Karl Widerquist, “A People's Endowment.”

Karl Widerquist

Karl Widerquist

ABSTRACT: This chapter discusses the possibility of the government using common assets to set up an endowment that will generate revenue for the people. It argues that in addition to generating a lot of money, this strategy will provide a much better mechanism for managing the environment for the good of current and future generations.

Karl Widerquist. “A People’s Endowment.” A Discussion paper in SelectedWorks of Karl Widerquist. BEPRESS, 2014.

Gabrielle Goodrow, "There Is Enough! Stopping the Cycle of Ignorance with LIG"


"Each year, about 40 percent of all food in the United States goes uneaten."

[Craig Axford]

The notion that there is not enough to go around is a common theme these days.  However, this author argues there is plenty to go around and a living income guarantee is possible.

Gabrielle Goodrow, “There is Enough! Stopping the Cycle of Ignorance with LIG”Living Income Guaranteed, May 28, 2014

Elliot Sperber, "The Alienable, the Inalienable, and an actually Democratic Society"


"Certain basic conditions need to be present for a democratic society to arise: security from hunger, security from lack of shelter, conditions that precede and support political rights must exist."

[Craig Axford]

Presented on July 27, 2014, at the 15th International Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network, this paper considers the tension within democratic societies between inalienable rights that can’t be sold and the sale of alienable commodities upon which the economies of modern capitalist societies depend.

Elliot Sperber, “The Alienable, the Inalienable, and an actually Democratic Society”, Heathwood Press, July 27, 2014

Ed Dolan, "A Universal Basic Income and Work Incentives"

Edwin G. Dolan is an economist and educator with a Ph.D. from Yale University.

[Craig Axford]

In this two part series Ed Dolan takes a look at the impact a basic income guarantee would likely have upon the incentive to work.  In part 1 Dolan considers the theory behind an income guarantee and its impact on work.  In his second post he considers some of the available evidence.

Ed Dolan, “A Universal Basic Income and Work Incentives. Part 1: Theory”, Economonitor, August 18, 2014
Ed Dolan, “A Universal Basic Income and Work Incentives. Part2: Evidence”, Economonitor, August 25, 2014

David Evans, “Do the Poor Waste Transfers on Booze and Cigarettes? No”

[Josh Martin]

In this blog Evans tackles the age-old assumption that giving cash to the poor would result in an uptick in alcohol and tobacco consumption.  Evans cites 19 studies and comes to the conclusion that cash transfer programs (both conditional and unconditional) do not lead to significant increases in alcohol and tobacco consumption.

David Evans, “Do the Poor Waste Transfers on Booze and Cigarettes? No”, The World Bank, 27 May 2014.

Only 2% of studies found a positive and significant relationship with alcohol and tobacco expenditures (Source: The World Bank)

Only 2% of studies found a positive and significant relationship with alcohol and tobacco expenditures (Source: The World Bank)