Sarah Jaffe, “Naomi Klein on Cause of Climate Crisis: "Capitalism Is Stupid"”

In this this interview with Sarah Jaffe, Naomi Klein explains how the basic income can help move communities towards greener ways of living by making possible productive activities and relationships with nature that are not dependent upon presently existing economic motives.

The full article is available here:

Sarah Jaffe, “Naomi Klein on Cause of Climate Crisis: “Capitalism Is Stupid””, Truthout, 24th September 2014

Mark Blyth and Eric Lonergan, “Print Less but Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People”

This article, published in Foreign Affairs, argues that the most effective way for current governments to stimulate the economy is to give money directly to citizens. The article reviews the historical impact of various fiscal policies in many different countries and concludes that an innovative and effective stimulus policy in the event of a recession is a basic income.

Mark Blyth and Eric Lonergan, “Print Less but Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People.” Foreign Affairs. September/October, 2014.