BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Coordinated activity in the United States

Coordinated activity in the United States

This weekend, April 24-26, the US Congress will be debating and probably voting on the CARES 2 Act, the next phase in the US government's response to the health and financial crisis brought on by the coronavirus. A coalition has been formed, under the leadership of...

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UBI Europe webinars

UBI Europe webinars

UBI Europe is to hold webinars. They say this about them: Europe and the world under the siege of a virus: Difficult days to cope with for the most of us. At the same time, we begin to realise – the world might never be again like before the epidemic. Will Basic...

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Canada: time for a Basic Income?

Canada: time for a Basic Income?

Canada is taking measures to face the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation requires, together with radical and fast actions in medical terms, radical and fast actions in economic and social terms. The introduction of a Basic Income has been a topic for years in Canada and...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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