study finds 7 May 2020


Coronavirus: Spain set for basic income to ease crisis pain 18 May 2020

Spain to pay basic income to help poorest weather coronavirus 17 April 2020

Spain is moving to establish permanent basic income in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic 6 April 2020

United Kingdom

Research and press articles on Basic Income possibilities in the UK in the context of the coronavirus crisis 5 April 2020

United States

Pushing Universal Basic Income, Andrew Yang Supporters Get #CongressPassUBI Trending 1 May 2020

Andrew Yang May Be Out, but His Basic Income Idea Is Getting a Second Look (NY Times) 18 March 2020

COVID-19 And Universal Basic Income: Lessons For Governments From The Tech World (Forbes) 19 March 2020

Other global news

From Pope Francis to the Bond King, universal basic income is gaining support around the world 16 May 2020

Universal basic income is the answer to the inequalities exposed by COVID-19 17 April 2020

Pope Francis Calls For Universal Basic Income, More Participation Of Women 15 April 2020

To get through coronavirus lockdown, we need basic income (Aljazeera) 22 March 2020


BIEN | Events On this page you will find information about BIEN’s Congresses, and notices about other events. Congresses The 2020 BIEN Congress was to be held in Brisbane, Australia from the 28th to the 30th September 2020. Unfortunately, because of the...
Basic Income activism in the United States

Coordinated activity in the United States

This weekend, April 24-26, the US Congress will be debating and probably voting on the CARES 2 Act, the next phase in the US government’s response to the health and financial crisis brought on by the coronavirus. A coalition has been formed, under the leadership of the Income Movement, and including USBIG, Humanity Forward, the Fund for Humanity, the Economic Security Project, the Universal Income Project, the Humanity First Movement, and others, to appeal to Congress to include an emergency Basic Income in this legislation.

If you would like further details on this story, then click here for an article by Michael Howard.










General Assembly

A General Assembly of BIEN members is held once a year, and constitutes the Annual General Meeting of the Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in the United Kingdom.


Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the Charity Commission agreed that charity governing bodies could decide not to hold Annual General Meetings during 2020. As the 2020 BIEN congress had been cancelled, the Executive Committee decided not to hold a General Assembly during 2020, but instead to fulfil as many of the normal functions as possible by postal ballot, with results to be announced on the date on which the General Assembly would have been held.


The 2019 General Assembly was held at the end of the 2019 BIEN congress in Hyderabad, India.


The 2018 General Assembly was held at the end of the 2018 BIEN congress in Tampere, Finland

For papers relating to meetings of the General Assembly before 2017 please write to the Secretary on