A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.
The Royal Society of Arts Explains: [2 minutes]

Recent News, Opinion, and Research
The Debate Over the Definition of Basic Income – Online Forum
Karl Widerquist will present his new article “the Debate Over the Definition of Basic Income,” via zoom in an online open forum of BIEN’s Working Group on the Clarification of the Definition of Basic Income on March 13 in some time zones and March 14 in others:Central...
Taiwan delegation learns from Boston UBI initiatives
The Youth Leadership Council of UBI Taiwan concluded a visit to Boston, Massachusetts, showcasing their projects promoting basic income. The delegation, composed of high school students from Taiwan, engaged in a series of meetings with local leaders and organizations...
New article about the effort to ban basic income pilots in the U.S. and who’s behind it
Image credit: Scott Santens and Midjourney v6 The Foundation for Government Accountability - a Florida-based lobbying group backed by the richest 1% - is working to get basic income experiments banned by state legislators across the U.S. As a well-known quote often...
New Study on a European UBI
Financed by the European Parliament and written by three Catalonian economists, "The fundamental part of this research means to answer the following question: can UBI be financed by the EU? And more specifically, to answer the key question of how it can be financed,...
Eight BIEN Podcasts Now Available on YouTube
BIEN has issued eight approximately one-hour podcasts that are now available on YouTube, and more will be put out in the future. The latest is an interview with Jurgen De Wispelaere by Ahmed ElBas where they discuss various topics and take a look at Latin America for...
New Book on UBI: Unconditional Freedom
"As the rich get richer and take more of our wealth, our democratic freedoms are also in danger. The elite are gaining large profits without contributing back to society, hollowing out our public services and institutions and preventing the vast majority of us from...
Launch of new report titled “The Economics of Implementing Basic Income in South Africa”
"Exciting news! The Social Policy Initiative (SPI) is thrilled to share a groundbreaking new report titled "The Economics of Implementing Basic Income in South Africa." This research, authored by renowned financial journalist Duma Gqubule, explores the potential...
New Edition Published: The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income
Edited by Malcolm Torry, this second edition: Contains new chapters on peacebuilding, public health, pilot projects, and the history of basic income Presents a newly updated discussion of the important aspects of the Basic Income debate Assesses the effects of Basic...
New Book by Malcom Torry: Unconditional
"Can anything ever be truly unconditional? Can public services such as healthcare or education be unconditional? And can an income ever be unconditional? This incisive book responds to these questions with a qualified ‘yes,’ and considers whether a social policy...
How government plans to pay for a Basic Income Grant in South Africa
"President Cyril Ramaphosa is looking to try make the shift to a Basic Income Grant a reality following renewed calls in this year’s ANC’s January 8th statement – but questions have arisen as to how the country is going to fund it. “Millions of working age adults in...
In partnership with UpTogether, CHV launched a direct cash pilot in 2021, selecting fifty families via lottery from the CHV community to receive an unconditional $583 per month. With this two-year pilot program, Camp Harbor View joined a burgeoning...
Tackling Homelessness with Unconditional Cash Transfers
When? Thursday, 22 February 2024 at 6:30-8 pm UK timeUBI Lab Manchester invites to an online discussion with three eminent speakers about unconditional cash transfers and homelessness: Frances Darlington-Pollock CEO of the Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity...