BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

David Graeber has died at the age of 59

David Graeber has died at the age of 59

BIEN joins with many people around the world in mourning the sudden death of David Graeber, Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics, at the age of 59. Obituaries 'For David Graeber', by Barb Jacobson 'David Graeber's death: I am shocked - what more...

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Basic Income March 2020

Basic Income March 2020

In conjunction with International Basic Income Week 2020 taking place on 14-20th September, Income Movement – a US-based organisation campaigning for the passing of basic income legislation – has organised the second annual international Basic Income March on 19th...

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Researcher sought to study the Maricá experiment

Researcher sought to study the Maricá experiment

Details of the unconditional local currency income experiment in Maricá can be found here; with a translation in Portuguese here. The European Commission is advertising for a post-doctoral researcher to study the unconditional local currency experiment in Maricá in...

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The Latin American Basic Income Network

The Latin American Basic Income Network

It was late October 2019, when different academics and activists from all over Latin America were preparing to meet in the south of Chile to share our ideas and perspectives on UBI for the first time. The idea of forming a regional basic income network had been...

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A new overview report from the Stanford UBI Lab

A new overview report from the Stanford UBI Lab

The Basic Income Lab at the University of Stanford has published a useful overview report, What we know about Universal Basic Income: A cross-synthesis of reviews This report is structured as follows. First, it provides an overview of the reviews. Then it synthesizes...

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A webinar hosted in India on the 7th August

A webinar hosted in India on the 7th August

The organisers say this about the webinar: The Web Lecture is being delivered by Professor Guy Standing, Professorial Research Associate, SOAS, University of London; Co-founder and Co-President, Basic Income Earth Network and Former Director of ILO's Socio-Economic...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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