A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.
The Royal Society of Arts Explains: [2 minutes]

Recent News, Opinion, and Research
Deputy Eduardo Suplicy testifies in favor of UBI in Brazil’s Federal Senate
BIEN member Eduardo Suplicy, pictured above with BIEN Chair Sarath Davala at the Hyderabad BIEN Congress, testified in favor of a measure implementing a law he authored in 2004 gradually implementing a Citizens Basic Income (UBI) in Brazil. The invited testimony took...
Report of the UK UBI Movement Gathering, 2023
Saturday April 30th was a significant day for the UK UBI movement, as over 30 people from around the country came together in Sheffield to discuss movement coordination and consolidation. Attendees included politicians, researchers, civil society organisations, and...
A tribute to Götz W. Werner: New YouTube videos
Two videos on the legacy of Götz Werner produced by Enno Schmidt have just been published on the FRIBIS YouTube channel: Prof. Bernhard Neumärker draws connections between Götz Werner’s various guiding entrepreneurial principles in his lecture “UBI & New...
FRIBIS Summer School Announcement
FRIBIS will be hosting a three-part Summer School this year which will take place in Freiburg (Germany). Each part will focus on the topic of “Empirical Methods in UBI Investigation” but from different perspectives. The Summer School will be held in English and...
Indonesia: Yogyakarta’s Basic Income Pilot Experiment (YBIP)
Jamesta Istimewa is a Basic Income Pilot experiment that provides participants free cash payments without strings attached. "Jamesta" means Universal Basic Income Guarantee in Bahasa (Indonesian language), and "Istimewa" means "special," which is nothing but another...
Invitation: Will UBI (Really) Change the World?
You are kindly invited to a symposium that will showcase the latest findings from Basic Income's newest pilots in India and Brazil. BIEN's Sarath, Julio and Diana will present their latest work as well as policy considerations for international development...
Guaranteed Income takes center stage at Tribeca Film Festival!
Directed by Marc Levin and executive produced by Mayors for a Guaranteed Income Founder Michael Tubbs, “It's Basic” will premiere at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in New York this June. The documentary explores the power of cash, the importance of dignity, and...
The Guardian reviews “Free Money” film on Give Directly Kenya pilot
Image credit: https://www.givedirectly.org/ubi-study/ On 19 April 2023 The Guardian published a review by Peter Bradshaw of the 2022 film, "Free Money". The documentary follows an experiment funded by the charity GiveDirectly in which residents of the Kenyan village...
UBI4ALL Announces April 23 UBI Raffle
UBI4ALL announces the date of its next raffle! Mark your calendars for 23 April 2023. UBI4ALL will be livestreaming the raffle of one year Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) on that day from 7pm CEST. Join us and, with a little luck, win 800 euros a month – and...
Taiwan Hosts National Debate Tournament on Basic Income
TAIPEI, Taiwan - On March 11 and 12, UBI Taiwan hosted a national bilingual high school debate tournament at National Chengchi University (NCCU). Over 100 students from local and international schools across Taiwan participated in the event, which featured both...
Mandatory Participation on Trial
I've started a new 17-part series, called Mandatory Participation on Trial, on my blog. Part 1 just came out April 13. Sixteen more will come out once per week for the next 16 weeks. It counterattacks critics of UBI by grouping all systems without any form of...
FRIBIS – The State Of The Art In Basic Income Policy: A Public Lecture Series
Jurgen De Wispelaere is visiting professor in Freiburg and he hosts an online public lecture series from April 24 through May 10 which can be of interest for many people in the basic income sphere. For details click here. On April 27 he will also present a hybrid...