BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

Jobs in ‘security’ are about to end

  Jobs in security are on the verge of obsolescence. Security jobs usually refer to night watchers, guards, soldiers, intelligence officers, police officers and so on. Armies, police, security companies and related industries employ millions of people worldwide,...

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Does the Basic Income overlook disabled individuals?

Does the Basic Income overlook disabled individuals?

Just because someone is disabled doesn't mean they're any less of a person. Most disabled individuals can still work jobs, get into Disabled Dating, have families, go places, etc. However, society has a tendency to discriminate against them and doesn't offer disabled...

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Simplifying childcare benefits

Simplifying childcare benefits

By Mark Wadsworth The Citizen's Income Trust has suggested replacing Child Tax Credits and Child Benefit with a higher flat rate Child Benefit and merging the income tax-free personal allowance, the National Insurance-free Lower Earnings Limit and Working Tax Credits...

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Why basic income can save the planet

Why basic income can save the planet

By Clive Lord Almost everyone I know of who supports the Basic Income (BI) does so on the grounds of social justice. I agree of course, but for me less inequality is only the second most important of three reasons to support the Basic, or as we call it in Britain, the...

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Universal basic income: a search for alternative models

Universal basic income: a search for alternative models

By Johanna Perkiö First published on January 25, 2016, by Kela, the Finnish government agency in charge of welfare benefits. The original article is available here. With the expressed commitment of the Prime minister Juha Sipilä’s centre-to-right Government to conduct...

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On why basic income has not yet been deployed

The hypothesis: basic income has not been deployed in South Africa in part because the powers that be do not let go of their interest and ability to explore people.   The following article attempts to demonstrate the validity of this hypothesis.   Let's...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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