BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Emergency Basic Income in Tuvalu

Emergency Basic Income in Tuvalu

Tuvalu, a country in Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean, has implemented an Emergency Basic Income for its population of 11,000. Source: Social Protection and Jobs Responses to COVID-19: A Real-Time Review of Country Measures, by Ugo Gentilini (WB), Mohamed Almenfi (WB),...

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Covid-19 and Financial Aid Programmes in Turkey

Covid-19 and Financial Aid Programmes in Turkey

After starting in China, Covid-19 pandemic affected more countries around the world. In Turkey, the first Covid-19 case announced officially on 10th of March 2020. After the first case in short period schools, universities stopped teaching and converted their...

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Basic Income activism in the United States

Basic Income activism in the United States

Michael Howard, Co-ordinator of USBIG, has written an article about increasing Basic Income activism in the United States. Two years ago, if one were to speak of a basic income movement, one might be accused of hyperbole. USBIG was able to muster support for annual...

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News Round-up: Basic Income in the News

News Round-up: Basic Income in the News

Canada The Coronavirus Pandemic Proves We Need Universal Basic Income 7 April 2020 Croatia Time for a Universal Basic Income for Eastern Europe? (Paul Stubbs) 30 March 2020 Finland Finnish basic income pilot improved wellbeing, study finds 7 May 2020 Spain...

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New unconditional incomes for children in Russia

For the first time, the Russian government is to pay unconditional incomes for children. Alexander Solovev has written an article about this initiative. The original article in Russian can be read here, and a translation into English by Irina Soloveva here.  ...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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