BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Recent news from Russia

Alexander Solovev, Social movement “Basic income Russia Tomorrow”, has written several articles about what is happening in ex-USSR countries now on what measures governments are taking to protect the citizens of their countries during the coronavirus pandemic. These...

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New European opinion poll on Basic Income

FEPS (the Foundation for European Progressive Studies) has published the results of a wide-ranging opinion survey: Across the EU14 a plurality of citizens support the idea of universal basic income. Respondents who fully agree (24%) and are somewhat supportive (22%)...

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Webinars on recent developments

Webinars on recent developments

Universal Basic Income Europe is hosting Sunday afternoon webinars about recent developments around Europe. The webinar on the 3rd May was about the United Kingdom. For details of future events, see the UBIE website. .

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Faun Rice: “The Global Turn to Cash Transfers”

Faun Rice: “The Global Turn to Cash Transfers”

Faun Rice, a former Basic Income News editor, has just posted an article on the new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) (and the characteristics it shares with universal basic income). That article, called "The Global Turn to Cash Transfers", starts with a lucid...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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