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News on the global Basic Income debate

A new video from the Green European Foundation

A new video from the Green European Foundation

On the 13th July the Green European Foundation published a video, Universal Basic Income for Europe: A recipe for resilience. Can Universal Basic Income be a possible remedy to the COVID-19 crisis? Watch this video to find out! The video was produced by the Green...

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USA: Open letter signed by 150 economists

USA: Open letter signed by 150 economists

There is a translation of this article into French 150 economists in the United States have signed an open letter that asks for “Direct cash payments are an essential tool that will boost economic security, drive consumer spending, hasten the recovery, and promote...

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A new video from Massive Attack

A new video from Massive Attack

On the 10th July 2020 Massive Attack published a video featuring Young Fathers (Massive Attack's 'younger brother'), Algiers, and Saul Williams, and featuring Guy Standing talking about Basic Income. The music is taken from the Eutopia EP and is written and produced...

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Belgium’s chance for a welfare system revision

Belgium’s chance for a welfare system revision

Like almost every European country, Belgium is facing declining trends of confirmed coronavirus cases. Its government is now looking for a balance between maintaining physical and mental health and restarting the economy. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Sophie Wilmes...

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The UK: A Summer discussion series

The UK: A Summer discussion series

The Basic Income Conversation is launching a Summer Discussion Series on Basic Income. It's a 3 part series that explores the Future of Work, Pilots, and Monetary Financing - some of the most talked about subjects when it comes to UBI. The first event is...

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The UK considers universal vouchers

The Guardian newspaper reports that the UK Treasury is considering sending vouchers to everyone to spend on a range of goods. This would not be a Basic Income, but it shares some of its characteristics and would be an interesting experiment to watch. Radical plans to...

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Los Angeles and Atlanta plan to test Basic Income

Los Angeles and Atlanta plan to test Basic Income

Rachel Sandler has written an article for the Forbes website about an increasing number of US cities planning to establish Basic Income pilot projects. The mayors of Los Angeles; Oakland, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Tacoma, Washington, Newark, New Jersey; Saint...

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Irish Government commits to trialling UBI

Irish Government commits to trialling UBI

There is a translation of this article into French The newly formed Government of the 33rd Dáil has committed to trialling Basic Income (BI) in Ireland over the next five years. The announcement was made in the Programme for Government (PfG) agreed between Fine Gael,...

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Maricá one step from Universal Basic Income

Maricá one step from Universal Basic Income

The original article in Portuguese can be found here. Eduardo Galeano said, mentioning the words of Argentine filmmaker Fernando Birre, that no matter how much a person walks, he or she will never reach utopia. Precisely because of this, its value would be in...

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India: numerous articles about Basic Income in the press

India: numerous articles about Basic Income in the press

Numerous articles about Basic Income have appeared in the press in India, contributing to an already lively debate about Basic Income in the country. In March, Neil Howard and Sarath Davala wrote an article for Al Jazeera: Alongside securing a regular supply of food,...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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