BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

BIEN 2024 Congress: Call for Papers

BIEN 2024 Congress: Call for Papers

"BIEN 2024 is focused on basic income’s potential as a tool for social transformation towards an economically just, politically inclusive and ecologically sustainable world. The Congress theme is thus about constructing a transformative vision of society – built on...

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New book on UBI by Karl Widerquist

New book on UBI by Karl Widerquist

The growing movement for universal basic income (UBI) has been gaining attention from politics and the media with the audacious idea of a regular, unconditional cash grant for everyone as a right of citizenship. This volume in the Essential Knowledge series from MIT...

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Taiwan delegation learns from Boston UBI initiatives

Taiwan delegation learns from Boston UBI initiatives

The Youth Leadership Council of UBI Taiwan concluded a visit to Boston, Massachusetts, showcasing their projects promoting basic income. The delegation, composed of high school students from Taiwan, engaged in a series of meetings with local leaders and organizations...

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New Study on a European UBI

New Study on a European UBI

Financed by the European Parliament and written by three Catalonian economists, "The fundamental part of this research means to answer the following question: can UBI be financed by the EU? And more specifically, to answer the key question of how it can be financed,...

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Eight BIEN Podcasts Now Available on YouTube

Eight BIEN Podcasts Now Available on YouTube

BIEN has issued eight approximately one-hour podcasts that are now available on YouTube, and more will be put out in the future. The latest is an interview with Jurgen De Wispelaere by Ahmed ElBas where they discuss various topics and take a look at Latin America for...

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New Book on UBI: Unconditional Freedom

New Book on UBI: Unconditional Freedom

"As the rich get richer and take more of our wealth, our democratic freedoms are also in danger. The elite are gaining large profits without contributing back to society, hollowing out our public services and institutions and preventing the vast majority of us from...

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BIEN Congresses

The 24th BIEN CONGRESS in Maricá & Niterói – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 27-29 August 2025

Call for Papers

Linkedin, Instagram, X  – biencongress25 (at) gmail [dot] com

BIEN2024 was August 29–31 (Pictures and more coming soon)

Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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