BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

My libertarian-socialist working feeling

by Rainer Ammermann Much can be said about the possible links between the current refugee influx to Germany and the idea of unconditional basic income. Now, I want to highlight just one obvious intersection: thousands spend countless hours to build and maintain a...

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Charity is for setbacks, not systematic shortfalls

by Karen Christine Patrick We have refugees in my house this week, one is a dog we are dog-sitting for our friend who had a sudden death in the family. The other is an elderly neighbor who had three trees come down in his yard from a sudden storm as we get from...

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Short Answers to BIG FAQs (Part 3 of 3)

[The following is an excerpt from a book in progress, The Poverty Abolitionist’s Handbook.] Q: Basic income seems like such a fringe idea. I do not want to waste my time on something that is not going to happen. Is a basic income politically feasible? A: In the U.S....

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Basic Income as the Core of the Economy

by George Spilkov Outline of a framework for Basic Income at the core of an economic model based on free market economy Adam Smith predicated his vision for a free market economy on the understanding that some constraints must be set in place to ensure all members of...

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Disputing Citizenship, a review

John Clarke, Kathleen Coll, Evelina Dagnino and Catherine Neveu, Disputing Citizenship, Policy Press, 2014, viii + 214 pp, hbk, 1 4473 1252 9, £70, pbk, 1 4473 1253 6, £21.99 The authors of this book come from the UK, the USA, Brazil, and France, and in all of these...

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THE DECIDER CLASS: Gatekeepers in the System

by Karen Christine Patrick. DECIDER from the Urban Dictionary: "A person who decides what is best." Twenty plus years dealing with "the system" in being the caregiver for my disabled daughter, then injury and being disabled myself, I have run the gauntlet of the...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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