BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Bundestag considers emergency basic income petition

Berlin: A petition supported by several basic income groups in Germany, and signed by over 176,000 people, was debated by the Petitions Committee in the Bundestag on Monday 26 October. The petition called for a basic income of €1000 a month to be paid to all Germans...

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Results of BIEN’s 2020 ballots

As no General Assembly could be held this year, as many of the General Assembly functions as possible were conducted by postal ballot. Executive Committee and other elections None of the Executive Committee or other posts due for election had more than one candidate...

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New research on the Kenya pilot project

New research on the Kenya pilot project

Innovations for Poverty Action has published a research paper, 'Effects of a Universal Basic Income During the Pandemic'. We examine some effects of Universal Basic Income (UBI) during the COVID-19 pandemic using a large-scale experiment in rural Kenya. Transfers...

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Mongolia’s resource-to-cash transfers

Mongolia’s resource-to-cash transfers

Mongolia is an East Asian country located between the two giant powers of the world: China in the South, and Russia in the north. As a classic example of a mineral-rich developing country, Mongolia has an export-driven economy in which 90% of the exports come from its...

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An online ‘march’ for Basic Income

An online ‘march’ for Basic Income

‘UBI-Talk on our Walk’: A Zoom based (due pandemic) Basic Income March; ‘UBI-Talk on our Walk’, which will be facilitated by 'Worldwide Meetings of UBI Advocates and UBI Networks' and organized by UBI Networks, to be held on 19th of September 2020, Saturday, at GMT...

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Global Map of Universal Basic Income Networks

Global Map of Universal Basic Income Networks

A new tool for communication, interaction and collaboration among Universal Basic Income (UBI) Advocates and UBI Networks was launched on the 15th September as part of the 13th International Basic Income Week. The tool, ‘Global Map of UBI Networks’, has been developed...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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